"Seen" indicators

The “seen” indicators that indicate if someone/something sees the player, is there a way to get them working with other tilesets? I like the undead people tileset for instance. Thanks!

While the answer to your question is “yes” (you can adapt the files out of the data/mods/sees_player_hitbutton or data/mods/sees_player_retro folder quite easily for basically any tileset you want), the undead people tileset already has that function built in. You might want to download it from SomeDeadGuy’s Github* if you’re still on a version that doesn’t offer that function.
*While I usually provide links, I decided against it in this case as I personally have a problem with the way s-/he behaved in the past and don’t want to show support of that in any way. You can still find it with google, searching the forum, or maybe if you wait long enough someone else will post it here.

Feel free to ask for a detailed guide (or a predone version if you’re lazy :stuck_out_tongue: ) on how to adapt the mod for an other tileset if you want to take that path.

yeah I downloaded it off their github, but I’m not getting the little exclamation marks on things that can see me.

Hm, just redownloaded from Github, do you use the legacy version or the “new” version? The legacy seems to work, the “new” doesn’t…

Edit: Indeed, it looks like it got removed; I’ve checked the files and were unable to find the indicators.
Well, there are two ways to add it to the tileset, one by directly editing the tileset and one as a mod.

The more reasonable approach by adding a mod for it looks like this:

  • Copy and paste the sees_player_hitbutton folder in data/mods, name the copy however you like.
  • Open the modinfo.json file inside your copied folder with a text editor.
  • Change "ident" to a unused one of your choice and "name" to something fitting, so that you can recognize it later, save and close the file.
  • Open all four sees_player_hitbutton_[…] png files in a graphic editing program of your choice, as long as it supports transparent backgrounds (Windows Paint does not work for this, but GIMP and - to my knowledge - Paint.net do).
    • Optionally, you can create your own indicators if you’d like to.
  • Change the size of all images to match the size defined in the tile_config.json file of your chosen tileset (usually at the start, denoted by width and height). For the undead people tileset, this is 32x32.
    • Optionally, you can work with only one file if you want to save time and don’t mind that friendly creatures use the same indicator.
  • Open the mod_tileset.json file with a text editor.
  • Set "compatibility" to the NAME of the tileset you’re using (found inside the tileset folder in the tileset.txt file - that would be "UNDEAD_PEOPLE_BASE" for the undead people tileset).
  • Change the "height", "width" and "pixelscale" values to match the one of the tileset. If there’s no “pixelscale” defined in the tileset, you can remove the variable (and the , in front of it) or ignore it.
    • If you renamed any graphic file (or created your own) or want to only use one of the files for all creature attitudes, you have to change the "file" definitions appropriately.
  • Save the file, start up the game and generate a new world that includes the mod you just created.
    • If you want to use it in an existing world, open the save folder and then the folder with the name of your world. Now open the mods.json file with a text editor of your choice and add the "ident" of your mod to the list and save the file.

The “quick and dirty” way to get indicators by editing the tileset looks like this:

  • Open the data/mods/sees_player_hitbutton folder and copy all four sees_player_hitbutton_[…] png files, paste them over in your gfx/MSX++UnDeadPeopleEdition (or whatever tileset you want to use) folder.
    • Optionally, you can create your own indicators if you’d like to.
  • Open all copies in a graphic editing program of your choice, as long as it supports transparent backgrounds (Windows Paint does not work for this, but GIMP and - to my knowledge - Paint.net do).
  • Change the size of the images to match the size defined in the tile_config.json file of your chosen tileset (usually at the start, denoted by width and height). For the undead people tileset, this is 32x32.
    • Optionally, you can work with only one file if you want to save time and don’t mind that friendly creatures use the same indicator.
  • Now open the tile_config.json file with a text editor, scroll down to the file end and before the two last symbols - not counting whitespaces - of the file (]}, excluding whitespaces), add , { "file": "[FILENAME]", "tiles": [ { "id": "overlay_[ATTITUDE]_sees_player", "fg": [NEXT_UNUSED_FG_NUMBER] } ] } and save it.
    • There are 4 possible attitudes: friendly, neutral, hostile and other.

If you use the undead people tileset and followed the route of copying the files, the lines to add would probably look like this (make sure the “fg” values are correct):

{ "file": "sees_player_hitbutton_green.png", "tiles": [ { "id": "overlay_friendly_sees_player", "fg": 21760 } ] },
{ "file": "sees_player_hitbutton_yellow.png", "tiles": [ { "id": "overlay_neutral_sees_player", "fg": 21761 } ] },
{ "file": "sees_player_hitbutton_red.png", "tiles": [ { "id": "overlay_hostile_sees_player", "fg": 21762 } ] },
{ "file": "sees_player_hitbutton_pink.png", "tiles": [ { "id": "overlay_other_sees_player", "fg": 21763 } ] }

Ah I was using the “new” one, I tried legacy and it works, thanks!

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Sees indicators were missed during migration. It will be fixed soon in the “new” version :slight_smile:

I spoke with SDG and it was just added :slight_smile:

@Grimm_Spector can you download new version and check it?

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@Goodgulf I can, but first must ask if the new version works with mods like Magiclysm? Hopping so!

@Grimm_Spector Of course it works with Magiclysm.
check here:
You can find there currently supported mods (there will be more soon:) )
but you need to add them as a mod.
Please download mods from SDG git repo.
And check instruction wrote by SDG :slight_smile:

I am now starting slowly to add mods with graphics. To use graphics for mods with new UndeadPeople select mod called " name_of_the_mod - UndeadPeople Tileset" in mod selection screen (or add ID of the mod with the graphics at the bottom of mods.json).

for existing game add “MagiclysmUDP” to mods.json (mods.json is located in cdda_root_catalog\save\<world_name>\mods.json)

if you have only magiclysm mod added then mods.json should look like:

start cdda again and it should works.

Hmmm the mod stuff works, but the seen indicators still don’t on the NEW version.

please check in gfx\MSX++UnDeadPeopleEdition in file tile_config.json do you have:
“id”: “overlay_hostile_sees_player” if not then update your version of undeadpeople tiles.

Seems to work! Thanks! Though it seems the NEW version is missing some tiles for creatures and vehicle bits that were present in Legacy, odd!

Please create a new issue for those missing tiles in SDG repo:

it will help find such errors faster and fix them.