What's happening in YOUR randomly generated apocalypse? Part 2!

“And I thought I had it bad…” grimly though Madeleine, looking as Autodoc scanned her new friend saved from underground government facility she raided in search of encryption data for Merchants’ doctor. The list continued to grow…

Sadly I forgot to take a screenshot when they were all in place but still. To compare, my Cyberjunkie only had like 5 or 6 faulty bionics, and of all those the only health-threatening one was Leaky bionics. And I really lucked out with getting Sensory Dulling and Metabolic Interchange as starting CBMs. This gal had all the crappy ones, and only 2 good bionics are Protective Lenses + Fingertip Razors… the latter being pretty much useless to her because her unarmed is freaking 0/0%!

BTW, Some bionics have different names in character view vs autodoc menu, it is really confusing. Also, she had acid discharge which for some reason didn’t leave faulty CBM when removed. Maybe successful removal counts as “fixing” it?


I need one of these in my life

“Confident, cocky, complacent, dead…” the thought formed a mantra as she ghosted through the dark corridors leaking hydrolics and other fluids. Weeks spent investigating the massive underground lab complexes had impressed a sense of familiarity on her and as the old saying goes “familiarity breeds contempt”, she was paying for that contempt now.

Since I completed the challenge (Challenge: Battle Angel Alita) I figured I’d move back here for the continuing (mis)adventures of Alita.
I decided to stick my head into a collapsed barracks and nearly got it blown off :cold_sweat:, now to back off for some much needed recovery. I’ve successfully screen shot 56 different computer enteries and as a result pushed my computers up to 12, not sure how many more there are to get but I’ll keep looking.

Edit: I’ve been exploring another underground railway in the time since I finished the challenge, so far it’s got a total of 20 labs connected and I’ve not explored all the end points yet. To help me with this I ended up slightly pimping out a Draisine I found since I got tired of walking everywhere :stuck_out_tongue:

Wait. You can travel on railways now?

With a specific wheel type you can:

You can’t move off the line though (unless you run off the end or break the line maybe, dunno not tried that) you will follow the lines then have a certain amount of control at junctions, it’s a bit awkward to get used to but it works.

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Turns out they can still talk, you just have to be really convincing.

jk, there was amigo nearby

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Brought out old Marshall Rob Keys for the first time in months, after a bug was sorted out and I got his old save to load again. (It turns out not many people have saves where they’ve travelled more than 1,000 overmap tiles from 0,0,0! Rob’s gone 3,117 overmap tiles east, to be exact. Kudos to BevapDin for the patch!)

Rob Keys, bionic superman, and his friends Jacquelyn the werewolf and Lorne the knight, had been clearing the town of Middlefield on foot to try out the diamond-coated weapons they were recently kitted out with, thanks to finding a non-broken CVD machine – a katana now called Falling Rain, and a yet-to-be-named broadsword and rapier.

The first order of business as to deal with the fact that the auto-turrets weren’t working anymore. He dismantled an inactive turret from the Sun Wave’s stores installed one of those newfangled AI cores to get one of her twin laser turrets working again, for safety. He then went back to work, continuing the slaughter and testing out the newly reworked laser turret, stepping out to smash corpses and loot, here and there. That’s how he discovered that the turrets have started shooting him and his pals in the back again. :face_with_head_bandage:

After a quick circuit of the town that wiped out most of the monsters, he parked the Sun Wave, closing Bessie the cow in the back compartment with the curtains drawn. (Her former livestock carrier is now holding a Recon Mech, and Bessie’s out for milking instead. I don’t know how he managed it, but the poop falls through to the pavement. I imagine some kind of grate arrangement.) The trio then took a stroll around the town, killing any straggler zombies inside buildings or down alleys, and came back an hour later to unexpected tragedy – poor old Bessie the cow had died!

It was a rather mysterious death. There was no blood, the doors were closed, it was dark inside, and there was not a scratch on the Sun Wave. There was just no telling what had happened. Just another loss to throw on the pile that we call the Cataclysm.
Rob was hurt by the loss of his faithful pet, and so built her a coffin, burying her in the front yard of the house where they had parked, along with her cow bell.

