The average Cataclysm survivor is capable of some amazing things

Pick up a manhole cover, then proceed into the sewers carrying it.

Put on two pairs of boxing gloves, and then fire a gun.

Got any others?

Spend 2 days reading a post-college level programming manual and remembers it for the rest of their lives, needing only glace at it once every few days to maintain their computer god status.

Going from repairing flashlights to building laser cannons and nukes in a few weeks.

Having little or no driving skill, but after some time is very capable of making a mobile fortress of doom with all sorts of utilities.

Knows just by looking the stats of weapons and armour.

Never learn how to read. Read all important warning signs.

Within a week go from a pasty computer nerd to a black-belt who punches away mountains of flesh that weight a ton each.

Stab a shocker zed with a sewing needle without getting zapped.

Freshen rotten food by drying it. (This one is a legit bug, though)

Pull burning pants from a raging inferno, wear like new.

Kill stuff by luring it onto a burning skewer.

Kill a human or a zombie by stabbing it with a banana.

Drag a few ton wrecked mini-tank without any tools.

Drink water from own hands without getting them wet.

Read newspapers at the other end of the room.

Drink a gallon of vinegar, eat a backpack of curry and a second backpack of sugar without vomiting.

Feel guilty about killing a zombie child, then feel no added guilt whatsoever while butchering the body. (Not sure if that’s amazing, exactly, but it is amusing to think about.)

Oh, and get so hungry you eat several whole sandwiches, toast 'ems, and assorted fruits in a single sitting without vomiting.

Spends 30 minutes falling to hit a dog with a 2x4. Throw 1 rock and somehow hits it.

can boil water inside sealed can what still have its contest
can build great cars with just wrench and duct tape
wearing gas mask make you never get flu or cold
can eat and drink while wearing few gas masks and other face protective gear

like stalkers in stalker

Pull kelvar plates from a nearly ruined MBR Vest (with kevlar plates), and and it’s magically brand new, and so are the plates.

Well usually most of the kevlar plates will be lost in the disassembly process so…

In two weeks change yourself from person without any cambat and survival experience to special forces operator that could to lecture physics, chemistry and engineering at university

Well, two weeks is equivalent to 3 full months IRL, but still, yeah, it’s a bit much sometimes… but only if you have a really good start (library/mansion/regional school, etc).

Books are a bit OP, in my opinion. Find the right ones, and BAM, everything gets easy.

Beat a skitterbot to death with a pair of socks

Yes, a pair of socks. I don’t know how it happened, but once the skitterbot finally died I wondered why my character hadn’t done any Taekwondo moves, and I saw that I somehow had a pair of socks equipped as my weapon.

Also: Killing an innocent NPC with your nodachi makes you feel guilty, but intentionally running one over with an armored firetruck going 70mph has no effect on your morale whatsoever.

It’s a valid tactic to beat up shocker zeds with anything at hand. Anything with no metal components and no accuracy penalty (or at least bearable penalty) is good. USB drives, knitting needles, plastic bags etc.
If you have the time to prepare, a rubber hose is a good weapon against the shocker brutes. Due to its huge accuracy, it will easily stunlock it, preventing both lightning and smashing attacks.

Pickup a 55 gallon drum full to the top with water and take a sip from it

put one engine into plastic bag, 2 backpacks and suitcase at once!

Don’t forget that if you want to unload your backpack in front of an oncoming horde, your survivor will meticulously remove every object one at a time from their bag.

[quote=“Noodles of Doom, post:19, topic:9403”]Don’t forget that if you want to unload your backpack in front of an oncoming horde, your survivor will meticulously remove every object one at a time from their bag.[/quote] Instantly