The handjack is too heavy for you to budge!

Personally, I know the ones at work are rated for 5500 LBS, so I find it a little difficult to believe that I’d be unable to move one weighing in at 890 LBS at stranth 10 across a paved street. Or is this a problem that has existed for awhile? I don’t remember XD

So vehicles that have “enough” wheels, it should give like 5 times buff to strength on its check?
Also maybe vehicles can be dragged like furniture, instead of giving message on check?

Also, as Kevin fixed furniture dragging, maybe give warning, if dragging process will take more than a minute? And warning on enemies, weather change, etc.?

The ratings are for how much it can lift. How much is weighs would be significantly lower. I know I have a 3300 lb jack that weighs only ten pounds or so.

Not what I mean, I’m saying I figure I should be able to move one that weighs 890 with cargo

The current situation is dragged vehicles don’t have move cost adjustments based on their wheels, which means putting things on a hand jack is exactly the same as putting them on a office chair. This is planned but is not a high priority.

An observation though, while you can certainly move a jack with a half-ton of stuff on it across a smooth concrete floor, a paved road is not a smooth concrete floor, and for that matter neither is a sidewalk. I think you’d have some trouble getting the jack wheels to pop up out of the sidewalk expansion joints if it had that much weight on it, and dragging across asphalt would have similar issues due to small bumps from protruding pebbles and the like, not to mention any sidewalk/road curbs, which would become a potentially lethal obstacle to navigate if you’re moving something that heavy.

Given the above, jacks might be able to move that much, but only across floor tiles, not sidewalks or road (planning to add differing effects based on terrain type at the same time as we add difference besed on wheels).

[quote=“Kevin Granade, post:5, topic:7557”]The current situation is dragged vehicles don’t have move cost adjustments based on their wheels, which means putting things on a hand jack is exactly the same as putting them on a office chair. This is planned but is not a high priority.

An observation though, while you can certainly move a jack with a half-ton of stuff on it across a smooth concrete floor, a paved road is not a smooth concrete floor, and for that matter neither is a sidewalk. I think you’d have some trouble getting the jack wheels to pop up out of the sidewalk expansion joints if it had that much weight on it, and dragging across asphalt would have similar issues due to small bumps from protruding pebbles and the like, not to mention any sidewalk/road curbs, which would become a potentially lethal obstacle to navigate if you’re moving something that heavy.

Given the above, jacks might be able to move that much, but only across floor tiles, not sidewalks or road (planning to add differing effects based on terrain type at the same time as we add difference besed on wheels).[/quote]

…considering I’ve had a bloody pebble foul up the hand-jack carrying a load of fucking paper towels (Maybe 60 pounds of cargo on the jack /counting/ the pallet?) I hadn’t considered that…