What's Happening in YOUR Randomly-generated Apocalypse?

Mutated Carnivore, so all my wheat field is useless as food.
I am making it all into vodka now.

Nah, mutate saprovore too and make meat sandwiches, makes your mutie happier than just grilled critter.

I’d much rather unmutate the carnivore than go into saprovore.
Vodka is tastier than sandwiches. The only problem is that diet of ethanol causes hardcore health drops and addiction.

EDIT: Mutated into saprovore because genetic chaos. Meaning that if I mutate herbivore, I’ll get the bug that will make me into a vegetarian carnivore. I’ll debug-mut that one out if it happens.
Also mutated Huge, meaning I only need to get Heat Dependent or Fast Metabolism to get a truly miserable sack of crap as my character.
Eating mayo straight out of a jar, since it has better nutrition/egg ratio than scrambled or boiled eggs.

Chased a deer around for a few hours before it finally made the bad decision to cut through a crater(which I also did, come to think of it ._.), finally caught up with it and blew it away with my pipe revolver shotgun. Hauled its butchered goodies back to camp, carved a bone helmet out of it and can’t inscribe anything on it. I am the disappoint.

On another note, I replaced a hippie van’s engine with a 7.23 liter V8 engine I got out of a cop car, and am currently replacing the frame with heavy duty frames and steel plating I’ve scrounged off a nearby armoured car. I feel like I should rename it the Mystery Machine. I’m on the lookout for a clean/hazmat suit, if I can’t find one by spring I think I’m just going to abandon my lovely little campsite and find a place that isn’t in the vicinity of fungal structures. But if I do manage to get ahold of one, I’ve got a flamethrower and a nice cache of grenades to go fungal exterminating :smiley:

Run deer over with your car when possible. But be careful of pulping it into chunks.

Actually, if you have the skill, drive along side it as much as possible and shoot it. In this case you can substituite skill for ‘explosives’.

I only ever seem to find deer deep in the forests and wolves in the open when I can’t defend myself. For the rest of the time it just seems to be snakes and squirrels. I’m pretty sure I killed the local moose population back in spring by having them run over the crash-site rubble that is now my campsite.

Im noticing an increase in zombies spawning on my car when I leave its los.

This last time 44 of them spawned outside a Home Depot when I hopped the gardening fence. I was out of sight of the car for all of 24 seconds, but thats all it took for 44 zombies to spawn in. And this is after I took out the already present guard

^^^ thats utter bull

Finally managed to forage enough parts to assemble my usual Fold-A-Cart and begin city raiding in earnest. Found a katana at another antique store to switch to if I manage to RNG into the accompanying manual. Antique stores, who knew? Fungus seems to be a lot more aggressive than I remember, spent 20 minutes IRL burning down a random bloom that had started up off of a handful of fungal zombies and fungaloids. I’m not quite ready to ascend to marloss quite yet.

The last couple of days of play have been filled with awesome. My prepper decided to try and explore a bit on his round-a-bout way to one of the locations on his bugout map. Found a massive military outpost that looks like it full of raiders. A mansion in the woods with many of the books he will need in the future when he actually gets time to read again. Of course on the way to the mansion he stumbled across a fungal flower grove. he had the brilliant ideal of trying to plow thru it to see if he could kill them off… Almost got stuck until he punched it and then he almost plowed into the forest. Sparky, his upgraded Humvee is a mean little machine, large electric engine with a back up diesel v6, powered by solar, kitted out with a couple water cannons, a welder, 6 cargo carriers, 2 seats, plenty of water/gas/diesel storage, extra armor and less doors, plus an HMG on the front seat.

Eventually I found another humvee this one was intact except a red motor that just wouldn’t start. I tried to come back for it later with my electric bike but after not being able to start it I headed home to pick up sparky and just take it apart on the road. Of course on the ride back I caught the corner of a mine field and blew the front off my little scooter, luckily it was the only casualty, except my feet from the long walk back to base. Spent the rest of the day and the night ripping apart the extra humvee and stuffing it in Sparky.

The next day I headed out to finally get to the bugout location only to be distracted by another prize… a bandit bulldozer with intact Steel tracks. I stripped them off of it and continued on my way only to find forest and turrets blockading the road into it. I will probably come back after I Frankenstein Sparky into some sort of tank, I don’t want to risk turret fire getting past the armor on Sparky until its mostly double layered. Now to build a boom crane to lift this 16k lb. little monster. The whole time I’ve been slowly upgrading my armor into survivor gear.

