We make bad suggestions and come up with horrible ideas

better, army of mycus bears with diamond claws, plasma cannons and they know kung fu

Army of dogs… shit never mind they are just nipping eat other to death…

its a dog eat dog world out there. Survival of the fittest? Sure. But mostly dog eat dog.

Wielding entire furnitures as weapon or for throwing. Your Ordinary Survivor maybe can swing a chair to smash some zombies heads in or use a torn-down door as a crude shield while a mutant-cyborg-beast-with-super-strength can casually wield entire park benches as bashing weapon and throw safes like bowling balls (cubes?) to run down hordes.
Of course zombies should be able to do it too, maybe a special variation of hulk or brute that occasionally throw random furniture pulled out from who-knows-where and should be instakill for any but the toughest armored survivor.

Bad idea? Got it. Robotic Limbs.

Ever feel like you want to cut off your arms and legs and replace them with some high tech prosthetic limbs? No? Well I do! When there are robotic limbs, there are advantages! They can help you run faster, punch harder, and can actually be changeable with the Fusion Blaster Arm CBM! However, don’t get a virus in these limbs or you’ll find these robots turning against you and forcing you to punch yourself 24/7. Thought this idea can’t get anymore dumb? Well, in case they are overrun by viruses, all you have to do is press the SD button! What does SD mean? You won’t live long enough to find out! Cut off your limbs and buy some robotic limbs today!

SD means self-destruct.

We should add more faulty vehicle parts. For example, faulty gastanks which have a random chance to explode and ruin your day. Faulty cargo-holding related items, which have a random chance to fall out the bottom of the vehicle, destroying all that was on that tile in the process. And maybe faulty vehicle controls, which have a chance to lock/constantly increase the vehicle’s speed and remove all ability to turn.

If you build a fenced area with full furniture and amenities, lure a mess of zeds into it, then seal them inside and sit on a chair facing it. Then you should gain the option to play The Sims for a morale buff.

Ofcourse, they’d all need to die when one of them attempts to cook some waffles.

Won’t work - they won’t drown in the pool

I have a bad idea: since we have toilets, why not make them useful for stuff besides dirty water? How about drumroll the need to take a dump? There might be a time when the character has to take a really bad dump but the game doesn’t allow him/her to. If the need to use the toilet is added, the character will not only have the ability to dump in toilets, but will also be free from the burden of getting fined for illegal dumping! That means the character can take a dump anywhere! That reminds me, new item types should be human pee (somewhat drinkable but not enjoyable at all) and human feces (you must be crazy if you think you’re gonna eat that, but it does make good fertilizer for plants). You know what, how about making dumping free for NPCs too! Even animals should freely dump in the game, because they do it in real life anyway and never gets in trouble with the law. Besides, this game needs a little annoyance of your dog dumping on the floor. I am Xgen and I approve free dumping.

You would be surprised at how often something like this is given as a “good suggestion” (which is why it’s #3 in the “Frequently Made Suggestions” sticky on this board) :P.

The key element that is missing is counting it as organic matter and allowing a particularly large example to be zombified.

Masochists spawn with cheese graters.
You can imagine the rest.

Ability to inflict self-harm for masochist characters… and self-pleasure for all others ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

would be cool if you could make a zone where you put food and water and make so friendly npc’s can take food and water when they need it.

It would be cool if you could make a zone where you can place food and water so that psuedofriendly dark horror-terrors from beyond can claim them as offerings.

It would be cool if you could make a zone where you could put NPCs so that dark horrors and terrors from beyond can claim them as sacrifices.

Mutation levels should change and add certain lines:

  1. With enough Bird category mutations, upon using a soldering iron, the menu option should change to “Cau… CA-CAW! CA-CAW! Cauterize wound?”
  2. With enough Beast category mutations, upon smashing an object, the player should randomly exclaim “SAAABOTAAAGE!” which is a reference to the band Beastie Boys, and their hit song ‘Sabotage’ from… 20… years ago. Christ.
  3. With enough Medical category mutations, upon performing first aid, the player should randomly state “It’s never lupus”, and the first aid action is canceled. If you don’t get the reference, you get no Vicodin.
  4. With enough Elf-A category mutations, everything that the player says should be printed in Elvish regardless of chosen language. Also, add Elvish translation. And fonts. (Consider Klingon too)
  5. With enough Lizard category mutations, an unknown voice should randomly say “You’re a lizard, Harry.”
  6. With the Broken Cyborg start, or with enough CBMs installed, there’s a 1% chance that normal conversation options are overridden, and you only get to say one thing to an NPC without the ability to exit the dialogue: “I need your boots, your clothes and your motorcycle.” after which the NPC turns hostile to you.

Also, add the entire Lord of the Rings book into the game. Possibly classify it as a religious text.

i think a lot of ideas in this thread should be added in a joke mod

I think you should be added as a joke mod :stuck_out_tongue: