What's happening in YOUR randomly generated apocalypse? Part 2!

It was a strange thing to be at home underground but the darkness and warmth had welcomed her like a blanket.
The mine itself had been quite large, a series of expansive caverns and stretching down several levels. Perhaps she’d been seeking companionship, contact with… fellow humans, people that had escaped whatever catastrophe had laid waste to the world above.
What she found had been nothing so rose-tinted as that.
There were creatures down here now, monsters out of myth and legend, wyrms that would bubble and melt the very stone as they writhed. Soon after she’d begun to discover the people she’d sought after… the first body was curled up in a small crevice as if hiding from monsters. Perhaps that had been the case as the second and third body had been found near one of the slithering creatures that now made this place their home. More levels and more bodies, toxic gases, hazards, Genevieve had made her way through it all.
Resisting her hunger had taken all of her will, unlike the bodies she’d stumbled across on the surface these had sucumb recently. The smell of fresh blood had been almost overwhelming and it had taken all of her self-restraint to press on, Genevieve didn’t believe she’d be able to forgive herself if there was someone who could of been saved but was slain because she had stopped to indulge herself.
She continued onward, finally making her way to the bottom level of the mine. A small part of her had hoped to find something here, a last bastion of humans warding off the monsters, even a single survivor hidden away from the carnage above. Instead had been a single pedestal with a single unusually shaped stone resting atop it.
Her disapointment had been palpable. In the end she’d taken the stone with her for lack of other findings and departed, retracing her steps. No longer restrained by her altruistic side, she finally yielded to the hunger on the return journey, her satifaction only equaled by her self-disgust.
It didn’t really matter she had told herself, after all there was no one waiting on her.

More “blood” acquired, bit disapointed with the mine otherwise. Some ok stuff but had my fingers crossed for some artifacts. Had a bit more luck while doing night time exploring, the best find definitely being a shiney new atomic smartphone I picked up off a body site (either college kids or drug dealers, can’t remember which one). I can’t stress enough how useful it is for a nightcentric character to have an unlimited light source on hand. I think I also might of found a town, I found at least one house and a boat load of zombies while mapping the local(ish) area on a motorcycle, I was already full up on loot though so I left it for another night. Not decided what route I’m going to take in regards to armour, my tailoring isn’t really high enough to make anything good yet so I’ve plenty of time to decide I guess. I’ve also got a magic book I could study but I’m not sure which schools would be a good fit yet, necro seems obvious but otherwise I’ve not decided

Edit: After further investigation it turns out there is a town/city of some kind there, forth house in an I found one of the best combo drops ever! a back scabbard and an authentic katana BEST. HOUSE. EVER.

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I now own my personal Osprey. Top that!

…ok, she’s not really flying it!
This showcases my “vehicle removal kit”, though.
Tired of having to zig-zag with your deathmobile through the clogged streets of the city you fought so hard to make zombie-free? Try our throughly tested Street Reopener Kit © today and get back the road system your taxes paid for today!

Have a folding shopping cart in your vehicle. Get 2 wheels (any kind will do, it seems), 1 bottle jack, 1 vehicle controls, 1 car battery (fully charged), 1 seat, 1 large/enhanced electric motor.
With this items you can make even wreckage into a moving vehicle, at least for the few tiles you need to free up a road again. Time consuming to do but it saves a lot of frustration later, when you can zip through a city at your leisure!

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Started in a lab in the latest build, with as many mods as I can fit in the game without crashing as usual, but this time I just picked the most basic min/max traits that I could get away with and just enough for me to escape the lab (6 computers is all you really need) and just blasted the rest of my points to my stats (which were 14/13/13/12 if I remember correctly).
Que the hackerman theme, I raided several bunkers, libraries, mutagen storage and libraries and slowly stocked myself up well. Survived off of hydroponics grown veggies and soda.
Barely managed to escape on the count of the turret being really close to the door and instantly lighting me up with bullets before I could throw a grenade or something, but I luckily found a pickaxe and picked on the wall behind the door so I had some distance to get out of the turrets range and shot at it with a rifle.
Que a hasty prison escape later, I made a quick ad-hock wheelbarrow using a toolbox that I grabbed and disassembled benches and a nearby car to make a wooden frame, cart wheel and box.
Carted my crap to a nearby rural house with a nice tall wooden fence out in the back, which allowed me to use the back yard and keep the windows open as I pleased.
Got comfy and started to build some essentials like a smoking rack, charcoal kiln, and butchery spot. Raided a nearby ruined shrine and diary farm, read up on all the books I had and now i’m just sitting here wondering what to do next.
I got lucky and found a book on making the actual weapons of Asgard, i’m thinking of making Gungnir since I haven’t messed around with spears in a long time, and I felt that going with the sword would be pretty stale, not to mention Mjölnir being super over powered.

