Secronom Zombies' Mod Thread

The mod only runs with the latest experimental. Sorry :sweat_smile:

Understood. Can you then create a separate release for the stable version as chaosvolt did with Arcana mod?

And also can you mention in README.MD that it is intended to run only with the latest experimental and not with stable?

It already does :3

I’ll try :+1:

Did anything happen? The github page is gone

I quit modding. You can still get the mod(s) on the link, @Kenan and @TheGoatgod frequently updates them for latest builds.

Well thats a shame friend. You made a nice little bonus to the game and you didn’t have to make for any other reason beyond enjoying the idea. No idea why you left modding and I won’t ask as that is your business. But I will say thanks for making it and I hope you find new projects that will bring you some joy as yours added to mine.


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I know that the mod is basically finished, but the flesh zombies are very, very buggy as they exist now. Whenever they try to engulf something in their flesh, the game freezes as they attempt to spawn a monster hundreds of times.

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@Saladofstones fixed in the latest commit :slight_smile: download the fixed fork version now via link that Axema provided, thanks for the feedback by the way, we truly appreciate it!

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I get an error when trying to generate a world using secronom, it doesn’t break the game and I am not sure what it means.

It also mentions an error with the special mutation attacks.

I think that is something that shows up because some time earlier this month a change was made to make the game fussier about errors that it used to ignore if not in test mode. I could be wrong. Hopefully it is an easy fix.

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Yes, @Paul_Blay , expect a fix soon :slight_smile:

What about the mutation attack error?

Do they still work?

All of these errors existed before but have not been unearthed until the most recent merged PR that enforced a more strict JSON error checking system, so only at this point I and other modders are able to see that these errors actually existed and that they need to be fixed, the answer is that it seems that mutations never worked as intended due to this error - which is why this needs to be fixed as soon as possible, and me and our community is slowly but steadily working on this :slight_smile:

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Thanks, please take your time, I really appreciate your work!

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Is there a Stable version of this mod anywhere?

completely working on build 11385 yet to update

Is the mod updated for the latest android experimental?

not sure if anyone has touched onthis yet but regarding the whole secronom section in the crafting menu, how and/or when do those unlock? ive already raided a few labs and have gotten fairly late game with my character, but the completely empty menu kinda bugs me. also is there a proper way out of the flesh tower caus teleporting out just feels cheap.

are the zombie swarms supposed to just clump together and roam around? I’ve been holed up in an apartment building for a week in the middle of the city, with several nearby, but the clumps never seem to actively seek me out even if they can see me… Is this a bug? Or are the “team” leaders only supposed to drag me into the herd as their only means of attack? While I haven’t found a way exactly to get rid of them besides having a charger trample them at all to death (setting a fire doesn’t seem to lure them in) they aren’t really a threat
It used to be large groups used to be absolutely lethal but now they are just simply unnerving to watch at the corner of my sight…

Yeah, that’s why the expansion mod was made. It was to separate WIP stuff from the actual mod. And I do think the flesh tower is bugged and I’ll get to it when I got time.