Here lies Bessie. She was a good cow.


Decided to try out a weapon-based char for the first time in ages. Rolled up a low-str, high dex/per backpacker with the idea of going archery. Took snake style to see whether the new version is worth anything (it’s not) and Fast Reader to help compensate for basic Int. Has worked well enough. Found a working bike fairly early on and figured out that riding circles around zombies while shooting them is a pretty stamina- and health-efficient way to clear things out. Crossbows are a LITTLE easier to use on bike-back since they can be fired while riding, but the Compound bow I’ve since made is a lot faster. Archery kinda sucks at penetrating armor…but that’s why I keep guns around.

After some issues getting welding gear up and running, finally got the tools together. Had issues powering the stuff until I finally managed to build a vehicle welding rig, slapped some solar panels on and installed a nice storage battery into my future deathmobile. Took apart a security van and more or less converted it into an RV with kitchen, welding rig, recharge station, electric forge, crafting table, washing machine, minifridge, water tanks, lots of cargo carriers and floor trunks. Put a nice big turret on top for killing big stuff; but haven’t bothered crafting anything insane yet. So big armored, slow-moving deathmobile base for travelling and a foldable bike for raiding towns.

Discovered a hub and have been running quests for that, in hopes of some sweet, sweet bionics. Latest had me riding a couple days’ travel away to fight through a legion of soldiers, with a couple bio-operators and some acid-snipers thrown in, and one armored zombie. Halfway through blasting that last thing down, ran out of ammo on the big guns. Spent some time jousting on bike-back only to discover that none of my other firearms were capable of penetrating its hide. Ouch. I’m not some grizzly, heavily-armored slugger. I’m a light-fingered skirmisher. I’ve got no boom, and with my vehicle-based strategy I don’t want to mess with a whole lot of bonfires. Only one thing for it - ramming runs with the big deathmobile. Took a bit of time, incurred a bit of collateral damage…but that worked. Now to sort through all this freaking equipment…


Visited a campground, and found two separate tents that contained 3L glass jars of human blood. Just who was camping here, and where did they get that much blood?


You didn’t get the memo about the red cross fundraising hike sponsored by Donner Sporting Goods? I spent weeks trying to get enough e-mail filters in place stop getting their various spam e-vites, printable pamphlets, guide books, campground recipe books, and camping supply vouchers.


So after de-animating the platoon of soldier zombies, my weak but nimble and sharp-eyed survivor, Augustus, sorted through the tremendous pile of valuables, finished his mission, and headed back to the hub. After bargaining for a few more books, I headed northward on yet another mission. This one requiring the circumnavigation of multiple towns filled with undead. About a day’s drive north, I came across a lonely lab. Rumors and vague genetic memories (aka past play experience) lead me to believe this would be a worthwhile location to loot. That, of course, was where the trouble started.

After bypassing the outer security lock with the…very slightly bloody… card of a poor, deceased scientist I came across an unexpected anomaly. Rather than the expected staircase down, this facility had a working elevator. Gearing up with my trusty compound bow and a pair of back-up pistols, I headed down. Immediately I came face to face with an unexpected horde of scientist and security guard zombies. Augustus prefers to zip around, shooting the enemy from well out of claws’ reach. Not an ideal tactic for dealing with a horde in choked, underground tunnels. Small matter…a few buttons, and a moment later I’m back at the surface. I’ve been hoarding all kinds of weaponry and useful tools. Given the lightly armored enemy, I choose a nice submachine gun which uses the common 9mm round. Should be good for dealing with masses of enemies at close range, right? I leave my well-stocked mobile base and head back down. I empty the clip almost immediately, downing a couple zombies. However, I’ve already made a critical error that I don’t notice at first: The zombies have been pounding at the elevator controls. They quickly destroy my way out and it suddenly dawns on me that I’M TRAPPED SEVERAL STORIES UNDERGROUND AND SURROUNDED BY A SOLID WALL OF UNDEAD.