Does anyone have an idea where I can find lumps of orichalcum or orichalcum in general? I haven’t messed around fully with magiclysm so I’m pretty stuck on where to find these materials to make the weapons in the first place.

Small update, I found a RPG-7 on a bunch of drug dealers. Jesus Christ.



TIL i’m a horse :crazy_face:
No, only mutations I have are from medical tree.


I’m giggling like a 13 year old, and English isn’t even my first language.

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Wondering whether I should allow this thing’s continued existence. Also why the game considers this a lizard, even though latest dreams are all plant themed. Also also whether shoggies should have a 33% chance to stay confused (neutral) instead of attacking.


Bulging lizard eyes…? Gecko mutant?
You really do have a weird set of mutations going on there, Lizard I’m pretty sure is a post threshold title, you can’t get rid of it regardless of what mutations you pick up.

Edit: and yes, definitely that should be wandering the catacylsm. Go full mutagen, ride that wave, see how weird you can go!

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Unfortunately it was not meant to be due to a failing of mine. Escaping the central lab amounted to leisurely walking out of the main gates, but while I was absorbed by possible applications of actually worthwhile loot obtained on the aboveground floors I completely forgot about the somewhat recent turret range acquisition change.
Another time, I guess.


Looting a city on foot, decided to hotwire a random 4x4 to speed things up. On my way back to base, my reckless driving destroyed the frame underneath the driver’s seat. I was driving 40 mph. This was a really good character too, could kill a thousand zombies in melee in a day and I had a deathmobile parked outside of a minilab. I’d walked through the subway until I came up in a different city and wanted to loot the bookstores before heading back.


The LMOE shelter had been a great boon, remote, furnished and hidden away in the depths of the earth, for the first time in a long while Genevieve had finally felt she could relax a little. She had taken to spending the cool nights exploring the local area and her waking hours during the day improving her new residence, at first she had been worried that… “food”… would become a problem but her strange new physiology seemed quite capable of extended periods without feeding, with the hunger only really rising when sustainence became available.
With little else to do, Genevieve had explored much of the nearby town, searching for other survivors and locating much needed equipment. The search for survivors had gone poorly, the only humans she’d encounted had already been dead and with far too many still retaining their mobility. Her search for equipment had gone better, she’d gathered everything that might be of use and more. As the old saying went “better to have and not need…”, books had also become a priority. With little left to entertain herself she’d taken to reading in what little free time she found herself with and if sometimes a sleepless day was whittled away in such a manner, well, it wasn’t like there was anyone to chastise her.

One fully butchered cow later and my little blood sucker has enough “blood” to last for ages, happy times, I’m counting stored food as drunk blood so this is basically her draining a cow dry and living off it. I’ve got the LMOE shelter mostly upgraded how I want it, I’ve got a Metalmaster and a Kitchenmaster installed and set up a bit of a power system with a small engine and a storage battery. After that it’s mostly just cosmetics and maybe getting the stuff I need to set up a translocation gate, I’ve explored the roadways quite extensively and have yet to find another city so getting a teleport system up and running might be important.
I’ve found a few magic scrolls but not much in the way of magic books, not started studying them yet as I’m still not sure what schools to go for but I’ll get around to it at some point.
The lack of survivor gear as been a bit strange, usually by this point I’d have already got whatever suit and bits crafted up that I intend to use but it’s been a lot harder this time pinning down exactly what I’m going to go for. I’ve been making do so far with a suit of boiled leather armour along with some stuff I found that’s been doing a fair job but I doubt I’ll use it forever.


Well, I made a very slight miscalculation and ended up making 64 units of chimera mutagen versus just enough for 16 doses of serum. Whoops.

No matter, that grind was long but it was relatively easy. I think i’ll just break the threshold and gulp down mutagen afterwards.


Well, I knew it was going to be a problem at some point going into this, glad I’ve been stockpiling muti-vits now. Been a very long time since I last picked up a vitamin deficiency, couldn’t of kicked in at a worse time :stuck_out_tongue:.

My zoo keeper, Miriam, started off in the forest but was lucky enough to have a cabin fairly near by. In it she found several spell books and supplies as well as just an overall safe place to begin to get herself established.

