We make bad suggestions and come up with horrible ideas

Magnetic Hammer Launcher: Upon activation the MHR Launches a heavy Electro-magnetic hyperboloid canister which, upon impact, Sticks to its target and immediately draws all ferromagnetic objects in the area to it, causing massive blunt damage, lacerations, in many cases punctures, and almost always severe pulverization and/or mastication of upwards of 60 percent of soft targets.

Most damage caused by “The Hammer” is not done by the hammer itself, or its activation, but by the surrounding ferromagnetic substances abrupt attraction to the hammer on activation, and/or the whiplash lack of attraction shortly afterwords when the hammer is often critically damaged/destroyed by incoming debris.
Notable debris that will encase the target upon activation is:

[ul][li]Re-bar reinforced concrete in approximately a small intersection sized area including building supports, roads, bridges, columns, and piers.[/li]
[li]Semi-large metal objects such as barrels, railings, tables, street lamps and other metallic objects commonly found along sidewalks, and metal shelving[/li]
[li]Small metal objects, such as knives, guns, armor; door handles screws, nails, brackets, hinges, and braces from surrounding buildings[/li]
[li]Bebris/objects attached to or in the way of metal objects[/li][/ul]

Other commonly used names:
The Hammer, The Crusher, Ban Hammer, Portable Grinder, Make-a-Lump, The Pill, Portable Implosion Machine, Shuffle Button.

Common phrases in regards to “The Hammer:”

“If it doesn’t come to you, you will come to it.”
“Note: not to be used anywhere near areas, people, or objects you have, or are thinking about having sentiments for.”

Note: Cases have been reported where Large stable metal objects with no notable debris resulted in “The Hammer” making its original impact, activating, and then slamming into the large object, only to pull the target shortly afterwords back to it causing a second notable impact. This often results the targets body ‘shielding’ “The Hammer” until sufficient debris is pulled in to destroy the target and Hammer.

Being able to mind control and weaponize an entire army of moose and utilize them in an epic zombie horde vs. moose army battle

orbital junkstrike
a powerfull magnet what after activation pulls junk from earth orbit

Memetic ordnance.

You read the console.
You witness The Macarena.
You are traumatised by The Macarena!
You read the console.
You witness The Macarena.
You are traumatised by The Macarena!
You have learned The Macarena.

The N.P.C. throws a credit-card at you.
You do The Macarena at the N.P.C…
The N.P.C. is traumatised by The Macarena.
The N.P.C. flees! (towards the nearby town…)
…(you travel to the nearby town)
You see The N.P.C. corpse.
You see a child zombie! (x12)
The Child Zombie does The Macarena at you! (x12)
You resist the attack! (x3)
You are traumatised by The Macarena! (x9)
You feel a sense of dread horror and scream! (x3)
You claw at your eyeballs to escape the madness!
You curl up into the foetal position and wish for death to come swiftly. (x5)
The Child Zombie bites you!
You thank The Child Zombie and ask for another!

unmarked minefields

i remember days when we didnt had any “warning minefield” signs

Homing landmines. They dig. They blow up.

Offtopic. :slight_smile:

homing landmines? you are taling about something like spidermines what chase after target after they are activated by proxity?
something like that will be realy nice idea, maybe option to make traps out of manhacks (and explosive hacks)?

But you gain +1 intelligence and are Euphoric all the time.[/quote]

No obviously that makes you a devil worshiper capable of summoning demons.

There needs to be a way to repopulate the species. Add an option to kiss people and large animals or zombies to make them pregnant.

Has anyone else seen the Alien movies recently? They taught me so much!

jabberwocks only able to be killed by vorpal swords found on comic-cons with 1/100.000.000 chance of a true vorpal sword instead of a cheap replica

Testing the sword for vorpal has a 50/50 chance of testing correct, with no sign of which it is.

Portal guns as super-rare lab finale loot

You can find bobble-head dolls and install them in a tile with vehicle controls. You can have as many as you want in a single tile and every one adds a cumulative +1 morale bonus while you are on that tile and the vehicle is moving.

Well, this isn’t such a bad idea. Apart from them stacking. Just one more morale is a funny boost. (bloaty as f however).

To me, that doesn’t seem like a bad idea…

…“Now you’re thinking with Portals!”

Portal guns as super-[s]rare[/s] frequent [s]lab finale[/s] everywehre loot

In the future EVERYONE uses portals for EVERYTHING. Top ten uses of portals include getting the TV remote on the other side of the room, getting to work on time, getting away from the in-laws, and doing FUN™ things.

You can frequently find them on zombies/ corpses, in the trash, in the sewers, the banks, the stores, anywhere that sells electronics, sporting gear, or tools for the lazy and more!


A different sound affect for the title screen for entering a game or creating a new game. and perhaphs a quick fade into view for character creation.

And all your atoms get deconstructed at the one portal to get reconstructed at the other. Secretly you die each time you use the portal, but your mind doesn’t realize it.