[Suggestion] More Enemies that are actually dangerous

Its all a workaround to the fact that they dont have IR or AL.

I’d like to see 2 versions. One with and one without. I think Ill have to look into how to make it happen. And, oc, Im not opposed to putting ‘headlights’ on tank drones.

What the fuck HAPPENED to searchlights anyway? It seems like they disappeared.

I just ran into some in a recent game, I’ll have to try to figure out if they are coming from a mod if I see them again. The character that encountered them met an unfortunate end due to his doomtank rolling over the top of him after he crashed it into a building… I’ve killed a half dozen characters attempting to reclaim his gear.

Searchlights are spawned as part of the military outpost protection force. 4 of them with 8 turrets. Deadly

Searchlights don’t seem to work that much, it seems, as long as you stay the hell out of the range of the turrets, which is around 20-30 tiles away. In general, even without searchlights it’s not good to be closer than 20 tiles from the turrets, due to the light turrets generate.

Hmm. True. If the turrets had more range it would make sense. Or just more range than they have light. :V

Also…you sure? It’s been a while since I’ve seen searchlights. In fact I haven’t seen plutonium generators either, in a while.

Waves. Items seem to come in waves for me. Like acetylene torches. I literally didnt see from from the moment I took the experiementals to now. This game I saw 4 in 1 maintainance center. redic.

I for one think giant insects should have extremely high armor penetration and be heavily resistant to cutting weapons. Plenty of bugs produce biometal, in fact certain spiders (Should they live long enough) have fangs made almost entirely of metallic compounds–rather than chitin.

It would also be nice if ants swarmed survivors, being more dangerous the more ants are adjacent to the player. Could become real nasty if soldier ants gained a grapple.

Likewise spiders should benefit from fighting on webbed tiles, as well as making webbed players more vulnerable.

Maybe have mosquitos and leaches apply a ‘bleeding grapple’ that doesn’t do much damage on its own but bleeds players for more each turn.

Frogs could pull players closer just like zombie hollows

Would it be possible to give moose a charge attack? Like some flavor text that lets you know the moose is about to charge, after which it quickly moves in a straight line? Getting hit would toss/damage players based on the distance traveled.

On the topic of deadlier spitters…isn’t it odd that players never properly treat BEING SPLASHED WITH ACID? Players should take long term damage if their environmental resistance can’t defeat the acid attack and they don’t thoroughly wash the effected area.

New type of smoker zombie that emits a cryogenic fog maybe? Lab only?

Mutants that attack the player with primitive weapons (And could be a great source of XL attire for bovine/ursine players) Even more dangerous than hulks in a melee thanks to combat maneuvers, armor and weapons. Supported at short range by atlatl armed foes, blow darters and nets. Could be living nomadic in sewers/subways/caves etc.

Shoggoths are basically a lava lamp made out of mouths. Attacking them with melee should GUARENTEE you’ve been bitten unless made via a reach weapon.

An upgraded zombie technician that can directly damage metal weapons at range?

More encounters with nether creatures. They’re the best resource for unusual enemies. Maybe have an ‘aftershock’ follow the cataclysm wherein a second wave of the critters pour in, accompanied by ‘nether weather’. Maybe have it triggered via a lab finale or Old Guard quest?

Have some monsters be immune to vehicle ramming. Maybe even have them glom onto the sides of a speeding vehicle like a passenger as they continue to attack it.

******I think the real problem is balancing difficult enemies with the thought of new players just straying into the path of a ‘no-win’ encounter. Maybe generate smaller bits of worldmap at a time but generate DIFFERENT ‘themed’ map chunks of escalating difficulty the further a player strays from start.

*****ALSO the fact that a player can tackle most monsters via whatever method they’ve worked towards (melee, ranged, running the over) without much trouble should be addressed. Make certain enemies ESPECIALLY dangerous at range/close quarters this’ll sort itself out.

Those are some really nice suggestions for abilities for current enemies, if i do say so my self.

That “going further from spawn increases difficulty” idea sounds pretty good. But why would it be a thing? I know there are a lot of sticklers for realism here.

Well, if the refugee center and other shelters spawn in your ‘safe zone’ we could say that it was one of the last holdouts, the more you stray from that the further you go to ‘epicenters’ of monster activity. Be it zombie hordes, triffids etc.

The center and shelters right now are hardcoded to spawn on overmaps. Once world generation gets smarter, this won’t necessarily be the case.

What if swimmers could evolve into “Drowner” zombies

“With long, razor-sharp teeth, and arms that appear more like rotted tentacles, this aquatic zombie will remind you why you should fear the water.”

They would hang out in swimming pools, rivers, and any other deep body of water, and wait for the player to come close, remaining completely unseen, before grabbing him and dragging him underwater. They could even use that same impaling attack used by predators to inflict large amounts of pain in a short time, keeping the player from effectively resisting. Also, they wouldn’t hang out right by the edge of the pool/river. They would have a ranged grapple attack, similar to grappler zombies, that would grab you once you got close to the edge of the water, and would drag you in well past the shore.

Also, I don’t know how sensible this would be, but advanced firefighter zombies that shoot fire?

Some dumb ideas:

New type of survivor zombie. Once zombie evolution really kicks in; survivor zombies that are basically zombie versions of post-threshold mutants.

Or some sort of massive blob that’s packed with a ton of zombies within. Once in a while a zombie will be released from it’s blobby surface… or maybe it can launch zombies like a rocket launcher. Killing it will release several zombies into the surroundings.

Some sort of zombie with lots of sharp debris sticking out of it. Attempting to melee it may result in the attacker getting wounded.

Different bile types for boomers to irritate an unprotected survivor. Like… I dunno, a bile that causes severe itching. Really bad itching. Worse than itchy metal thing. Or some sort of sticky bile that slows a survivor down.

Oh god, that slowness one would be awful for Marloss Man. We already have the status (biollantes). Speaking of which, why don’t huge boomers glow like shocker zombies?

Only huge boomers would.

And Only faintly iirc

Their bile only glows when near/on living humans.

A crawling zombie variant that’s covered in bits of shrapnel. Severely damages tires if run over.

More military killbots. Where are the flying turrets?

Caves/Strange temples could use some love.

Ferels/Hunters could benefit from counter-attacks

Zombie mastiffs/Great danes. The hulks of hounds

I wouldn’t say no to certain monsters having legitimately deadly poison.

On the topic of cave creatures…we already have dark wyrms–what about Velvet Wyrms?

Bees should die shortly after stinging a survivor–after leaving a stinger embedded in them.

Mi-go are intelligent right? Maybe they should be able to block and gain a few combat maneuvers.

What if hulks threw rubble when walking over it?

Unpopular idea: What about zombies with guns?

S.T.A L.K.E.R. zombies?

We have grenadiers and they roflstomp. theyd be strong.

its also a contradiction of lore in that zmen are mostly clumsy and the blob doesnt have any nonscientist nongrenadier exanples of using synthetic weapons.

unless some of the more ‘psychc’ attacks are somehow made through post evoution processes