Foraging kept her fed for about a week as she began reading and learning various spells but wild veggies only filled her up so long before she felt hungry again. Time to start hunting. With no knowledge of fighting and even less of weapon crafting, Miriam took up her shovel as a club and grabbed a steak knife from the cabin to butcher her catch. She found an old trail and followed it for hours, the hunt was going well. Not a single beast so much as scratched her, mostly because she couldn’t find any game though. As she mostly gave up on finding any animals to hunt, there up ahead on the trail was a camp site. She approached warily, remembering the horrors that shambled around the towns and sent her to hiding in the woods to begin with.

It was good she crept up so quietly. There in the clearing between several tents were two undead. They apparently hadn’t noticed her yet, milling around aimlessly beside what was once their camp fire as Miriam crouched behind some bushes watching them. She had a sling pack with a several rocks she’d planned on taking back to the cabin to use in a few projects to cook and cure meat from her hunt. The thought came to her that maybe using those rocks to knock out one or both zombies would be of greater help, so she stood up and began hurling stones at the pair of undead. It was almost useless, her nerves had her shaking so much that she only barely hit one and gave away her presence in the process. She took the ‘close your eyes, swing and pray’ approach with her shovel as they neared. As she landed a few solid strikes to the first, it grabbed her and the second began biting & clawing her arms and legs.

After screaming in pain and somehow surviving the encounter with the undead pair, she began shakily looking through each of the tents for anything which may be of use. Who takes roller blades, a pair of panties and a top hat out camping?! What happens in the woods stays in the woods I guess. In addition to the kinky, bizarre new outfit, she did find a brace slingshot though, and could begin to see more opportunity than her poor, trusty shovel had given up to this point.


Genevieve shivered and pulled the blanket closer around her, she coughed heavily and groaned softly to herself. She felt sore. ill and miserable. Under any other circumstance she would of felt some relief that such common weaknesses still applied but right now she couldn’t help wishing that this was just another aspect of humanity that had been shed along with everything else that had been taken from her.
In other words, Genevieve had the flu.
Originally the plan had been to explore the lab she’d discovered in her expeditions to the west but as the saying went “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails”, the thought tickled her on some level and she had to fight back a dark chuckle.

My poor girl, from vitamin deficiency to flu. She isn’t having the best time at the moment, I’ll be staying close to the LMOE shelter until she is feeling a bit better I guess. At least I can get some studying done, I’ve finally picked up some magic, kelvanist for her first school (and replaced her katana with that lovely flamberge).

Genevieve felt sick to her stomach and not because of any illness.
After the flu had finally lessen it’s hold on her, Genevieve had followed through on her plans to explore the uncovered lab. It had been far smaller then the one where she’d been held and contained none of the prison cells she’d been familiar with, still she’d found several useful pieces of equipment and a stack of interesting lab notes to go over. All in all she’d considered the trip a success, embolded by this the young women had set off the very next night to continue her exploration to the west of her current home.
The trip had been pretty standard, rotting corpses (both active and inactive) as well as farms and grain silos. The rain had just let up when she’d heard the sounds of gunfire in the distance and warily she’d gone to investigate, it wouldn’t be the first time she’d run across automated defence that had been set up at various points in the road.
As she drew closer however Genevieve had realised this wasn’t coming from a blockade but instead from a fenced off area, as she turned her vehicle to illuminate the area she felt her heart drop.
There in the middle of a horde easily a hundred strong, four people battled for their lives. Genevieve called for them to run but either they couldn’t hear her or chose not to respond, for a moment the lonely girl had considered rushing into the battle to try and cut a path of freedom for them but even as the thought entered her mind more zombies came piling from the shadows to join the melee. Even as she watched they had began to be over run, biting her lip with sharp fangs she turned the vehicle around and fled.
She couldn’t bare to watch the end.

First time I’ve seen bandits in a FEMA camp, defo a case of whoever wins, I lose. I’m tempted to come back later and get me some human “blood” but I doubt I’ll bother, there’s a LOT of zombies here.

