The Apunkalypse (making start game weapons)


Oh cool, many thanks :slight_smile:

Not related but I think we really need it in game

“type” : “COMESTIBLE”,
“id” : “water_mineral”,
“name” : “mineral water”,
“weight” : 250,
“color” : “light_cyan”,
“addiction_type” : “none”,
“spoils_in” : 0,
“use_action” : “NONE”,
“stim” : 0,
“container” : “bottle_glass”,
“to_hit” : 0,
“comestible_type” : “DRINK”,
“symbol” : “~”,
“quench” : 50,
“heal” : 0,
“addiction_potential” : 0,
“nutrition” : 0,
“description” : “Fancy effervescent water. The perfect balance between mineral salts and bubbles make drinking it a truly refreshing experience.”,
“price” : 50,
“material” : “null”,
“tool” : “null”,
“volume” : 2,
“cutting” : 0,
“phase” : “liquid”,
“charges” : 1,
“bashing” : 0,
“fun” : 5
(Aka water that is enjoyable to drink)

I am not adding item groups but just add [“water_mineral”, 50], to the list where you want it to spawn (fridges are a good start

My idea of a cudgel was more of short stout club than a long slim rod. I suppose you could name it club instead. I just want what is essentially a one-handed nail mace.

Ahh sorry i wikipediaed cudgel and that’s what came out well i am making a clun on the next bach

What about weaponized furniture? If I had to choose between a knife and a bar stool in a fight I’d go with the bar stool nine times out of ten.
And that’s before you sharpen the feet into spikes…

Not sure how you’d do this without crafting menu overload, but:
In general, [hard heavy object] + [relatively durable, soft, flexible object] is a lethal weapon (albeit a poor one) that you can make in ten seconds out of damn near everything. Padlock on a shoelace, rock in a rag-rope, can of soup in a knotted off shirtsleeve, hard drive in a couple layers of grocery bag… the weapon itself could be called “Crude Flail” or something of that sort. As a weapon it would be about as damaging as a Heavy Stick, but lighter and smaller, and with a bad to-hit (-2?)

Which brings us to:
Crude Flail on a Stick
You take your Crude Flail and attach it to the end of a stick, for more leverage, reach, and not having to worry so much about accidentally clubbing yourself with the backswing. Like a Heavy Stick, but with a worse to hit (+1?) and better damage. You’d need nails or string to make this, plus something to carve your stick with.

One step up from this would be the…
Enhanced Crude Flail
Now that you don’t need to worry about hitting yourself, or cutting up your hand holding the flexible part, you can use more vicious implements. A rag-rope with scrap metal tied into it, or a few 2-3 ft lengths of bare metal cable* with a knot at one end, or some razor wire with a chunk of scrap metal or something at the far end. Crude Flail on a Stick with bonus cutting damage and the SWEEP technique.

*(you’d need bolt cutters, a hacksaw, or an axe to cut up cable, though, plus a source of cable, which I don’t think exists in the game yet)

Cable exists in the game, disassemble a chain-link fence IIRC.

Landed PR 4143 with new improvised weapons and armor, go forth and kludge!

Head wrap. Because your brain needs warmth too.

It’s a rat-flail!
You know, if someone doesn’t make this, I think I may have to. Can monster corpses be used as components?

I think corpses are to “abstractly” (totally not making stuff as i go) handled to be actually used as a recipe ingredient.

But i will make a flail and some sort of nail shooting melee weapon gun

I just need the names (and a conceivable way to make them with low skills)

wow, just wow.
The crafting system would need a modification to care about the identity of the corpse, unless it’s a generic “meat flail” and it just uses a chunk of whatever corpse you want.
Why you wold even consider doing that on the other hand…
(don’t know the joke, but I think it’s funnier to assume someone thinks making a rat flail is actually a good idea)

Rat flail? Just use the club.

What about the… like, ya’ know, using steeltoed boots as an actual weapon?

While we’re talkin about weaponizing boots, thought the 'a’ctivate option on my combat boots to store a knife, was actually a “knife in the toe of the boot” type of modification… I wonder if we could get something like that? Maybe just adds a chance on melee attack to include a swift kick, in exchange for +1 foot encumbrance?

Kevin, the joke is from a webcomic called VGcats, the link in my previous post takes you to the strip it appeared in.

In related, I actually had a somewhat serious reason I was asking about the corpse thing. I’m trying to think out how I’m gonig to do my “Bloggy” PR, and I’ve been considering requiring a dog corpse as part of the recipe. Though I may actually consider doing the rat-flail, if only as a coding exercise (I know it’s too silly for mainline). I’m thinking it will be a mutated sewer rat, and still alive, so when you swing it at someone, it has a chance to bite/claw them for extra damage and maybe poison them too.

Steeltoed boot hammer.

“type” : “recipe”,
“result”: “hammer_boot”,
“category”: “CC_WEAPON”,
“skill_used”: “fabrication”,
“difficulty”: 0,
“time”: 2000,
“reversible”: true,
“autolearn”: true,
“components”: [
[“boots_steel”, 1]
[“stick”, 1]
[“rock”, 2],
[“scrap”, 2]
[“duct_tape”, 50]

“id” : “hammer_boot”,
“name” : “steeltoed boot hammer”,
“description” : “A steeltoed boot, filled with rocks and duct-taped to a stick.”,
“weight” : 4482,
“to_hit” : -1,
“color” : “brown”,
“symbol” : “/”,
“material” : [“wood”, “iron”],
“techniques” : [“BRUTAL”, “WIDE”],
“volume” : 10,
“bashing” : 20,
“cutting” : 0,
“price” : 120