Vehicle Show and Tell

I’ve found them in homes and garages. Fairly rare.

I see I’m not the only one to go with sun-themed vehicle names. I chose to go with Sol Invictus.

The Unconquered Sun

Nothing like an armored car with 4+ large electric engines and 20+ storage batteries.

[quote=“General Patton, post:303, topic:207”]I see I’m not the only one to go with sun-themed vehicle names. I chose to go with Sol Invictus.

The Unconquered Sun

Nothing like an armored car with 4+ large electric engines and 20+ storage batteries.[/quote]

Leans back in chair and clears throat

Yes, I know that nothing has ever been able to compete with the RMCC. But in terms of actually fitting The Unconquered Sun’s archetype of unstoppable perfection fueled by his own transcendent excellence, having an armored and fast vehicle that never runs out of juice is uniquely satisfying.

And besides, I’ve yet to unleash the full glory of Sol Invictus.

Somewhat related, does anyone plan on adding components and recipes for the electric engines?

Hey, what about a picture?

I’d like to see it compete with Sunslammer III, and maybe even use some of its design features for my own :slight_smile:

Competition is good for the product, after all.

This is from a month-and-a-half old world. I was just getting started with retrofitting an armored car I’d found. I probably won’t get around to rebuilding it until I’m done with finals.

Rough draft/prototype.

The first draft, once I get enough materials, will probably be 11X15.
2 thick layer of plating on all sides, 3 on the front. Gonna stack reinforced solar panels, storage batteries and large electric motors out the wazoo. I suppose I’ll keep increasing the dimensions until I run into the same kind of lag that kept killing Ryndren’s projects.

i have a question about vehicles:

what is the difference between the different storage spaces, seat, trunk, floor trunk, box, etc. do they each have different storage capacities?

Right now, they all support 400 volumes of junk.
There once was a thread suggesting a change to the system.
AKA Balancing
Basically said trunks get a lot of storage, floor trunks get nerfed. You get the idea.

11 X 15, hrm?

I guess my title for second biggest builder is safe :stuck_out_tongue:
Sunslammer III was 13 x 14 and Sunslammer II was 13 x 18.

An 11 x 15 design sounds interesting, but I have to ask, why windshields instead of trunk doors and also how’s the visibility on that thing?

In addition, i’d like to know how you’re going to structure the Sol Invictus’ sleeping area, crafting equipment (5 types atm, FOODCO buddy, welding rig, RV kitchen unit, Electric forge, and chemistry set).


I think something about like that. M is mini-fridge. W is water tank. B bed. Top-right kitchen unit. Mid-right FOODCO. Lower-right chem lab. Mid-left welding rig. Lower-left mounted forge.

So I store equipment/tools I want to use in the top left. Food stuff in top right. Metalworking and electronics in the bottom left. Chemistry, medicine and ammo stuff in the bottom right.

I thought you could only use the welder to repair the car if it was on the outside?
Since it won’t let you examine a vehicle while you are in it.

[quote=“Cherry, post:312, topic:207”]I thought you could only use the welder to repair the car if it was on the outside?
Since it won’t let you examine a vehicle while you are in it.[/quote]

I just walk up to the welder and tell it I don’t want my tools and I don’t want to fix my outfit. Lets me repair the vehicle from the inside… Which is nice because all knowing, all seeing bears.

You actually CAN access a vehicle from inside if you use lowercase ‘g’ instead of lowercase ‘e’.

Is that a bug, or is it intended.
What is lowercase g by the way, I don’t use the defaults.

get items

[quote=“Cherry, post:315, topic:207”]Is that a bug, or is it intended.
What is lowercase g by the way, I don’t use the defaults.[/quote]

Grab, used to pick things up. You can also access it by choosing not to use the installed objects, like option 4 on the RV kitchen unit, or just no to both prompts from a welding rig.

Huh. I never realized it was meant to be get.

There is a way! Use the “Move view offset” option in the interface tab of the options. I’ve found that 5 works well for shifting your view as you drive around. Capital H J K and L are the default keys for moving your view.

Heading west? Tap H twice and you’re seeing what you’re driving at rather than your immediate surroundings. Yes this works while moving and driving it does not pause the game like look.

I played without using it for a month - don’t know how I could stand it!

Wow. That’s going to make driving a lot less horrible and deadly! Thanks!

I think I’ve achieved the largest mobile base that’s still practical to drive around in. It’s built from a flatbed truck, though by now all that remains of it is the general shape of the cabin.

[ul][li]300 degree field of view from the driver’s seat[/li]
[li]V6 primary engine, backed up by a large electric engine in case I break it or run out of gas[/li]
[li]four gas tanks, all internal to protect against crashes[/li]
[li]two storage batteries and a truck battery[/li]
[li]four armored solar panels and a nuclear reactor (I’d normally keep the reactor empty unless I actually needed it, but I filled it up for the screenshot)[/li]
[li]six 31" large wheels[/li]
[li]four headlights (I also have an extra floodlight sitting around, but I generally don’t leave it attached for various reasons)[/li]
[li]can actually turn fast enough to navigate most cities[/li]
[li]I’m considering adding some pedals just for the sake of redundancy[/li][/ul]
And then there’s the back room:

[ul][li]completely enclosed and windowless, will add armor when I get the chance for maximum security[/li]
[li]obligatory bed and storage space[/li]
[li]welding rig is inside the walls so I don’t even need to stop for repairs[/li]
[li]full kitchen with a fridge and water[/li]
[li]internal lighting is controlled separately from the headlights, so I can keep the light on without attracting monsters[/li]
[li]internal control panel so I can toggle the lights, start/stop the engines and even drive from the safety of the back room[/li][/ul]
Here’s a screenshot:

Also, this thing is LOUD. Before I installed a muffler, the engines would generate a 138 volume “ROAR” that would instantly deafen me for the whole drive. Right now it’s 69 volume when both engines fire at once, which is still twice as loud as the horn.

Why not drop in a second electric engine and swap out most of your gas tanks for batteries? Solve your noise problem.