What's happening in YOUR randomly generated apocalypse? Part 2!

Bambi Diamond and the Bandit Camp

It has been months since Bambi fully restored her human consciousness removing those devilish implants from her head, then crawled out of that nightmare of a lab only to find herself inside a prison where automated weapons were shooting down unliving abominations again and again.

She survived through all of that.
She single-handedly cleaned the whole prison, made it into a fortified base and pieced together what she called the Rollin’ Castle, an armored apocalypse RV to scour the land around.
She saw through even worse things, when she explored an abandoned facility where otherworldly, mind-numbing monsters leaped out of rips in the very fabric of reality.

It had been months, and she hadn’t see another single fellow human being, yet. One still alive.

Then she found the camp.
A wooden fort of some sort, with tents and wooden buildings inside. Hard to describe the hope she felt in finally seeing other humans there: the moment of elation that came with the knowledge she wasn’t alone.
Then the two standing guard at an entrance came running at her. Wielding a maul and a machete. Sneering and yelling what they would do to her after beating her. She had stood there motionless, in shock, for what seemed an unending moment.
Then her hands moved following what had become a well-honed istinct, and a crystal-like blade flashed out of her wrist…

She kicked the last scrap of wood into the deep pit. The fire was burning high already, as she turned to gaze at the now empty wooden fort. She had pondered quite a bit about whether it would be better to burn it to the ground, to avoid it becoming a lair for scum like these again.
In the end, she decided to give it a clean up and leave it as it was. There could still be decent people around who could chance upon it and find refuge inside.
People who hadn’t lived through an apocalypse just to plunder, torture and kill their fellow men.

She turned again, facing what had become a roaring fire. The stench of the dozen corpses burning filled her nostrils.
“Burn in Hell, motherf###ers, she said with quiet bitterness.


TIL eating 2 mushy apples (joy: -5*2=-10) is equal to killing 5 zombie kids (joy: -2*5=-10).

This character is going pretty well so far. My fabrication is completely awful and I have relied mainly on loot to get me thus far. I have an RV I have repaired to “like new” and attached a battering ram to the front. I have some books on fab so I need to level myself to 3 real quick and then I can boost to six. I just made the nomad gear and am feeling rather accomplished.


Been a long time since I last played, tried to port my old character to the new builds but due to conflicting mods, it wasn’t possible.

So I decided to just re-create my old character via debug menu, complete with all skills, the current inventory, bionics, mutations and stats. Lemme tell ya, this character was extensive and super decked out. It took around 2-3 hours from world-gen start to finish. Had to debug in a auto-doc to get all my bionics in.

So, i’m pretty happy and content - except for the fact I couldn’t change my height, age, or blood type at char-gen, but some file editing fixed that.

Anyway, I started as a mine start because I wanted the extra fun of just starting there, I booted the Amigara horrors back to their cave holes, and got a SUPER freaking nice artifact. It’s a dagger that gives me clairvoyance in exchange for being evil, perfect since i’m just gonna wield it occasionally to look through walls.

This is actually the first time I’ve ever had any sort of clairvoyance artifact, so the extra utility is super welcome. This this will happily be set right on my right hip in a sheath.


Little update on the last post.

Went and cleared out a goblin outpost, pretty easy, got a lot of amazing weapons and I decided to run with the pike for a bit to test it out, and it was really fun to play with.
The outpost had a lot of cool magiclysm items like a heat cube, enchanted tailorers kit or that spider box that generates thread. I dunno how it works, but it also has an endless flask and i’m hoping to fill it with alcohol, tea, or clean water.

I went to a nearby rural house to grab a wheelbarrow and haul all the loot I grabbed, went to a village and raided the three houses and killed all zombies I saw, and went to a larger city up the road.

Needless to say, everything I saw got demolished. I’m currently just looking for tools and items to upgrade my cart, I’m thinking of finding a shopping cart and removing the casters and basket and replacing it with off road bicycle wheels and a cargo space, that way I’ll have plenty of space to store my crap and keep everything light. Then i’ll slap a storage battery, a solar panel and a recharging station (the latter of which I’ve already found) and I can keep a mobile cart where I can haul my junk around and charge my bionics at will.

Might even upgrade to a motorcycle with a side car / quad bike soon, deck it out and see how that turns out.

My char used shelter computer to find nearest shelter. It thought for quite some time, and then puked out a route which took 25 screens to scroll around. Nortwest, north, west, north, east,… meanwhile, the destination was just 2 screens to the east-south-east from the shelter, but of course it was if you cut the way through measly 12 tiles of clear fields. Definitely not something computer program would ever consider.
Also, even that ridiculous route could have been about 3 times shorter if not for the single-tile-wide strip of forest between 2 roads :laughing:


…and then there’s me, carelessly burning paths through forests to hasten travel routes. :rofl:

Just set a new record.

