The WTF Thread

[quote=“Arex, post:120, topic:2519”]

bday: %d

bday rot:
What does 'bday' mean? 'Birthday' or smth else? And what is 'rot'?[/quote]

Yikes, those should be code and not visible to the player. Translating the debug menu?

bday is indeed the timestamp for the object’s creation, and rot in this sense is any rotten-ness or spoilage that the new item inherits from its components (old ingredients don’t make perfectly fresh food).

Yikes, those should be code and not visible to the player. Translating the debug menu?
Some strings in debug menu should be ungettexted.

Where are used the following interval of strings in-game?

Okay, there are some really cryptic strings from src/help.cpp:

[ul][]A bunch of commas: “, , , , , , , , , , , , ,”
]Strings with only one or two letters: “br”, “lg”, “dg”, “r”, “R”, “g”, “G”, “b”, “B”, “c”, “C”, “P” and “m”[/ul]

I think it shouldn’t be made this way. At the very least, add comments.

These are names of colors, and there’s no reason I can see that they need to be so abbreviated, will make a PR for it.

No, that’s the necessary syntax for color-coding your note-marks on the map screen. They need to be thusly abbreviated as the C++ is expecting those and ONLY those, sorry.

I think I have it sorted for you here:
It will no longer try to translate the color ids, as they have to be supplied as-is anyway, and the translatable bits that identify the colors should be straightforward to translate.

well… this bug does not fix since 0.b

version: cataclysmdda-0.C-2838
lang: zh-TW

the season string display problem

and there are some error message while we trying upload *.po to launchpad

duplicate key value violates unique constraint “pomsgid_msgid_key”
DETAIL: Key (sha1(msgid))=(080daf74617e7e4ff5f3a27fe5c8c8b2dbe81eff) already exists.

I translated “There’s some Buffoon in the way!” Into: “There is some monkey in the path!”

What is normal (modern) text for peasant/churl?

Som nigromancie hath brought yow hidder! Ye have only the hoose on youre legges and the knyf at youre syde and youre prayeres to Marie moder of God.
What the deuyl? Ye ne wist noo thing of this straunge plaas nor what wycked enchauntment brought ye hidder. Wyth this accoustrement ye must needs underfongen to find newe lyflode in the most hidous cataclysm man hath witnessed sithen that deluge Noe rood out in his greet schippe.
Thou art a lewede man, a lowly cowherd, though where thi catel been thou hast not ynn certain.

Some necromancy has brought you here! You have only the pants on your legs and the knife at your side and your prayers to Mary, Mother of God.

What the devil? You know nothing of this strange place nor what wicked enchantment brought you here. With these supplies, you must undertake to find a new way of living in the worst cataclysm man has seen since the Great Flood of Noah and his Ark.

You are a lewd man, a lowly cattle farmer, though where your cattle are you aren’t sure.

If anyone writes similarly outmoded text for their respective translations, I would get a huge kick out of seeing it. :slight_smile:

Hey, WTF-ers.

Decided to swing by, inform you that “I’m that guy” that joined the Transifex CDDA translate team.
My WTF is “woooow, that many strings” even though I attempted translating 0.A locally. I oughta get right on it.

Cheerios from .sr

Plz don’t work on 0.A version. It’s too outdated.