Some re-balanced and new CBM ideas

If you want there to be a tradeoff between eye enhancing CBMs, there needs to be an actual tradeoff, as in preventing the player from installing both.

I don’t think there should be a trade off. My statements where more about getting rid of the diamond cornea, putting the perception bonus on a new CBM or redoing the diamond cornea CBM with actual sight values instead of just buffing perception. But since you mentioned it I kinda like the idea of having a limited number of CBMs per body part but that’s more of a future plans thing. I could see adding some conditionals to some CBMs in the mean time though. Like the CBM that replaces your hand with a blaster and the metal claws CBM. Gotta pick because you cant uninstall that first one.
Edit:Lots of mistakes

We have handedness now for watchs, sheathes and possibly gloves. Why not left arm blaster arm, right hand claws and/or monomolecular blade? I like being an OP cyborg monstrosity that can shred things up close or blow them up at a distance.

How about a system where you need certain cbms to install another? Like there say there is a cbm that gives you integrated power armor (just an example…)then it would require a power armor interface to use.

[quote=“Noctifer, post:24, topic:11021”]How about a system where you need certain cbms to install another? Like there say there is a cbm that gives you integrated power armor (just an example…)then it would require a power armor interface to use.[/quote] There kinda is with the reactor cbm. Mutable levels that uninstall the lower levels when you install a better one. Id like to see more like that one and one’s that can’t be installed along side others. Like you have to choose which path you want to take.

Kinda like the mutation system.