What's happening in YOUR randomly generated apocalypse? Part 2!

“Confident, cocky, complacent, dead…” the thought formed a mantra as she ghosted through the dark corridors leaking hydrolics and other fluids. Weeks spent investigating the massive underground lab complexes had impressed a sense of familiarity on her and as the old saying goes “familiarity breeds contempt”, she was paying for that contempt now.

Since I completed the challenge (Challenge: Battle Angel Alita) I figured I’d move back here for the continuing (mis)adventures of Alita.
I decided to stick my head into a collapsed barracks and nearly got it blown off :cold_sweat:, now to back off for some much needed recovery. I’ve successfully screen shot 56 different computer enteries and as a result pushed my computers up to 12, not sure how many more there are to get but I’ll keep looking.

Edit: I’ve been exploring another underground railway in the time since I finished the challenge, so far it’s got a total of 20 labs connected and I’ve not explored all the end points yet. To help me with this I ended up slightly pimping out a Draisine I found since I got tired of walking everywhere :stuck_out_tongue: