We make bad suggestions and come up with horrible ideas

Need phone booths. For reasons. Possibly Superman pajamas as well.

Also, the phones in the booths should ring on occasion whenever the player walks by, and upon answering, a creepy robot voice should recite a bunch of military/police alphabets, such as: Bravo, India, Tango, Echo. Mike, Echo. :stuck_out_tongue:

People who want zombie slavesā€¦ for sex. Complete with procedurally generated human/zombie sex!

Toy lightsabers, that snap open like police batons, only they do barely any damage at all. They also give a morale boost when wielded.

REAL lightsabers, they run off UPS power, are extremely powerful, and give an even larger morale boost when wielded

People who want zombie slaves... for sex. Complete with procedurally generated human/zombie sex!
Why, that's the best idea I've ever heard. We already have certain tools for smex, why not adding more and the activity itself?

A Michael Bay mod.

Explosions everywhere.

You mean


Zex! Now approved by your local executioner and ZSF (zombie security force)

Stick Around, When we come back after this commercial break we investigate the questions:

Now that the world is coming back from the cataclysm and societies are reforming, and calming down, Do we need our various safeguards anymore? Is there a way to cut the down on the extreme taxes we pay for our security? Since we donā€™t have the power to run our cities power grids 24/7 what should we do for entertainment? Also coming up, What should we do with the stadiums? The unifying answer might surprise you at 10.

You see an NPC. "Zex Artist."
Oh dear.

Give him money and heā€™ll draw you naughty stuff. Look at too much of it and you gain tentacles. NOOOOOOOOO!

[quote=ā€œSlax, post:3208, topic:3101ā€]You see an NPC. "Zex Artist."
Oh dear.

Give him money and heā€™ll draw you naughty stuff. Look at too much of it and you gain tentacles. NOOOOOOOOO![/quote]

Does that mean weā€™d turn into aā€¦Zlax? cough

Zex officially condemns these disgusting dead humans and their disgusting zex! You are hearby required to submit samples for research purposesā€¦

God damn it.

I want fixed turrets with a facing direction like headlights, and you can just set them to ā€œfireā€ or ā€œdonā€™t fire yetā€. Then I want to make homemade cannons and grapeshot so I can line my cube van with them and FIRE A BROADSIDE.

And where, may I ask, are the flying cars? And hoverboards? And why are the clothes not all silvery? Honestly, how are we supposed to believe that this is taking place in the future?

There are plutonium cells, mininukes, radioactive waste dumps and policebots that beat up surrendering people.

And here I thought it was just LA. Always hard to tell them apart from robots anyways.

There should be a morale buff from wearing a cape and tights.

NPCs who are zombie rights activists. Because of the belief that underneath, zombies are humans too, and they deserve humane treatment. At the very least, we cannot know what itā€™s like to be a zombie. No one has come back from being a zombie, so we must fall to the side of caution, and assume there is a living and feeling person underneath, trying to communicate, or unable to control his behaviour. Zombie rights activists also zealously hate, persecute and fight normal healthy humans, who kill zombies without a second thought. How dare they, the bigoted racist callous bastards. How dare they violate zombies mercilessly at a whim. Have they no empathy?! It makes me sick. Zombies are beautiful and misunderstood human beings.

Vegan zombies that ignore animals and humans, but fight triffids and fungals to the death.

this should be serious end game thing when society start to rebuild

Impatient trait. Passing turns without doing anything incurs a morale debuff.