Seriously Lacking Weaponry

Somewhere to throw weapons (mostly guns) that are lacking within the game as of the latest version (counting experimentals)
First off, the Heckler & Koch G11.

Weighs 3.6kg, fires mostly 4.73×33mm caseless, 45-50 round clip.

First three shots suffer no recoil due to mechanical shenanigans.

And yes, this exists. It started development in the 60s, and is used today by the german military.

So yes, shove needed weapons here. Hopefully some kind modder will add them in.

[quote=“AseaHeru, post:1, topic:5881”][hr]
First off, the Heckler & Koch G11.

Weighs 3.6kg, fires mostly 4.73×33mm caseless, 45-50 round clip.

First three shots suffer no recoil due to mechanical shenanigans.

And yes, this exists. It started development in the 60s, and is used today by the german military.

Arguably, the G11 is already in game, just that its called RM51 0r RM88 instead.

I would rather have more guns that use the existent calibres instead of adding even more types. We have a lot of calibres that are only shot by a few guns, it would be better to work on fixing that first.

I’m advising against adding even more guns to Cata.
Becoming an unstoppable juggernaut because you raided a gun store on day 1 is hardly fun.

I haven’t seen one in the US.

My opinion.

[quote=“AseaHeru, post:1, topic:5881”]And yes, this exists. It started development in the 60s, and is used today by the german military.
G11 is not issued to any units of the German military. Standard rifle is G36. The military does have some G11s that were produced by they’re not used in service, afaik.

I was wondering why that looked so strange.

Speaking of guns.

Whatabout removing the .300 ammunition and changing the only two guns that shoot it to 30-06 ammo. Both of the rifles that use it also have 30-06 variants. We get one less type of ammo to haul around while keeping the two rifles, everyone wins.

Always thought some sort of flail should be added to the game. Perhaps even many types of flails. For example:

It’s two planks of wood attached by a large chain; one of the planks has nails attached to it. (Bash 15 Stab 6 Speed 140 -1 Tohit).
(Requires tool with 1 hammering quality.) 2xTwo by four 6xNails 1xSteel chain. 0 Fabrication skill needed.

Nunchakas: [Sorry if I spelt that wrong, and not sure if this counts as a flail weapon or not, oh well.]
Two small pieces of wood attached to eachother with a binding. Needs a good amount of skill to use, and you’ll be a badass.
(Bash 8 Stab 0 Speed 76 -2 Tohit.) Found in dojos, craftable: (Requires tool with 1 cutting quality.) 2xTwo by four 2xSmall string/1xSteel chain. 0/1 Fabrication skill needed. Perhaps 1 melee, too. Perhaps a metal version could be crafted. *BruceLeeMode

Forged Flail:
A heavy ball attached to a stout steel pole by a chain. Heavy but could cause some serious damage. (Bash 31 Stab 0 Speed 157 Tohit0).
Requires usual forging equipment. 1xPipe 1xSteel chain 1xLumpofsteel/3xChunkofsteel. 7 Fabrication skill needed.

The Dreadnaught:
A terrifying, huge spiked ball attached to a massive pole. Only someone with extreme strength could wield this; let alone carry it. Causes massive damage if somehow correctly used. (Bash 52 Stab 18 Speed502 Tohit-5) The point of this weapon is for mutated monsters or people who can easily use the +20STR bionic. It however is huge and will need more than a backpack to carry about (perhaps 30-45 volume.) Usual forging equipment, 3xPipe/1xIronQuarterstaff 4xLumpofsteel + 7xChunkofsteel 2xSteel chain. 13 Fabrication needed, perhaps only craftable via a book.

Maybe I went a little overboard, but flails are a favourite of mine in the medieval weapon world. I have ideas for more bladed weaponry (maybe catergorize swords into shortswords, longswords etc. And yes, I am aware that the broadsword and zweihander exist.) But yeah. I like flails. Plus it would give more early game weaponry choices.

Little bit overboard.

Hmm… looking back at my post…

Just a teensy bit overboard.

Ok maybe a little.

!@#$ it a lot. Oh well, flails rock.

The G11 never went in to full production, they only made 1000 or so.