Created a new character. Decided to go with a police detective and chose the surrounded start scenario so he could start in a police station. Spawned in a small room with only 1 door. There were 2 zeds in the room (one regular and one cop). I tried to draw my revolver to shoot my way out, but for some reason, the weapon did not spawn with the character. (neither did the holster or the ammo). There were no weapons in the room, so I decided to make a run for it. Opened the only door and there was a cop zombie on the other side blocking the way. Tried to fight my way past with my fists, but …

Byron Hendricks died 43 seconds into the apocalypse.


Today, in half-ruined cabin in the field, I have found… something.

I’m unsure. Should I leave it alone? Should I open it? Should I break it? Will it release another Cataclysm if I do? Will it not if I don’t?


Thats a certified jar of grade-A premium Druidian air. There’s survivors who would comb an entire desert by hand to get ahold of that.


i farted in that jar

A character less than a week old stumbles out of an alley and into a street full of zeds. They see him and, noticing they have no chance against such a horde, they run away. During the flee a stone golem appeared and they opted to run past the lumbering beast with horde in tow.

The golem made short work of them and has ignored my character after its little battle, but the corpses aren’t pupled so I’ll have to bamboozle the golem further into town to play with several other hordes as I pulp the first group.

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Use it to take care of the rest of the town for you, I know I would.

I doubt new early game zeds can really make any sort of dent in in the natural armor the stone golem has.

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Little update with my run so far.
I found a sports car with a pristine engine and instead of yanking it out to replace a swat vehicle or security van’s diesel engine with a V12 gasoline one, I decided i’d go for a sorta mad max in style type deal.

So I ended up repairing the car fully, replacing a seat with a bed and welding armor plating to the car with the plating that I found from an APC nearby. Slapped four solar panels, two storage battery packs, a recharging station, a large electric motor on the front (moved the engine and motor a space back to protect it from impacts), a military composite ram, replaced the two trunks with cargo spaces, and finally welded a steel jerrycan full of water to the back.

I pulled most of these electric utilities from a cart that I had made by attaching wheels to a cargo space and slapping a charging station, a car battery, a solar panel and finally an electric control unit on it to have some sort of mobile shopping cart with a lot of storage and could charge the batteries on my arc welder.

I was going for a minimalist style of play, since I looted the holy trinity of reach weapons which were a pike +1, a naginata +1 (looted from a goblin encampment) and a lucerne hammer that I made in my previous world, I basically had all my bases covered.

Simply boiling the water at a river to replenish my jerrycan supply, and using a cast iron pot/pan + survivor mess kit and a heat cube (which is a magical item that provides infinite heat charges for cooking and lighting) I pretty much had everything set.
No need for a big fancy kitchen, no forge and welder, I won’t be making new weapons nor will I need the welder since my recharging station is charging batteries for the arc welder, and no need for a metric ton of different types of ammo/guns/melee weapons when I only needed (and used) three. Just have what I need, and that’s it.

My only real issue here is keeping food preserved, since I want to maximize space and keep my two cargo spaces.

In any case, I ran through a couple of cities, and a few handfuls of towns and villages and got myself well-supplied. I’m thinking of pruning some unnecessary items to save some space, but for now i’m based at a large rural house/homestead area. They had two chickens of which I made a wooden pet carrier from disassembled furniture inside the house, and befriended a horse to see if I could ride it but I was too heavy for it, apparently.

Anyway, I made four smoking racks and a charcoal kiln by smashing rocks with a pickaxe in the surrounding forest, and felled a tree for it. I’m gonna fill up the racks with another horse that’s been clomping nearby and see if 80L of space can reasonably smoke a whole horse and dehydrate the rest.

A quick little view of the area, I have the racks in a greenhouse.

Vehicle page for my car

In all honesty, i’m really liking the small and compact frame that I have. The 4 tile wide vehicle makes maneuvering cities a breeze and I don’t have to fumble around with trying to get my wide and long swat truck around tight corners or between wrecks.

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meh, stone golems. Now plastic golems, those guys ignore damage even from skelejuggs.

Just this kind of madness… Don’t worry, I’m on a solar powered electric offroad motorcycle.

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Most of the town is blob now…

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So, um… how would this look like on x50 spawn rate instead of default x1?

At least none of the bots have seen me and I can go back up the stairs and recover before trying to retrieve the 30 or so purifiers.

My character singing: “Yeah, I’m gonna take my horse to the old town road. I’m gonna ride 'til I can’t no…”. He have fallen off a horse. His horse was scared of wolves and disappeared somewhere. Wolf pack’s ambush. Very nasty and very slow death