Vehicle Show and Tell

Engine of the Beast

Built on the chassis of a flatbed truck. Front is covered in trunks, hard plating and blood. Internal doors around the driver, can be shut so that shockers, spitters and turrets can’t see me. (And in the future, so that my own turret I intend to install as a hood ornament can’t shoot me.) RV kitchen stocked with food, for eating and drinking without leaving the seat. Weapons behind me, tools on the right. Extra set of tools and wheels in the front middle trunk. Rear doors are opaque, generally left open for better visibility while driving. Six fuel tanks.

Next step will be to pick apart a semi truck I found, adding a full row of looting trunks at the rear, and extra wheels behind both the front and rear pairs, bringing the total to eight. (As soon as this bloody rain lets up.)

My only complaint is that there is no way to make wheels impassable/opaque, so even with everything closed, you can be seen through the windscreens in the rear corners.

Edit: Turns out turrets shot me (or rather, the door in front of me) even though it shouldn’t have been able to see me. Not sure how that happened.

To help bring this thread back on topic, is it possible to increase the size of the vehicle info/modification window?

I encountered the same problem you’re probably having, with the vehicle being too big for the window?
I asked about it in another thread, and got linked to a semi-solution.
If you don’t mind compiling your cataclysm, the quick-fix on github does the trick until the bug is officially addressed

[quote=“KA101, post:1250, topic:42”][quote=“TheTinCat, post:1249, topic:42”]So I’m working on a vehicle, and its rather long. when I started working on the front the view of the vehicle in the modifying window went up, and now I can’t see the end with the back wheels.
Is there any way to bring the window view down, so I can work on the back end again?



I recall seeing this problem on the GitHub issue tracker. No action on it yet though. Consider posting your screencap there:[/quote]

How can i install more than one engine for cars.
I am trying to install large electric engine and foot pedals for my flat bed truck.
When i try to install them it shows that i have everything necessary to do it and the skills , but when i press enter nothing happens.

[quote=“woflsipder, post:125, topic:207”]How can i install more than one engine for cars.
I am trying to install large electric engine and foot pedals for my flat bed truck.
When i try to install them it shows that i have everything necessary to do it and the skills , but when i press enter nothing happens.[/quote]

From my recent experience I had with engines, they had to be the same type. inline,v6,v8

I’m not sure if you need a higher mechanics in order to install engines of different types, this was changes not to long ago.

[quote=“woflsipder, post:125, topic:207”]How can i install more than one engine for cars.
I am trying to install large electric engine and foot pedals for my flat bed truck.
When i try to install them it shows that i have everything necessary to do it and the skills , but when i press enter nothing happens.[/quote]

It doesn’t display it, but you need a higher mechanic skill to install additional engines.
I think it’s at 12 that you can install two… kinda forget. point is, it doesn’t display the skill cost to install a second engine

I got bored and started building themed vehicles.


At some point I may try the Millennium Falcon.

I am an extreme noob at vehicles so please forgive my ignorance. I see so many vehicles with multiple storage bins, but as far as I can tell storage bins, lockers etc don’t have any storage limits.

So is it just for sorting purposes and easier to find stuff that way, or am I mistaken about the storage limits?

Vehicle bins can hold 500 volume of items each.

Aha, thanks.

And I think only a certain amount of items, something like 200 items. I think.

I went lumberjacking, filled up six trunks from about 1½ trees.

i gently tapped a car chassis with my flatbed truck and immediately flew out of my car after it reached light speed.
all of my body parts were compleately raped but i survived and of course a wolf spider spawned in my house with a fucking wolf pack 2 squares away from my doors + 2 jumping spiders and i ain’t kidding but there were 2 bears like 20 squares from my door.

It was my most succesful try ever with my dream garage house.

I was in the middle of building solar kitchen with years of food supply all that sorting of stuff has no meaning just because my flatbed truck decided to try and break teh speed of light.

[quote=“woflsipder, post:134, topic:207”]RAAAAAAAAAAGE!
i gently tapped a car chassis with my flatbed truck and immediately flew out of my car after it reached light speed.[/quote]

I think I’ve read that that happens if you nudge one wrecked car into another.

I had a similar thing happen with my last-but-one character - nudged a car with my tricked-out semi truck at 32kph, and was sent flying backwards into a house at over 200kph. There was a large fireball, and that was the end of that character.

This time my car didn’t go over 4000km/h and i was immediately teleported out of it because the car was violating all laws of phisycs , but once i managed to get over 20 million km/h and smash into a zombei child dealing over 70000 damage.

It’s insanely entertainning when you don’t die.

Let’s break that speed record!

Francesco Bernoulli

2001 km/h (1244 mph for the metrically challenged)

11 V8 engines, 11 gas tanks. Around 25% fuel left when the engines broke down.

Meh. try to beat that.

Anyone got the solar cata land speed record?

Alas, my longest-lived survivor ever died due to lack of driving experience. Bouncing vehicle shells about the roads was fun, until I tried to reverse so I didn’t maul down a building… and a vehicle shell clipped my rear tyre. Cue 3328mph. Ripped out of my seatbelt, momentarily airborne into a wall on the other side of the street. I think I got hit for something like 1100 damage, but I can’t remember. My poor deathspike had half the loot of the continent in its trunks, but shall never be found again… :frowning:

I’m working on a military cargo truck I found, I will post pictures soon.