Augustus is wearing a nomad suit, which is decent armor but hardly claw or shock proof. I’m slowly taking damage and I’ve got nowhere to run. Because reloading the submachine gun takes far too long when you’ve got six of those blighters pounding on you at the same time, I drop the gun and pull out my pistols. These are quickly empty and STILL the horde keeps pressing in on me with not only claws but spidery robots and manhacks. I try my Serpent Style shaolin training at that point. I can get several unarmed strikes in the time it takes me to get a single arrow shot off. However, these barely make a mark on the undead flesh and tire me out quickly. So I reluctantly grab my bow, grit my teeth, and just do my best to power through the pain. The zombies tear my precious travelpack to shreds, dumping a good portion of belongings on the floor. I do my best to fend off their attacks with my arms, but suffer significant damage and pain. I’m in unbearable pain and my arms are nearly mangled to the point of uselessness. But my bodkin arrows still do good damage and at last I manage to clear the crowd to the point where I can my favored hit and run tactics to keep myself safe. While a good many of arrows dropped to the floor with the destruction of my pack, I’ve still got a quiver. When I must, I race back to the arrows and fill it before the stragglers reach me again.

Right. So…now I’ve got to find a place to hole up and face the small matter of the two stories’ worth of earth and rock between myself and my vehicle. I’ve got all the heavy equipment I need to just dig out…stored in my vehicle, impossibly far away now. A little exploration yields a few salient facts: This place is still filled with many more undead and robots. Many more than I was initially expecting. Most of the doors are made of glass, so I don’t really have a good place to hide and rest. However, I do find an underground subway station. I’ve never encountered another subway station since the onset of the cataclysm, but I’ve found maps pointing them out. Not anywhere near, but the tunnels seem a safer prospect than further hordes of undead with shredded arms while still dizzy with pain. So I down some more painkillers and head out. I walk for miles. The old railway at first heads in promising directions. I find what is likely an underground entrance to the hub I’ve been working for. But there’s no way in and, shout though I try, I am completely unable to contact either my employers or any allies on the surface. I follow other tunnels…and eventually realize that they will NOT be heading anywhere reasonably safe at any time reasonably soon.

So it’s back to the lab. I’ve cleared most of the undead from around the subway station, so that’s…safeish. A few scientists and others occasionally come to attack. But nothing a few arrows can’t easily handle. To get back to the surface I need either a pickaxe or a jackhammer. I have a nice electric forge back in my vehicle…but a pickaxe is prohibitively difficult to craft without that. A normal jackhammer needs gasoline fuel…that unfortunately cannot be found down here in the lab. I don’t even know how to make an electric jackhammer. After some sifting through the remains of the undead I previously killed, I find a wealth of books and technical devices. Amongst them is a recipe for the much sought-after electric jackhammer. Even that’s pretty tricky to build. I first need a welder of some sort. But a makeshift welder isn’t too difficult to make. I need a lot of copper wire; it takes a long time to gather from breaking electrical equipment and broken robots down. But I can’t do without it…so I do what needs must. Eventually I find some heavy cable and all my wire needs are over. I don’t usually carry around welding goggles, but one of the undead won’t be needing theirs. Filthy but functional. I break apart a number of appliances looking for a small, electric motor. A centrifuge, I believe, obligingly gives me one. So I assemble the parts and build myself a heavy and regrettably powerless electric jackhammer. This all takes a good amount of time. I’ve mostly kept myself awake through caffeine, but I do try catch some sleep at some point. I stitch together a blanket out of rags, block myself in a room by hauling bookcases in front of the door, and fall asleep on a couch. I get rudely interrupted by zombies, but feel a bit better. However, the only food I’ve got through this whole ordeal is a can of mushroom soup that I was carrying around and a bag of popcorn I found on one of the zombies. There are a couple vending machines that serve sugary drinks…but that’s all the sustenance I’ve managed to find. About two stories up is my lovely, cosy, safe vehicle…filled with all the tools I would need to get out of here and enough food to last a year. My stomach feels so very, very empty.