A metal club with spikes, any one?

A major thing I’d be interested in as far as gun management is to make the relative gun spawn rates match their real-world counterparts. Glock 19’s would be all over the place, but you’d almost never run into the super-rare stuff, same with the ammo.
John, I’m all for the .300 -> .308 swap, if the .308 is actually the more common calibre, but I don’t want to warp the gun frequencies just because it makes it more common.

After brief google searches it seems that both 30-06 and .308 ammo is more common that .300 and that .30-06 beats .308 by a small/moderate margin, at least when it comes to hunting. Now, looking for which version of the rifle is the most common produced no results.

Double posting for weapons I think it makes sense to add based on their commonness.

The m24- A no brainer, the rifle is widely used both by police and military forces of the US. Should probably be chambered .30-06 as the remington 700 as they are technically the same rifle with some modifications in barrel quality and length. Should have the same stats as a R700 with the sniper conversion kit, actually the r700 could just automatically change its name to m24 when you install the conversion kit. So just have the game spawn r700 with the sniper kit already equipped in barracks/ police stations.

M39 another no brainer. The same story as the m24, add a sniper conversion kit to a m14, have it change its name to m39

SAM-R/SR-25 two sniper rifles used by the US forces that somewhat share the same niche. Same story as the other two rifles, add a sniper conversion to a AR-15, its one of these two instead of AR-15+. Chambered in 5.56

In conclusion, people who want more guns should do some actual research into guns instead of going all:

Hey Call of Duty has it so it exists (probably) and it ought to be in cata too. Because hey COD is a purely wish-fulfillment game in which you kill teh evil guyz with your c00l-gunz (if you don’t think so just look at the plot of ghosts they went full retard with that one). And while that can be fun, I rather have Cata make more sense than that.

Springfield M1A should be found in civilian armories instead of M14, with M39 being found in military/police facilities. Also, and I haven’t tested this, but it seems to me the 7.62 NATO is a bit underpowered in-game when it comes to both range and damage.

30-06 was a big thing with the US in WW2. Used with infantry weapons (Garand, BAR) and I’m pretty sure snipers gladly used it too. Hard hitting, reliable, quite a kick. Used by hunters today. People are working on modernizing the BAR. A neat idea. Probably performs pretty well.
.308 (7.62x51) is the go-to caliber for moose hunting these days. Also popular with designated marksmen if we’re talking military.

Dunno if anyone uses .300 anymore. Maybe? I know .300 BLK (.300 AAC Blackout) is one the rise but that’s a bit different. Supposedly a 5.56 slug in a .30-cal casing. Lots of upgraded AR-15 platforms use it.

If we’re talking realistic steps forwards in military applications, 6.8mm Remington SPC (6.8 SPC) should probably be brought up. Dunno if it’s in the game already but it should be. The missing link between 5.56 and .308. An all-rounder.

Oh, and the G11 was pretty much a just an overhyped working prototype. Something to show that caseless ammo can be a viable choice. It’s huge, unwieldy and you’d NEVER find ammo for it. The game having “modern” caseless weapons just makes sense. Someone picked up on the idea of caseless ammo, took it a bit further and left ol’ grandpa G11 in the dust.

SAM-R is 5.56, SR-25 is .308.

This thing is likely to see a lot of action over the years. Pretty small package, accurate. Plus, folks seem to like the AR-15 platform. Not quite up to snuff with an SR-25 but it doesn’t have to be. It ain’t a sniper rifle.

On the topic of the G11 (as I really want to see that in the game, hence this thread in the first place), It was concerted as a replacement for (almost certain) the M16, so there is probably one kicking about the US.

Also, this is 50 years in the future, plenty of time for it to become some nations main battle rifle.

[quote=“AseaHeru, post:19, topic:5881”]On the topic of the G11 (as I really want to see that in the game, hence this thread in the first place), It was concerted as a replacement for (almost certain) the M16, so there is probably one kicking about the US.

Also, this is 50 years in the future, plenty of time for it to become some nations main battle rifle.[/quote]

I’ve quoted the relevant passage from another post for you.

Now, if you really, really must have the G11 in our game, why not mod it in?