I wrote an item browser for this game, it was originally a proof of concept of an idea I had, to have a more dynamic crafting interface.
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead Item/Recipe Browser
This interface currently has the following features:
[ul][li]Search for items[/li]
[li]Show an item’s information, with some extra hidden values.[/li]
[li]View how you can craft each item[/li]
[li]View how you can use each item to craft other items[/li]
[li]View what recipes a book teaches you[/li]
[li]View what bookes teach you certain recipes[/li]
[li]View what you could get when disassembling an item[/li][/ul]
Update march 4th:
[ul][li]Stable database updated to 0.A[/li]
[li]Visual cue as to what database (stable/trunk) is active.[/li]
[li]The disassembly is now complete.[/li]
[li]The search results have a new appearance.[/li][/ul]
Update march 5th:
[ul][li]Knows how to cut items[/li]
[li]for items that can be cut, it shows you what you get for cutting it (2x4:12 skewers)[/li]
[li]for items that are the result of cutting other items, it tells you the material you need to cut (skewer:wood)[/li]
[li]The search now includes materials, so you can look for “wood”, “iron” and friends (it’s only looking at the primary material)[/li]
[li]Include the sidebar menu in each item area (view, craft, recipes, disassemble)[/li]
[li]The recipe screen has been modified to use only 1 column to make room for the sidebar menu.[/li][/ul]
Update March 12:
Item categories, currently clothing, melee and books.
[ul][li]Armor: Torso (the clothing is split in body parts)[/li]
[li]Some Melee items[/li]
[li]Combat related books (the books are split in categories)[/li][/ul]
Update March 16:
[ul][li]Supports ranged weapons’ stats[/li]
[li]Shows a list of the possible ammo/charges for tools and guns[/li]
[li]Ranged weapon catalog (split by skill)[/li]
[li]Bug fixes.[/li][/ul]
Update March 17:
[ul][li]Consumables (food/drinks/meds)[/li][/ul]
Every step of the way, the items are hyperlinked so you can easily browse related items.
Update March 25:
[ul][li]change how armor protection was shown[/li]
[li]Show Item flags’ text (water proof, withstand a lot of abuse, etc)[/li]
[li]Show Item qualities[/li]
[li]Quality catalog[/li][/ul]
Update October 15:
[ul][li]Fix the “Heal” field when viewing items, should now be “Healthy” and display the appropiate value - Kodi Arfer[/li]
[li]Show commestibles’ charges - Kodi Arfer[/li]
[li]Show commestibles’ spoil rate in days. - Kodi Arfer[/li]
[li]Show commestibles’ stimulant value in minutes. - Kodi Arfer[/li]
[li]Implemented a skill catalog, found on the home page, it lets you browse the items you’re able to build at certain level of each skill. -Matthew Stein [/li]
[li]Implemented an item flag catalog, found on the home pag, it lets you browse the items that have certain flags. - Chase S[/li][/ul]
Update December 9
[ul][li]Monster catalogs, by spawn groups and by species[/li][/ul]
Update December 18
[ul][li]There is a now a Gun mod catalog (can be found on the homepage sidebar)[/li]
[li]When viewing items it shows the possible mod locations.[/li]
[li]When viewing mods it shows its stats (there are some differences between the game’s code in stable release and the dev code, shouldn’t be a problem)
[/li][li]When viewing mods it shows the possible types of guns it can be attached to.[/li][/ul]
Update January 13 2015:
[ul][li]The search now includes monsters (for example: zombies)[/li]
[li]Container catalogs (the container attributes are new to the dev branch)[/li]
[li]Several bugfixes and overall internal overhaul[/li][/ul]
Update January 14 2015:
Load and show construction data
[ul][li]Each item now has a new construction tab, showing each construction the item can be used in[/li]
[li]A construction catalog grouped by category[/li]
[li]In the qualities catalog, it shows the amount of constructions each item can be used in[/li][/ul]
Don’t forget to check the source code on github!