I need 8000 units of charge per level upward. I build a UPS to power the jackhammer. There are a fair few batteries around but it’s slow going. I carefully venture in the bowels of the lab, killing off small crowds of scientists. One drops an advanced UPS, another some plutonium cells to power it. I destroy a spiderbot, which yields 10 more cells. And at last I’ve got the electricity I need. I use a hotplate and some shattered computer casing to make a plastic mold and a hard hat. I practice my survival skills a bit by making crude axes out of metal. And at LAST I’m ready to head for the surface. At an eight-hour stretch per level upward, I’m weak with hunger and thirst by the time I reach the halfway point. I down water, fruit juice, soda, anything to keep my stomach from growling. I take an atomic energy drink and prepare for the final stretch.

The sunbeams drift lazily over the woods. The birds chirp nonchalantly. The air has that pungent scent of decay…but it’s the sweetest thing I’ve tasted in a long, long time. And over there is my lovely, safe, wonderful home. My eyes fill with tears.


So I decided to put my main character, a bioweapon Alpha, up on the shelf for a while and try something different. It always seems like I pick a character that has something truly unique about them, like my bioweapon char I mentioned above. I went for a next summer start out in the woods with a zoo keeper starting profession, mostly because they don’t have any special starting skills/equipment and they start in shorts which I thought worked well for the summer start.

Anyway, Miriam started out right beside a big tangle of webs, which she promptly moved safely away from. Off in the distance she could just make out what looked to be a fence off in the distance. It was hard to tell much beside whatever it was, was man made and not natural. The trees were just too thick.

As she got nearer, the details of a quaint little cabin began to emerge through the trees. Peeking through the windows, the cabin appeared deserted so Miriam moved over to try the door - locked. None of the windows were open to crawl through as she went around the house and the back door was locked as well. Taking up a shovel she found on the side of the house, Miriam bashed through the back door. She figured that was her best option for now since the back yard was surrounded by a privacy fence.

Immediately after stepping inside, she could tell something was different about this place. There were a couple flasks of… something. It wasn’t exactly a liquid. It was like smoke, but thicker, almost ethereal. Then there was the bookcase. Strangely bound books, one seemingly bound in flesh, others with titles like the beginner’s guide to alchemy and the wizarding guide to backpacking. It all just seemed a little off - yet also compelling at the same time. Sifting through these strange tomes would take a while so before even opening them, before even TOUCHING them, Miriam decided to stock up on food so she could focus her full attention on the books.

Hunting was out - she didn’t have an actual weapon and wouldn’t know how to use one if she did, so she grabbed a bucket to carry water and brandished her shovel as menacingly as she could then went out foraging. In one afternoon she gathered more than a dozen bird eggs, maybe half dozen reptile eggs and as many wild roots and vegetables as she could carry. That evening, she cooked up the vegetables and hard boiled all the eggs before losing the light. It was a long day and Miriam was tired, but sleep didn’t come easily because of the anticipation of reading those books.


Genevieve Dieudonne sat huddled in the corner of her cell, arms wrapped around her knees. There were no lights in the cell but Genevieve could see perfectly, this hadn’t always been the case. It was impossible to guess how long she’d been here, the time had been split between the unchanging room where she was kept and the hellish experimentations she was forced to endure. She suddered slightly and curled up into a tighter ball, her long white hair brushed against the floor. That hadn’t always been like that either, before she had been picked up off the streets during the riots her hair had been a brown that was nearly black. She was hungry, they’d stopped coming to feed her after she had broken the chains holding her to the wall. She’d tried to break down the door but it had been to much even for her new strength, time had passed and then the screaming started. There had been gunfire and explosives, for a brief moment Genevieve had the impossible hope that perhaps someone had come to rescue her and the other captives but the noises had become steadily less frequent. Then nothing, silence. Hope had died quickly, something else was obviously going on. More time passed and nothing changed, until now…
Bright red eyes darted to the cells door and lips instinctively curled back from sharp fangs, she could hear heavy, clumsy footsteps approaching. They stopped outside the door, for a moment nothing happen, then with a crash that made Genevieve flinch the door bent inward, another had the metal shrieking in protest. Genevieve slowly stood up…

Well, since I finished Alitas challenge I decided to do something new. Enter Genevieve Dieudonne, Mutant/vampire type person.

