We need more clown zombies and a whole circus with elephant zombies and lots of cotton candy machines. The bearded woman zombies and the midget zombies and that guy-that-swallows-swords zombies. Let’s make this game a proper freak show.
[quote=“RAM, post:2439, topic:3101”]Zombie turrets.
Apply shovel; dig a pit
Push zombie
Apply shovel again, to fill the pit
Personally I’d want a hulk turret.
So, a half-buried hulk turret?
Well so long as it can bleed at you if you get too close, or spit-out an electrified tongue and drag you into its acid clouds.
Bury a zombie turret near an anthill. Or an NPC turret.
That should be a trap… motion activated machine gun buried in the ground.
All the bullets hit your head
Booo, you didn’t get the reference. o3o
Nice Uncharted 3 Wallpaper!
Cured zombie: It is butchered into cured zombie meat that can be used as an ingredient in cannibal sausages.
Players have to play out complex dream scenarios every time they go to sleep; and if they die during any of them it’s game over.
Hasn’t this been suggested before?
Worse yet, hasn’t this been suggested SERIOUSLY? D:
Spookie Scary Skeleton… you must make int save when attacking or be spooked and hit yourself.
He-Man, you done fucked up. o3o
Bionics should be powered by gasoline and generate deafening levels of sound.
that would be car man, half man and half car. his older brothers are Truck man and Tank man. and his nerdy cousin would be smartcar man.
Necromancer Hulks. They bring zeds back to life so hard they explode.
An closed battle house, with a NPC at the entrance. You pay to go inside the house, and have to beat to death a random number of creature to go out. If you win, the NPC reward you with a nice and greedy item.
Insert coin to activate use_action.
Well, i can dream. XD
Lab reward: K.I.T. = A security system/remote control for your car possessing both a scathing wit and British accent.