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Genevieve eyed the contraption before her dubiously, it wasn’t helping that it was something she’d actually built herself. If someone had asked her in that moment what she thought it looked like, and if you could pry her out of whatever hole she’d crawled into due to embarrassment, the pale girl girl would of been forced to confess that it resembled some monsterous hybrid of a shopping cart and a lawnmower… That had just been driven though a half a dozen washing lines.
There was no helping it, she wanted to salvage the many useful vehicles she’d discover on her travels and that required travelling on foot out to each vehicle, a dangerous prospect, or abandoning whatever vehicle she made the journey in. That or the abomination in front of her, it was hideous and ramshackled, an insult to engineering and probably broke every law of safety and decency… but it could be folded up small enough to fit in another vehicle and that ment she could bring it back with her.
Gingerly she eased herself into the deckchair like driving seat and reached for the controls…

I built a vehicle recovery vehicle… It’s awful and possibly a deathtrap :stuck_out_tongue:


My zoo keeper, Miriam, recently found a campsite with a pair of zombies ambling around the grounds. Somehow she managed to survive the encounter despite herself & lack of fighting skills and was able to return to her base, a cabin with some magical tomes, with a few tents for later use or to cut up for the cloth and a handful of items.

She quickly found the best part of her haul was a brace slingshot and a pair of rollerblades. Rationing out her food stocks, Miriam went out gathering any and every rock she could find. With a length of pipe and an end table in the cabin she always thought was ugly, she made short work of smashing the rocks down into bits small enough to use in her new slingshot. The 3 dozen or so rocks smashed down into ammo was heavy, but when she got out to a main roadway and strapped on the rollerblades, she still sailed quick and smooth. Perfect!

Trekking the opposite direction of the path that led to the campsite, Miriam skated down the road, easily maneuvering around random debris in the roadway when she came upon a pickup truck about a mile from where she came out of the woods between the road and her cabin. It was harder to find a portion that wasn’t smashed up than was still in good condition. The tires all looked almost bald and there was only about an eighth of a tank of gas, but the keys were still in it and after a couple tries and a little prayer, the engine turned over!

Her new junky truck carried her down the road well enough. It didn’t drive near as well as her car she had before everything went to hell, but it had a ton of space to carry her things. As she drove on, she began to just make out a little town up in the distance. It was a one stoplight town, well if stoplights were a thing anymore. She stopped and parked several hundred yards from the nearest home and began lacing up her rollerblades.

Skating toward the town, Miriam saw the first of the undead - a pair of overweight corpses and what was once a child. It broke her heart to see a kiddo like that, but she could see the blind malice in it’s eyes. Coming to a quick stop, she drew her slingshot and began pelting the heavyset zombies first. As they shambles closer, she pushed off & skated a safe distance away again. It took a while skating in circles around them but finally the zombies fell and wouldn’t get back up. Tears fell freely as she gave mercy to the child so it wouldn’t ever rise again. As she wept after all three were put down, there was a smash further up the road leading through town. No time for tears just now, she guessed. It looks like she had more company.


Genevieve sat and studied the piece of equipment before her, segmented, full enclosed plate armour that didn’t look quite like anything she’d seen before. As if someone had walked off a movie set and not returned their costume, she knew there was more to it then that however.
It had been nothing more then a whim, a decision made on the return journey to acquire useful vehicles that had lead her back to the lab where this nightmare had started for her. Perhaps some small hidden part of Genevieve had hoped to uncover more information about what had been done to her, it has something that played across her mind a lot recently. In that regard at least she’d been unsuccessful but what she had discovered had been just as interesting, if not more so.
Her eyes turned to the small cube resting in her hand, if the reports were correct what this contained came from somewhere else. It was hard to believe that they’d been exploring other places, other dimentions according to what she had read. It sounded like something out of a scifi story but as strange as that was there was no denying that it would explain so much.
Genevieve turned back to the equipment, the capabilities listed in the reports had sent the pale girls eyebrows climbing. Full radiation shielding, independent respiratory system, automated climate control, mind shielding, that last one had made he skin crawl.
This was something she suspected would be useful in the days to come…

When I was still trapped in the lab I’d taken one look in the finale room and noped the hell out of there but since I was going back there anyways (I couldn’t remember if I’d hit all the libraries or not) I thought it might be worth having a look to she if there was actually a suit for me to loot. Turns out there was, better still there is an amagara fault mine just south of my base. Time to go artifact hunting I think!

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Drove my deathmobile along a river with one half in the water to get around some forest. A fish jumped in the passenger seat.
SCP contained


Original Post

So, here is a tale of how I ended up crawling with, for the second time in my entire time playing Cataclysm, a 300+ pain score, and, equally for the first time, all four limbs broken as I nearly bleed to death.

My present character, as some forum frequenting folks might be aware, is an unarmed-only character. That means no throwing (within reason) or ranged weapons. Perception stat is set to 4, and all of those points went to brawn. The entire challenge revolves around defeating everything that is Cataclysm in its current state with nothing but fists and old fashioned knuckles.