You’re probably wondering why I have that many traits, after playing around with traits (and dying a whole much) I couldn’t quite get all the traits I thought would suit a vampire so for this playthrough I bumped up the trait point limit up to 20. I could of gone freeform I guess but at least this way they still have to balance out. To simulate vampire eating habits I picked up cannibal, carnivore and every other negative food trait. Nightvision and high perception for being able to see in the dark. Albino and Light sensitive to stop me wanting to wander around during the day, etc.
I figured this would be a good one for playing stats though kills, if anything should get more powerful from murder hoboing it should definitely be a vampire :stuck_out_tongue:
Not completely set on the goal(s) for this run yet, I might go full Troglobite and see how that plays out or maybe a mix of trog/elfa. I also want to see all the nice shiny new stuff that got added to magicylsm… as well as the horribly violent ways of dying that got added long with them :cold_sweat:

Oh yeah, and no survivor armour. Gonna be interesting trying out the other options for once.


The creature that entered her cell was horrifing, it’s body bulged with misshapen muscle mass and it’s flesh was torn and rent with strips of skin hanging down. Black souless eyes stared into her own red eyes malevolently, Genevieve felt a sudder of terror creep up her spine.
She didn’t want to fight this thing, it had ripped though the door almost effortlessly and she had no desire to see what those clutching hands were capable of doing to her. It staggered forward and Genevieve found her back pressed against the wall as it came closer, just as it came into range she took a deep breath and threw herself under its grasp and passed it. She sprinted out the cell and into the unknown area beyond.
Time passed. Genevieve stalked the halls of the Lab(?), her hunger driving her ever forward. Food she would of enjoyed in the past made her sick just to smell, even as her body demanded sustainance it rejected all availible sources. That was until she’d discovered them.
The former staff had somehow risen from the dead, it was just another piece of madness in what had become a world of insanity. She’d been forced to “kill” many of them during her searching but these were different. Untouched and unspoilt, two human corpses, inexplicably her mouth had begun to water. She’d crept forward, almost hypnotised by her bodys response…
Afterward she’d returned to her hiding place and curled into a ball of disgust, tying to forget what she’d just done, what had been done to her.
More time passed and Genevieve gathered tools and other things in the lab, she would escape and survive. She’d seen many different things in this place, things she would of once said were impossible. Man sized ants, mobile fungus, living slime and beyond even that the walking dead. In spite of everything she wasn’t ready to die yet though, she wanted to know what had happened? what had been done to her?
Those were the questions running through her mind as she made her way to the top of the lab and as she began cutting her way to freedom. Then there it was, the outside, sunlight… and pain. As the rays of light touched her skin Genevieve felt a sensation akin to being set aflame, she cried out and backed away from the opening, hiding her sensitive eyes. Crimson tears ran down her pallid cheeks as she turned and fled back underground…

Escape on day three and none too soon, food had become an ever escalating problem as I discovered almost nothing edible down in the lab. If it wasn’t for the two bodies I found I would of had some real trouble keeping Genevieve fed without having to resort to giant ants. There isn’t a lot to see on the surface, an orchid, a farm and an ants nest. Not a huge surprise, I set the world setting to have 8 spacing so I could be quite a ways out from any towns or cities. No real plans yet beyond exploring them and getting some food on hand.

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(to the tune of Jingle Bells)
Driving over mold
In a one seat mobile base
Over fungi I go
And put them to the flame!
Now to the spire I close
With a nice plutonium bomb
I’ll just set this timer on
And NUKE them 'till they GLOW!