After I hit up that bugout location and maybe do a few other things I think I will drive into that military base in what will be Sparky mk. 2 and murder the raiders for their base. It’s probably a lot more comfy than the ranch.

I’ve been mass crafting targeted mutagen for my followers. Basically by just rolling up next to a swamp and yelling. Least the nearby forest is a good source of lye powder.

Lye powder? how

50 charcoal and 2 units of water. Using those constructable stone kilns you can make huge amounts of charcoal out of forest wood for lye powder when making mutagen.

Edit: It’s also really great for making black powder since charcoal and lye powder are two of the main ingredients.

Exactly, just make a ton of kilns, set them up while you make the actual mutagen.
*Wait until charcoal is done
*Reset Kilns
*Make lye
(Assuming you’ve used a large enough supply of charcoal the kilns are now ready again)
*Repeat as needed.

Jesus christ…

So, I just ate a tinned can of mushroom soup.

Apparently, it was made using hallucinogenic mushrooms.

I’m in the middle of town, fighting off zombies, with a beretta out, tripping balls.

This game. Jesus.

Nathan Reynolds - my first survivor to make it past day two.

After a week of running about a town with no weapons, massive hordes, and constant goddamn rain, he’d managed to scrounge together enough supplies to repair a SWAT truck to escape the town. Between the lack of viable stores to loot (the town ran on coffee shops and bars, plus one clothing store) and the sightings of fungaloids to the east, there wasn’t much to stick around for. Triumphantly, with a quarter tank of gas, he made for the nearest highway. Out of the corner of his eye as he left the town, though, he caught a glimpse of a flaming eye battling with some stray zombies. A chill went through Nathan’s body as he drove by, and coughing started soon after. Having escaped the city in a rapid manner, he’d fallen behind on sleep, so he downed some cough syrup and climbed into the recently-installed cot. After the coughing still woke him, he took another dose of cough medicine and some ambien, the combination of the two (thanks to lightweight) kept him asleep through ten hours of progressively worse coughing, vomiting of grey sludge, and eventually - horror of horrors - coughing out spore clouds, followed by mind-numbing pain as my arms exploded.

He was promptly killed in an attempt to raid a pharmacy in the next town, being armless, in blinding pain in spite of all tramadol to the contrary, and his coughing alerting every zombie and its mother to his location. Dunno if anything there would’ve saved him, though.

I took Sparky Mk. II out for a spin, it ended up being mostly a hunting trip, vehicle style. Plowed through my first hoard at a home improvement superstore. I love the skid affects from the traction update(who ever came up with that, I love you no homo) Definitely fun to drift a 28k lb. armored cargo truck. managed to get into the garden center and loot it for all its seeds. I also used the trip to keep progressing the holy relic quest line that my companion has sent me on, now I have to break into a prison… It doesn’t seem to have registered that the previous quests have been completed despite giving me the next one.

Finally it warmed up enough to plant all the seeds I have been collecting. I expanded the ranch’s garden all the way across the back yard of the house and was able to plant a huge amount of food. I think that has managed to make me self sustaining once harvest comes in. Regardless I have looted two of the grocery stores in the nearby town and cleared out a large majority of the hordes in its center. Mostly to get to a museum and a garage with a nearby tank. Pretty useless stuff in the museum except some armored gauntlets.

Sparky Mk. II was quickly replaced by Sparky Mk. 2.5 and will soon be a double layered cargo carrying half track of doooom, very soon. I fed it another humvee and am slowly feeding it the tank. That military base will be mine soon. I am having a hard time finding solar panels though, I guess it is a small town I am working with. How does every one do their doors on a double layered vehicle? Currently I have an opaque heavy duty hatch and then an internal door. Should I not bother with multiple exit points?

Currently, my knight, Sir Dave, is riding around town looting houses for their 2x4s in a modified electric RV, mowing down zombies with his car and his sword.
(pics of car)



I had 2 treads left over from making Sparky Mk. 2.5 so I made a tank bike for short runs. It runs a 6.5l v8 gas engine and is only 3 tiles long with spiked plating. I wish I could draw because I bet it would look killer.

I found a full cash card off of a swimmer zombie. Guess who has all the drinks* now?

*by drinks I mean ammo from ammo vending machines

[quote=“FunsizeNinja123, post:11739, topic:47”]I found a full cash card off of a swimmer zombie. Guess who has all the drinks* now?

*by drinks I mean ammo from ammo vending machines[/quote]

For some reason, I’ve never found any of those with ammo still in them. I’ve looted many gun stores, at least several of which are the kind with the ammo vending machines (and the ATM outside), but the ammo vending machines have all been empty. Is that common, or am I just “lucky”?