[Suggestion] More Enemies that are actually dangerous

Or why not a classic D&D-style room of death? The floor’s a Trapper, the walls are Stunjelly, the ceiling is a Lurker Above, and the interior is a series of tubes cubes.

I like the idea of zombies in general receiving an armor boost. And just to put my two cents in on adding additional types:
[*]Irradiated Zombies: The result of hapless undead hanging around toxic waste dumps/sarcophagi to long. They could both passively irradiate their surrounding, providing a long lasting hidden danger, and actively irradiate survivors with each successful attack.

[*]Burned Zombies: A cautionary tale on the dangers of Dwarven !!SCIENCE!! or why you shouldn’t attempt to burn mass graves. In the early days following the cataclysm attempts were made at FEMA camps and other government installations to alleviate the mass casualty situation by burning the bodies that couldn’t be buried immediately, this practice is still carried on by many survivors who fight zombies today. However as we all know, undestroyed corpses have the nasty side effect of getting back up as zombies sooner rather then later. The result is the reanimation of partially burned corpses that have had all their skin and extraneous body fat burned away, these ‘Burned Zombies’ are both faster and stronger then their average cousins because of it, and their charred flesh acts as a tough armor giving them incredible resistance. Though they might have less overall health because of it.

May I suggest something almost heretical at this point in the thread… less zombies… more extra-dimensionals/monsters/mutants.

Anything but more fucking Zs.

How about some sort of stumbling, flamboyant pack hunter that flings urticating hairs at its prey to slow it down before kicking it to death?

What about a furtive scavenging beast that collects bones and wraps itself in corpses. Only active at night and otherwise looks like a corpse until you get to close. Defends itself with a spray of noxious gas if startled (moving within a few tiles of the corpse) flees rapidly to settle down again out of sight. Perhaps lashes out with bone knives and carved trinkets if you corner it (give a hint of primitive intellect.)

I wholeheartedly support the idea of fleshing out other monster factions before we add more zeds.

See also, giant cellar spiders, mutant birds/snakes, more fleshed out NPCs…

“We should do bla”, is easy to interpret as an opinion or request.
“We should do bla before otherbla” is difficult to interpret as anything other than ordering people around.

[quote=“Kevin Granade, post:45, topic:11207”]“We should do bla”, is easy to interpret as an opinion or request.
“We should do bla before otherbla” is difficult to interpret as anything other than ordering people around.[/quote]

As compared to “we shouldn’t do otherbla, and should instead do bla, only doing otherbla after bla has been done” instead? :V

More enemies, and possibly better placement, would be great. I usually don’t play a “pick speed points and run to the nearest gun store” style of gameplay, and largely, that’s one of the only starting options if you don’t want to grind out a season in three times as much time as it took the gunner to just shoot kill loot shoot kill loot etc etc. Without diving straight into guns or broadswords and getting great at them initially, it’s pretty common to head down less than three houses and run into hulks, brutes, necromancers, hoards, every type of zombie, when I’m still trying to find a pot or gallon jug. It’d make sense to have shocker zombies and shocker brutes at, you know, power plants/substations. A zombie master could be at a graveyard. Generic zombies would be common on the outskirts, but feral/dog might be better near parks.

A forest enemy I always wanted to see: treants. I mean really, why wouldn’t this be a woodland monster, even if only near horrible things (perhaps one of the “scaled” enemies).

A problem with most enemies it’s just: do you have x y z equipment and/or skill requirements. An idea I had for a boss type fight, was if the enemy/creature had an attack which charged, but fired at where you were standing. This would mean getting out of the way before it fired, and possibly suffering if it shot something behind you. Mechanically, battles are otherwise very static, that you don’t really change a style of fighting or aim for any body parts, switching weapons mid-combat is usually a terrible, terrible idea, etc. Let’s not even get started if you get hit by one or two guys and don’t have a pile of drugs at the ready.

monster evo is supposed to help with the finding hulks outside the shelter, right?

I hardly remember a time I havent taken surrounded start. I remember that you used to see shocker brutes outside the shelter with it on. in tge latest experimentals I see only greenies

[quote=“pingpong, post:47, topic:11207”]Without diving straight into guns or broadswords and getting great at them initially, it’s pretty common to head down less than three houses and run into hulks, brutes, necromancers, hoards, every type of zombie, when I’m still trying to find a pot or gallon jug.

It’d make sense to have shocker zombies and shocker brutes at, you know, power plants/substations.

A zombie master could be at a graveyard.

Generic zombies would be common on the outskirts, but feral/dog might be better near parks.[/quote]

Shockers are actually just formerly bionic enhanced citizens, so being near a power station would have little to no influence. More of them ‘would’ probably be found near hospitals, military sites, laboratories, and maybe some heavy industry, but power stations would have little to no relevance (in fact, it would probably be very uncomfortable for them to have been living near a large source of EM interference.)

No reason for a zombie master or necromancer to be at a graveyard either. The zombies arn’t literally undead… they’re infected. More likely a fema centre, mall, or other site of heavy population density.

Good point on the ferals and dogs though… early on they may have been likely to be near a park when they ‘changed’. Brutes may likewise have a tendency to show up at gyms or martial arts schools.

What about something like a terminator?

An entirely robotic experimental soldier, with the close combat abilities of a zombie bio-operator, only it also has a Rivtech gun, grenades, and a combat knife. It’s as fast as you, but very well armored and with high health.

Also give miniguns to the tank drones.

Give tank drone IR vison.

idk why high end robots/turrets dont already have a non-roygbiv vision anyway.

[quote=“pisskop, post:51, topic:11207”]Give tank drone IR vison.

idk why high end robots/turrets dont already have a non-roygbiv vision anyway.[/quote]

Hell, if we had vehicle cameras that could do the same…

[quote=“Eric, post:50, topic:11207”]What about something like a terminator?

An entirely robotic experimental soldier, with the close combat abilities of a zombie bio-operator, only it also has a Rivtech gun, grenades, and a combat knife. It’s as fast as you, but very well armored and with high health.

Also give miniguns to the tank drones.[/quote]

I’ve always thought instead of piling on weapons and armor onto a single beastly robot it should be split out more, so that you have some robots with modest armor and a weapon that can fire once or twice per turn, but you always encounter them in groups of 3 or so, and they try to split up and flank you when they encounter you.

Because “you see red dot on you”, “watch the last moments of your life?” wouldn’t be a fun end.

meh. I enjoy more challange. Shouldnt go near them if you dont want booms.

Ill mod in them and see.

The problem is, they don’t shine so you don’t know if you’re near them.

The problem is, they don’t shine so you don’t know if you’re near them.[/quote]

Just give them a small degree of luminancy. Unless that hinders monster night vision, that should make each other mutually visible.

But then, we used the “why would they do that” excuse to add the nightvision, we’d have to apply it again to ask “why did they put a big target light on it”.

True. Though a bare-minimum “you can see them in the dark” effect like shocker zeds would be easier to excuse than the GIANT light effects turrets get. >->

They get that massive light radius BECAUSE they don’t have IR vision. That’s the only way they can detect and fire upon you at night. I’ve encountered searchlights is that part of the vanilla game? Because they are brutal coupled with a turret…