Suggestion: Search function

When I’m running around town, I usually forget where I saw an item, and it takes ages for me to search all the buildings to find it again.

With the search function, you type in the name of the item you’re searching for (or choose through a list of items previously seen on that character) and then it would show you where on the map that the item was located. If you were within the same tile, it would point to it as if you were searching with the V function.

This would be restricted to only items that you’ve seen before. If you just started the game, you couldn’t search for ‘mutagen’ and find the nearest lab, etc etc

I can see that getting very UI intensive and hard to manage.
I have butchered 100s of squirrels and rabbits and spiders and wolves and cougars and bear and jabberwockies and yougetthepoint. This means that outside of my base there is about a 5*5 grid of just rotten meat, sitting there. A mound of rotting meat and you expect a function to list them. It is unlikely that it will be added.

Furthermore it might add a less expected feature, like if I search a fridge and see: Milk (rotten), meat sandwich (rotten), (rotten) …[size=8pt]Flask of Lizard Mutagen[/size]… (rotten). But what I did not notice was that flask of lizard mutagen. This feature would let my player see things that my actual brain did not. That might pose some problems.

And the final argument would be that the game would have to record everything that you have ever seen. That would be a very long list and to load that into RAM would slow down the game by quite a bit. Alternatively they might add a seen flag to every item ever seen by the player, but that would mean that the game has to search all the items in existence in order to find which items have and have not been seen.

My recommendation for you: if you think that you might eventually need something that is in a house, just place it outside the front door, therefore you don’t have to search the entire house again, you just need to look at the pile that you made outside the house.

The list is a bad idea, but being able to locate items you’ve seen on the overmap again with a search function similar to the spawn menu would be very useful indeed.

My suggestion: Map notes. They can get quite long. it’s not a problem to make a note which says: “lizard mutagen in fridge, East room”

Except that adding extra micromanagement on the player is fucking stupid when there’s alternatives.

And anyway, I imagine this would be used in situations like “Ohhh, you can make X out of Y… Wait, I’m sure I saw an Y somewhere, let’s check!”

You know there’s the V key? Very useful in your shelter full of stuff.

This also make your character kind of superhuman , if he can remember every item he has seen with the corner of his eye and then just recall where was the exact location of hundreds of items.

So if you can’t do it , he can’t too.

Well, V list should be sorted by alphabet at least… makes finding stuff in all the clutter way easier. Though I hate that “scratched”,“dented” and such attributes are added at beginning of item’s name, thus fucks up alphabet sorting. It should be added behind name, like “flask of yoyoba oil [scratched]”.

Use the Filter function that is on that screen. I use it all the time to make sure I don’t miss any zombie corpses among the pile of debris when I’m clearing a suburb.

V → F → “corpse” = look at all them corpses!

Use the Filter function that is on that screen. I use it all the time to make sure I don’t miss any zombie corpses among the pile of debris when I’m clearing a suburb.

V → F → “corpse” = look at all them corpses![/quote]

Yay, but I pick up only stuff I need, and finding something I can use in alternating line of rotten meat/bones/shredded sweater/rotten meat/rock/shredded jeans/… you get the idea.

V → F → “-meat,jeans,pants,rock,bones,sweater”
Also useful is high priority/low priority.
V → + → “CBM,can,batteries,thread,hammer,screwdriver”
V → - → “meat,jeans,pants,rock,bones,sweater”

Items matching high priority criteria will appear at the top of the list in yellow. Items matching low priority criteria will appear on the bottom as red. Items that match neither will be white and appear in the middle of the two. Priority in addition to Filter should help you make sense of your surroundings.
So if you don’t want to see any tainted meat, bones, rocks, pants, sweaters, etc and want to prioritize glass bottles and jars while regular meat is a low priority you want to see still:
V → F → “-tainted,rotten,jeans,shoes,sneakers,pants,jeans,shirt,jacket,boots,bones” enter, + → “glass” enter, - → “meat” enter.

Anyway, I don’t see map notes as micromanagement. It’s no different than making post-its for yourself IRL or adding events to your calendar to make sure you remember them. If you think something might be useful or important, make a note of it. If you don’t and you find you need it later, oh well. You’ll find it again eventually somewhere else. You could just throw everything into a huge truck in case you need it later, too. I don’t see a reason to have the game make itself easier by reminding you where everything you never bothered to examine but appeared in your character’s view at one point is. It’d probably slow the game down a ton, too, as it has to be able to pull up a huge list that could easily consist of thousands of items at a moment’s notice.

V → F → “-meat,jeans,pants,rock,bones,sweater”
Also useful is high priority/low priority.
V → + → “CBM,can,batteries,thread,hammer,screwdriver”
V → - → “meat,jeans,pants,rock,bones,sweater”

Items matching high priority criteria will appear at the top of the list in yellow. Items matching low priority criteria will appear on the bottom as red. Items that match neither will be white and appear in the middle of the two. Priority in addition to Filter should help you make sense of your surroundings.
So if you don’t want to see any tainted meat, bones, rocks, pants, sweaters, etc and want to prioritize glass bottles and jars while regular meat is a low priority you want to see still:
V → F → “-tainted,rotten,jeans,shoes,sneakers,pants,jeans,shirt,jacket,boots,bones” enter, + → “glass” enter, - → “meat” enter.

Anyway, I don’t see map notes as micromanagement. It’s no different than making post-its for yourself IRL or adding events to your calendar to make sure you remember them. If you think something might be useful or important, make a note of it. If you don’t and you find you need it later, oh well. You’ll find it again eventually somewhere else. You could just throw everything into a huge truck in case you need it later, too. I don’t see a reason to have the game make itself easier by reminding you where everything you never bothered to examine but appeared in your character’s view at one point is. It’d probably slow the game down a ton, too, as it has to be able to pull up a huge list that could easily consist of thousands of items at a moment’s notice.[/quote]

Thanks for the tips!

V → F → “-meat,jeans,pants,rock,bones,sweater”
Also useful is high priority/low priority.
V → + → “CBM,can,batteries,thread,hammer,screwdriver”
V → - → “meat,jeans,pants,rock,bones,sweater”

Items matching high priority criteria will appear at the top of the list in yellow. Items matching low priority criteria will appear on the bottom as red. Items that match neither will be white and appear in the middle of the two. Priority in addition to Filter should help you make sense of your surroundings.
So if you don’t want to see any tainted meat, bones, rocks, pants, sweaters, etc and want to prioritize glass bottles and jars while regular meat is a low priority you want to see still:
V → F → “-tainted,rotten,jeans,shoes,sneakers,pants,jeans,shirt,jacket,boots,bones” enter, + → “glass” enter, - → “meat” enter.

Anyway, I don’t see map notes as micromanagement. It’s no different than making post-its for yourself IRL or adding events to your calendar to make sure you remember them. If you think something might be useful or important, make a note of it. If you don’t and you find you need it later, oh well. You’ll find it again eventually somewhere else. You could just throw everything into a huge truck in case you need it later, too. I don’t see a reason to have the game make itself easier by reminding you where everything you never bothered to examine but appeared in your character’s view at one point is. It’d probably slow the game down a ton, too, as it has to be able to pull up a huge list that could easily consist of thousands of items at a moment’s notice.[/quote]

Thanks for the tips![/quote]

Didn’t knew this too, thanks mate.