Text not available for translation

Ah, turns out it was in the ignore list and also being told to extract it, which didn’t quite work out.
Fix is a little more complex, but not overly so.

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I’ve found another one.
There is an “underbrush” that can’t be translated.


It looks like it should be translatable, the entry for it just isn’t translated.
If this isn’t the issue, I don’t know where to start to fix it.

Yes… sorry that I’ve wasted your time.
It appears that I’ve copied the original word in the singular form. :man_facepalming:t2:
Thank you, like always.

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There are some words from Magiclysm that aren’t translatable, the “valid targets” in the Spells menu:


Should be translatable now:

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Thank you, @anothersimulacrum !

The weather info (cloudy, clear, light drizzle, etc) is not translatable when using the “Look at the sky” option.

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I’ve just found that this text isn’t available for translation: “Universal curfew is in effect. Please return to your home. This unit is authorized to open fire.”


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I spent more time than I should trying to figure out why it wasn’t be extracted, only to find out I was trying to extract it from the wrong place, so it took me longer than it needed to.

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Hey, @anothersimulacrum is this your sort of thing to sort? I saw it had been languishing a while but I gather there are technical complications or something?

I did see that in my notifications, but I didn’t really give it more than a glance, so thanks for reminding me of it and making me think about it more deeply.

This one isn’t a trivial issue and needs a relatively more complex solution to address.