Challenge: Battle Angel Alita

Woohoo, challenge complete. Took me a few runs but once you get rolling it really takes off, getting passed the first few days/weeks was probably the hardest hurdle to jump. Poor healer combine with acid discharge, itchy metal thing and leaky bionic really takes its toll. I basically had to eat only healthy food and use bandages and antiseptic constantly to keep up with even minor injuries along the constant damage from acid and scratching. Not to mention all the noisy faulty bionics really makes night raiding dangerous since you are constantly pulling enemies from outside your night vision range, I was pretty lucky to find a lab rail network that let me minimise the amount of time I had to spend on the surface early on, that and finding a AR 15 let me minimise the amount of damage I was picking up.
I’m going to carry on playing a bit more since I’m still having fun on this run and it will give me the chance to get some more of the computer records, so far I’ve got 48 different ones (and 11 in computers :cold_sweat:) plus I wanna have a pop at a shoggoth and see if I can take it in melee