I’m playing the mac homebrew version and I’m wondering is there any way for me to use a .bmp or .png file in place of a font (tff)? (I know it is / used to be a possibility?)
I just love playing in ASCII but haven’t found a square font that I like and that is big enough for my setup.
There are a few lovely IBM square fonts but they are all 8x8, which is a bit too small for my monitor.
Using a bitmap file from the Dwarf Fortress tileset repository would be lovely.
Did you move the font.json from the mod folder? I just copied it into the config folder and got an error as well. Had to remove it from the mod folder and then it worked.
Alloy_curses_12x12.png is placed in the data/font folder and entered into the fontlist.txt with the corresponding path.
Edit / Update:
I just changed the .png file suspecting that there might be somehting wrong with it. But that didn’t change the situation, still the same error message.
If I use the complete filename instead of just the “name” entered into the fontlist.txt
"typeface": "Sample_Tiles.png" instead of "typeface": "Sample_Tiles"
the game starts but simply using the pre-installed unifont or Terminus.
There is no need to edit fontlist.txt - it is generated automatically. You better delete it, so it would be regenerated. Font dimensions are defined in graphics tab of options menu.
For me there is, I just deleted it but then the game just starts using the pre-installed FixedSys font no matter what font I enter into the fonts.json. And no it doesn’t update automatically.
Thats how I handled it before using .tff’s , but the mod you linked has the .png dimensions written into the json. So thats what I copied and adjusted to the size of the bitmap.
Quoting the (very old) github comment I linked above:
If you drop one of the bitmap font PNGs compatible with DF in the Font folder, you can use it in FONTDATA. So if you have say, 10x10.png as a bitmap font, you’d format FONTDATA like so.
The dimensions must be the same as the tile size in the bitmap font or it’ll crash on load.
It is created after I delete it, but if I dont enter the fonts I want to use into it, they won’t show up ingame.
The debug.log is giving me the following lines:
13:00:46.044 : Starting log.
13:00:46.045 INFO : Cataclysm DDA version ba759885df
13:00:46.121 INFO : Number of render drivers on your system: 4
13:00:46.121 INFO : Render driver: 0/metal
13:00:46.121 INFO : Render driver: 1/opengl
13:00:46.121 INFO : Render driver: 2/opengles2
13:00:46.121 INFO : Render driver: 3/software
13:00:46.143 INFO : Language is set to: 'en'
13:00:48.391 INFO : SDL version used during compile is 2.0.10
13:00:48.391 INFO : SDL version used during linking and in runtime is 2.0.10
13:00:48.963 INFO : Active renderer: 3/software
13:00:49.033 INFO : USE_COLOR_MODULATED_TEXTURES is set to 0
13:00:49.214 ERROR SDL : (error message will follow backtrace)
0 cataclysm-tiles 0x0000000100e12e6d _Z21debug_write_backtraceRNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEEE + 57
1 cataclysm-tiles 0x0000000100e125bc _Z8DebugLog10DebugLevel10DebugClass + 576
2 cataclysm-tiles 0x0000000101646df3 _ZN4Font9load_fontERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEENS0_9allocatorIcEEEEiiib + 807
3 cataclysm-tiles 0x0000000101645ebd _ZN10catacurses14init_interfaceEv + 7671
4 cataclysm-tiles 0x00000001011789f4 main + 2564
5 libdyld.dylib 0x00007fff7096f3d5 start + 1
6 ??? 0x0000000000000001 0x0 + 1
Attempting to repeat stack trace using debug symbols…
backtrace: Could not extract binary name from line
backtrace: Could not extract binary name from line
backtrace: Could not extract binary name from line
backtrace: Could not extract binary name from line
backtrace: Could not extract binary name from line
backtrace: Could not extract binary name from line
backtrace: Could not extract binary name from line
Backtrace emission took 0 seconds.
src/sdltiles.cpp:3513: Failed to load Haberdash_curses_12x12: Couldn't load font file
13:00:49.225 ERROR : Error while initializing the interface: loading font data failed
13:00:49.350 : Log shutdown.
After I’ve spent quite some time trying various endeavours like reinstalling the SDL2 frameworks, rumagign through the sdltiles.cpp, deleting and compiling the game myself and a few other things, I’m none the wiser.
(I’ve also not managed to get the aforementioned overmap mod to work)
Something must go wrong when it detects that the file is a bitmap and tries to load it accordingly.