Hrmmm, it should be possible to cook up some temperature-resistant shaped ceramics, and the air jet doesn’t need to be temperature resistant so long as it is a little distance from the lava, a lava cannon should be plausible…
Do lava and raging fires still drain Max HP?
Also #FluidPhysics. If anyone wants to take a crack at it I’m sure we’ll all remember your valiant sacrifice.
Profession: Vampire Hunter. Starts with a bullwhip, leather armor, throwing knives, throwing axes, holy water, a holy symbol modified to make a decent throwing weapon…and a useless pocket watch.
[quote=“Iosyn, post:2682, topic:3101”]Do lava and raging fires still drain Max HP?
Also #FluidPhysics. If anyone wants to take a crack at it I’m sure we’ll all remember your valiant sacrifice.[/quote]
That actually sounds like an interesting project. Maybe over winter break… Unfortunately I have never used lua and not sure I’m competent enough in c(java programmer) so it would probably involve someone translating sudo-code though.
what about hammer and sharped stick too? (because making stake is to much work)
If you didn’t get the actual reference, I will eat you. ;w;
almost forgot about castlevania (or its bootleg named castemania created by russians for polish pegazus)
Just add vampires- can only be hurt by things that are material:“wood” or “paper”, over the top bash, good cutting and no stabbing protection and enough light sensitivity traits to make a troglobite want to go sunbathing.
Don’t forget garlic, holy symbols, clean water produced by the religious professions, inability to cross rivers, abnormal focus on loose dried rice or similar items…and to complete the Castlevania reference, bullwhips. Or maybe just a unique variant of the bullwhip with ammo flag “VAMPIRE_KILLER” instead. o3o
[quote=“Insane Bugman, post:2668, topic:3101”][ul][li]Driving over liquids on a non enclosed vehicle (bike, motorcycle, etc.) now causes the rear wheel to splash the liquid all over your back. Enjoy driving over acid puddles and having your torso melt.[/li]
[li]Blood Phobia negative trait that makes your morale drop every time blood spills. Your character is also unable to butcher/smash corpses due to the phobia.[/li]
[li]Mininuke minefields.[/li][/ul][/quote]
These are off topic, I’d consider implementing all of them
For blood phobia I’d nerf the reaction to when blood is splashed on you directly insteasd of it merely being produced.
We should also be able to drive through acid puddles with the intent of splashing NPCs. o3o
Eating a flaming eye will give you clairvoyance.
Or, has a teeny tiny chance to destroy every non-living thing in your sight radius. From trees to the car your driving.
I mean, yeah, that ability is long gone in the experimentals, but why let that get in the way of bad ideas?
I do miss that ability sometimes, especially now that the alternative is giving you fungal infections through walls. ;w;
Monster trucks. Why use military composite plating on the front of your car when you can strap hulks up front instead? Corrosive turrets! Stealth mode with smoker zombie smoke streaming out of vents! Music from a cacophony of zombies moaning and screamers screaming! A caged thriller causing zombie dancers to be created as you move through town!
Only if I can strap a shrieker zombie to my hood, tie him up to the car battery and electrocute him to have the most annoying horn ever known
Dwarf mutagen
Troglodyte already sorta is this, but it needs mood swings and a crippling addiction to socks.
And dwarf dildo.
Face encumbrance should slow eating, exponentially, and there should be a cut-off point where eating is impossible. But high enough stats should let you reduce that penalty, so an obscenely augmented survivor can eat through power armour by flexing their tongue through the air filter…