This character has developed to the point where they can clench their fists and tear down Juggernauts with furious blows. To understand how I clawed my way to safety with a combined total of 50 hp in my head and torso, let me start from the beginning…

Just another morning coming and going, reading a war novel as I play the Sax to my buddy the Bone Collector in my mega rig outside of a new city. The day before, a wandering AI tank was slaughtering a bunch of zombies in the middle of town while rolling through windows. In my, personally, sound judgement, my character spun upon their heal and walked back to the car to turn zombo meat into blobs for 15 hours and to let the tank suicide itself upon the acid zombos, brutes, necromancer, and a juggernaut. Surely, my flawless logic said, a single shooty mini-tank wouldn’t be able to kill the nearly 100 zombos that had the thing surrounded in a Strip Club.

So, after about fifteen hours of smooth jaz, a 9 hour nap, and some morning pemmican, I decided to stroll into town when, in the corner of my eye (map with binocs) I notice a fleshy tower in the distance. Veteran DDA players may start to wince at the notion of charing into a Migo tower with your bare hands, but I grinned at the challenge of suicidally trying to destroy the tower with nothing but my fists and stubborn amounts of Regeneration mutation being applied directly to the forehead.

Jokes aside, I equipped a full-body of Chitan armor. I had to purify my HUGE mutation back to Large after discovering the, presently, lacking XL armor variety, much, much, MUCH, to my sorrow. Now, I had a quick peak into one of these towers nearly 280 days prior, and was nearly killed by ONE brain blasty bastard. My character, without doubt, had both a bone to grind and PTSD from having a psychic brain pealing, so I opened up my box of toys. I strapped two grenades and an EMP to my belt, traded my codine for Oxy, prepared a syringe of addrenaline, brewed a 1L jug of Meth Cola, and picked up a baggy of crack I took from the clutches of an OD’d druggy on the side of the road before clanking my fisted knuckles together and jumping off my doommobile. Now, lessons had already been learned, and I carry not just one, but TWO extra sets of knuckles, more on that later. My character tapped themselves down, making sure the Kevlar and Leather patches were nicely tucked into my leather cloak and clothes under my Chitan ensamble. A .50 blast from a turret in this suit did at max 30-odd damage and I could soak quite a few of those blasts with a natural strength stat of 22, that’s just over 150 hp for each limb. Extremely strong + naturally high STR + Large mutation equals one very swole survivor girl. I made sure to charge my internal batbox up to 750 power and popped two caffeine pills and started chewing some caffeine gum as I walked over.

Now, I don’t underestimate any AOE or Aura-based enemies that inflict serious pain, and I popped a single Codine pill before I even jackhammered my way in through the back of this tower. My decision to make THAT much noise will come into the picture later, look forward to that shortly because things pick up FAST. I pause the Jacking at 89%, pre-stim with my drug cocktail of Adr, meth, and crack before finishing my hacking through the wall. The very instant I get through the wall, I’m blasted by the Migo screams and lose stamina. The fools, I thought, I have Adr and stims beyond my wildest RP dreams, have you SEEN my health stat tomorrow being -200? I have! With that thought, I surged my bionic muscles into action, and with them combined, brought the raw fury of 47 STR to bare sprinting straight into the face of the first Migo horror I saw right behind the wall. With a critical drawn from my 11 Unarmed skill of many battles and over 3,000 confirmed kills, the foe was knocked a tile back with over 100 damage, sending it into a stun. Still sprinting, I move one tile into the building and start feeling that heat in the room, and the fact I have 3 layers of clothing, instantly, just as I see a room filled with Migo. My real life words were as I quote: “Oh.

In my inventory, I activate the first Grenade, fully realizing that this was not the 3 Migos I saw in my first door-kicking adventure with a Migo tower. There was a party here, so, dropping the nade in the newly torn hole into this fleshy exterior, I took my now pain-induced body from lack of stamina and ducked around a corner just before the nade went off. There were enough brain blasts hitting me that the stamina and regen of the Adr did not last long, and soon I found myself punching the backdoor of liquor store with six or seven very, very angry Migos coming to collect the fine for forcefully entering a newly made back door in their fleshy structure.

By this point, the pain score had likely blown past 150 but was well hidden under the Adr shot. Speaking of, it was likely 25-30% burnt by the time I managed to flee into the building. That nade seemed to only stir the hive with how many angry little citters crawled out, and a guest but, again, more on that SHORTLY.

Now, my stamina was not good enough to escape these guys before the shot ran out and I suffered the full effect of the pain stat and lost my 110 speed score. So, I drank the last of my cola, likely going to start going blind and suffering horrible OD issues around the time that I run out of Adr, but so be it. Rushing into the main lobby, prepared to use this chance to run the hell away and just run these guys over with the death mobile rather than trying to punch down 6-8 pain beams at once, I hear “KABOOM” and subsequently think, again, “Oh, right.

A tank grenade shell had just obliterated the brute trying to break down the door to eat my face, and the lovely rover decided to come over and invite me to a fire fest. Riiiight, and this is one of two reasons why I carry an EMP nade, I thought as two more shells dropped the front lobby down (Partially collapsed already) into rubble. Ducking into the backroo, with the Migos right next door, I have to choose between rushing a tank with an active EMP nade, or a horde of Migo-death to my back.

I chose the Migos, since if I stayed to punch the tank to death the Migo’s would be on me whilst I was on rubble and there was no certainty I could finish rover off before my stun chain ran out and he pumped me full of turret ammo point blank whilst the Migos were trying to burn my brain. Charging around the corner with my gas genny pouring power to my muscles as they burned with the fury of over 40 STR, I splatter two of the Migos in a single turn before the blasts drain my stamina. Knuckles, break, wield second pair, three and four die within perhaps 10-odd turns through a flury of good-luck criticals. Then a shiny thing turns the corner, fires a shell, and the next thing I see is my vision covered in rubble. I was smothered in rock for but a moment, but my heart rate was likely 140 at this point as I clawed my way out of a collapsed roof. Right next to the tank who was teaching the last three living migos a lesson in discipline. So, what is an unarmed warrior to do when you have a beagle tank to your northwest tile, and slavers to all three of your east tiles?

You pull the EMP nade’s cord first, take a shot from the tank and a few clubbings from the slavers that breaks your leg, then pull your last nade’s cord, get shot three times in the torso bringing you down to 40hp on your very, very vital area, toss the nade which manages to hit one of the only remaining walls left in the building just 2 tiles away (Thanks perception 4!!!) and get shot and beaten even more, then punch the tank with your full might, breaking your second pair of knuckles and stunning the mobile nuke machine, and getting beaten by more strikes of the Migos. The EMP goes off, stunning the tank as it’s on my person, my power bank dies with it and my muscles get substantially less swole. The second grenade goes off right next to me in a squal of explosive pain, taking two of the migos out with it along with my other leg and an arm that were in the danger zone already. My Chitin armor is severely damaged and my gauntlets have been shattered clean destroyed. I punch the last Migo one last time, Adrenaline shot runs out, pain of around 307, speed 25 and cost to move in the 300s. The migo doesn’t die, and begins to pumble me for every punch. That EMP won’t last long.jpg


Fourteen more punches on the beagle, the greatest threat, later kills the beast as the last Migo does everything it can to try to can-opener me from my armor. A single punch to it’s face brings it near death, but in response, it grabs and snaps my last arm over it’s leg with an evil grin.


The run is over one obviously thinks, I have less than 80 health left, am bleeding, and can’t attack any more.

But you forget one final thing of the survivor’s handbook, these big bastards are as Clumsy as they are cowardly. That last strike managed to get the netherborn fearful of the bleeding out corpse on the rubble and it turns to run away. Two tiles of navigating rubble later, it stubs its toe on a rebar and dies.

I spend the next hour doing micro-crunches with my torso to crawl back to the mega rig, after bandaging myself with broken limbs, applied XL splints, that I crafted beforehand just in case, and proceeded to spend the better part of a month with -200 (and less) health from my adventures. Did I also mention that, after popping an Oxy during the fight I started to go blind for a period and had to climb into the mega-rig as I was going in and out of consciousness? Did that too.

All in all?

The Migo Tower + Beagle Tank may just be the truely greatest challenge I have thus far faced in the Cataclysm.

The moral of this story? Drugs are good for you and explosives are your friends. Always bring as many of them as you can into public at all times so that you can murder tentacle monsters and metal dogs in the ruins of a destroyed bar.

To anyone that is new to Cataclysm passing by, I offer these words,

Welcome to the Cataclysm, the Grim Reaper can be found in a graveyard to your right, your own mistakes on your left, a hell gate pouring out netherspawn straight ahead as aliens invade the world, dark abominations out of Lovecraft consume the populace, and normal animals mutate into horrific apex predators, may we take your order?