Help with font

I’m having trouble figuring out how to change the font to one i like.

I used to use:

But now the FONTDATA file is like:

I’v tried replacing it with my old fontdata file and editing the new one but nothing I tried worked.
It seems to just get stuck on fixedsys.

Anyone know what I should do?

Terminus isn’t packaged with the SDL version of Cataclysm DDA. You’ll need to get it from an external source and adjust your setting accordingly.

  1. Download Terminus Bold. (Direct Link!)
  2. Place the ttf file into your FONT folder within the data folder of the game’s directory.
  3. Open up “fontdata” in the data folder with a text editor.
  4. First line should be the path to the ttf file. Example: C:\Users\Name\Desktop\CataclysmDDA\data\font\TerminusBold.ttf
  5. The second and third lines are the vertical and horizontal size of the screen, respectively. Default is 8 then 16.

That’s great thanks, sept that is not the right kind of terminus font.

I want to use the font from this site.‎
(idk how to get a .ttf version of it. its in .fon)
the one you linked me looks nothing like it :confused:

Try this site.

ah site didn’t work.
It said there is a problem converting the file?
I think the fon file may be to big. its about 1mb

fon file should work, although they are something in fixed size.

Try give FONTDATA a proper path, for example:


[quote=“utunnels, post:6, topic:2016”]fon file should work, although they are something in fixed size.

Try give FONTDATA a proper path, for example:


Yaaay, it worked! I must admit I understand why people love this font.

Yeah, the SDL version current has a limit on fon file. It only read the smallest size set from it.

Actually that terminus fon has 108 sub sets, for different font size.