Meet my new character: Bambi Diamond, the Apocalypse Bimbo. :grin:
Cosmetic surgery was not enough. Even commercial bionics were not enough: she just had to be better. To be every man’s and woman’s dream. Dr. Smith offered her her dreams, or so it seemed at the time. Such a charming man. So persuasive. The facility he was running would be her ticket to Heaven.
Someone must have hijacked the ride somewhere, though. Her memories are hazy at best on what exactly happened.
She still remembers waking up to find her dream turned to nightmare. A parody of a once-man distorted into some freak of a lab-incident, crackling with malfuctioning bionics, mindlessy pounding on the armored glass dividing it from her. Worse, some floating security bot unleashed in the chaos, darting toward her, a sharp blade protuding from it.
She was surprised at how istinctively she managed to snatch a metal pipe from the rubble around and smash the bot against a wall, like it was softball training. She was stronger, quicker: her mind more clear… Then the pain. She quickly realised her many top-of-the-line bionics had been wrecked somehow.
She had been left somewhere closer to Hell than the Heaven she was aiming for, so it seemed. She would have to make the climb out on her own…

I decided to try a lab start as a broken cyborg, character set up as close as possible to an “alpha woman”.
I’ve had it easy, really: started next to an operation theatre with 21 (!) anesthetic kits, so I was able to remove most of the worst malfuctiong bionics almost right away.
Why “Apocalypse Bimbo”? Well, I’m playing her as a fashion victim, among other things. Current outfit for the summer is a ten-gallon hat, halter-top, nanoskirt and pair of heels, under a survivor trenchcoat!
She uses a bow, mostly, but when some enemy gets too close is just so funny picturing her taekwondo-kicking it with high heels on! :rofl:


Well, I’m playing her as a fashion victim, among other things. Current outfit for the summer is a ten-gallon hat, halter-top, nanoskirt and pair of heels, under a survivor trenchcoat!
She uses a bow, mostly, but when some enemy gets too close is just so funny picturing her taekwondo-kicking it with high heels on!

Trenchcoats! Change your ensemble from sexy to creepy with one, simple accessory! (I may possibly have this image in my mind because I always picture survivor body gear as these dirty, rag-tag garments that are partly duct-taped together).

Genevieve had returned of course, there was little in the lab for her and the ever encroaching fungus had almost claimed the ground level of the lab along with the surrounded wildlife. The sun was now her enemy but the night… the night now embraced her.
After creeping past the fungus then the giant ants she’d gone running into the darkness, first a wild dog and then a cow had succumb to the new hunger. The red thirst and the act of sating it was exhilarating, addictive even. Genevieve realised she could live like this, would have to live like this from now on. It took her another night to move all her meagre possessions and resources to the farm she’d discovered, the place had looked and felt empty but was infinitely more inviting then the lab.
The house had shown signs of hurried departure, items left strewn about as if carried for a short distance before being abandoned for my important objects, clothing left in pile on beds, doors left unlocked. One thing had stuck her as strange since surfacing, she had yet to see a single living person, just monsters and rotting corpses. She wondered if perhaps they’d evacuated for some reason, the abandoned APC she’d acquired to facilitate her move had been in the area after all.
It didn’t matter, for now it would serve her purpose. With it’s curtains closed the house was able to provide a shield from the suns hateful rays and from here she could roam at will once darness fell.

Cosy little place, far enough from the lab that with any luck the fungus will stay the hell away :stuck_out_tongue: Did my best to preserve my butchered dog and cow, got quite a bit of meat now stocked up, food shouldn’t be a pressing issue for a while. The APC was a nice find, if I end up building a custom vehicle that will make for a decent base to work up from. Got my first stat a while ago and dropped it in str, not sure exactly how I’m going to divy up any future points.

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I have made a fur duster for winter: I think it goes really well with the cowgirl style! Oh, I also have cowboy boots for the winter, to go with the ten-gallon hat! :grin:
The problem is trenchcoats aren’t useful against rain and that can become really annoying. The leather duster would be good, but it’s too warm to wear in summer… that leaves the survivor duster as the only option, sadly.

Gotta love APCs as a base for… well, a mobile base.
For Bambi I reworked an APC with quarterpanels all around. Great visibility, and I added an aisle curtain and door motor on every single one of them; so I can close them all for sleeping! Works pretty well.

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It’s a bit big for what I have in mind but that’s a problem that can be fixed easy enough. Clever idea with the quarterpanels.