
Please … No.
I do not believe it is necessary to inject the mundanity of every detail of a hobby or profession into the crafting system. If I want to play ‘Cataclysm-DDA:The Dawn of Welding’ then I would support you wholeheartedly.[/quote]

Its not a mundane detail, each has its own strength, it could be a way to slow the damage of each part. 6010 & 6013 Could do -1 Dmg for each damage applied to the part, 7018 could do -2 Dmg for each damage applied to the part, and 8010 could do -3 Dmg for each damage applied to the part. The number at the beginning of each rod variant tells you how much psi they can take [Ex: 8### = 8000 Psi, 7### = 7000 Psi, 6### = 6000 Psi, etc.] so it is obvious that the stronger rods would hold up better against impacts.

We probably won’t go into that much detail.

It would keep people searching for stronger rods before they attach their Super-Alloy plating to whatever they drive.