[Spoilers] We are the Mycus. Join us

[quote=“Random_dragon, post:60, topic:9952”]pouf

That’s part of the Fun though.

I should mod something Mycus-like into Dwarf Fortress…[/quote]

Some forgotten beast syndromes already behave like a fungus. Or a horrid flesh eating highly contagious virus…but that’s just a matter of perspective.

For maximum Fun, it should be possible to add a syndrome that gives the victim the “ability” to give off more of the syndrome-inflicting material via CDI properties.

So it’s not JUST spreading the virus by getting grabbed by a spore-covered infectee (like how husks often work), the infectees themselves could be made to give off more spores.

If we replace ‘spores’ with ‘vomit and blood and sweat’, that’s already implemented. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah, but that’s not the Fun way. X3

Guys, i’m have trouble with founding marloss flower, any advise?

Find a Triffid Grove. Mark it on your map. Become god of death. Return to grove. Fight. Claim fruit.

Ah. Triffids, now i get it, thx.

That’s not right at all. The Triffids have nothing to do with joining the Mycus.

If your looking for Marloss Seeds from a ‘flower’ you need to look for fungal blooms on the map, the offending growths are actually called fungal blossoms ingame.

Hmm, i have fungal bloom near me, but found only marloos berry and bushes as well as mushroom trees there.

Just started it up to check, the map tile your looking for is called ‘fungal flowers’. You’ll find a giant fungal blossom there that should drop some seeds upon death. Sorry bout the error there, it’s been a while since I played fungal properly.

Ah, so i need to find fungal flower region. Ok, thx, will try.