Pisskop's Crap

^^^The tin says it. Depending on how deeply I go into it I do have inklings for buildings and books and more.

The data is finally made into a mod! It is a collection of my modifications to the game, though it is primarily a rebalancing of monster spawns and monster evolution. Currently there isn’t too much in the way of new material, though that can change.

o/ This is the current version of this. This includes a rebalancing of the child zombie evolutions.

It is listed under ‘balance’ mods on the third tab of mod selection.

-I completely reworked the zombie city spawns. More standard zombies should spawn.

-Slowed down zombie upgrades. To do this I added a second, slightly stronger version of Green Zombies. I also added a seperate pool for these to upgrade into, and gave all ‘groups’ of zombies that upgrade nonlinearly a chance to ‘fail’ and upgrade into themselves.

-Added stronger swimmer zombies and added them as rare spawns in rivers.

-Added an ugraded version of the brute, the Zombie Wrestling Brute. He can bite, trip, throw, grab, and pull you.

-Added a path for zombie to decay. The path is pkzombie --> pkdecayed zombie --> Skeleton

So wrestling brute.

  "into": "mon_zombie_brute_grappler",
  "half_life": 28
"type" : "MONSTER",
"id" : "mon_zombie_brute_grappler",
"name": "zombie wrestling brute",
"death_drops": "default_zombie_death_drops",
"special_attacks":[["SMASH", 30], ["BIO_OP_TAKEDOWN", 20], ["RANGED_PULL", 20], ["GRAB_DRAG", 6], ["BITE", 10]],
"description":"A slab of festering muscle the size of a well-toned bodybuilder. Seems more eager to strangle the life from you than eat you, though is probably capable of both.",

The result is something less physically imposing than a hulk, way more dangerous than a brute, and equipped with a grapple attack, the drag attack, the smash away attack, an occassional bite attack, and the bionic leg sweep.

I tested it briefly before making it an upgrade. While it was generally no match for my 10 dodging and unarmed debug character, it was quite dangerous.

And groupzom settings, create a less ‘special’ atmosphere while still keeping them around - and special enough to be called special.

“name” : “GROUP_ZOMBIE”,
“default” : “mon_zombie”,
“monsters” : [
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie”, “freq” : 10, “cost_multiplier”: 1, “pack_size”: [1,3]},
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie”, “freq” : 15, “cost_multiplier”: 3, “pack_size”: [2,5]},
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie”, “freq” : 10, “cost_multiplier”: 7, “pack_size”: [5,10]},
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie”, “freq” : 10, “cost_multiplier”: 13, “pack_size”: [15,20]},
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie”, “freq” : 5, “cost_multiplier”: 20, “pack_size”: [25,30]},
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_fat”, “freq” : 50, “cost_multiplier”: 2},
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_fat”, “freq” : 25, “cost_multiplier”: 8, “pack_size”: [3,5]},
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_tough”, “freq” : 75, “cost_multiplier”: 3},
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_tough”, “freq” : 25, “cost_multiplier” : 9, “pack_size”: [2, 4]},
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_tough”, “freq” : 5, “cost_multiplier” : 18, “pack_size”: [5, 9]},
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_child”, “freq” : 50, “cost_multiplier” : 1 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_child”, “freq” : 25, “cost_multiplier” : 2, “pack_size”: [1, 3]},
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_rot”, “freq” : 75, “cost_multiplier”: 3 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_crawler”, “freq” : 25, “cost_multiplier”: 3 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_crawler”, “freq” : 1, “cost_multiplier”: 12, “pack_size”: [3,5]},
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_dog”, “freq” : 25, “cost_multiplier” : 2 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_dog”, “freq” : 10, “cost_multiplier” : 8, “pack_size”: [3,5]},
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_dog”, “freq” : 5, “cost_multiplier” : 14, “pack_size”: [5,8]},
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_dog”, “freq” : 3, “cost_multiplier” : 20, “pack_size”: [8,12]},
{ “monster” : “mon_dog_skeleton”, “freq” : 10, “cost_multiplier” : 5 },
{ “monster” : “mon_dog_skeleton”, “freq” : 5, “cost_multiplier” : 20, “pack_size”: [3,5]},
{ “monster” : “mon_dog_zombie_cop”, “freq” : 5, “cost_multiplier” : 4 },
{ “monster” : “mon_dog_zombie_rot”, “freq” : 5, “cost_multiplier” : 5 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_soldier”, “freq” : 10, “cost_multiplier” : 2 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_soldier”, “freq” : 3, “cost_multiplier” : 8, “pack_size”: [2,6]},
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_cop”, “freq” : 20, “cost_multiplier” : 3 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_hazmat”, “freq” : 10, “cost_multiplier” : 3 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_fireman”, “freq” : 5, “cost_multiplier” : 2 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_grabber”, “freq” : 25, “cost_multiplier” : 5 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_grabber”, “freq” : 5, “cost_multiplier” : 20, “pack_size”: [3,5]},
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_hunter”, “freq” : 30, “cost_multiplier” : 5 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_hunter”, “freq” : 5, “cost_multiplier” : 15, “pack_size”: [2,5]},
{ “monster” : “mon_skeleton”, “freq” : 20, “cost_multiplier” : 5 },
{ “monster” : “mon_skeleton”, “freq” : 5, “cost_multiplier” : 25, “pack_size”: [3,7]},
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_smoker”, “freq” : 15, “cost_multiplier” : 5 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_smoker”, “freq” : 3, “cost_multiplier” : 10, “pack_size”: [2,3]},
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_gasbag”, “freq” : 15, “cost_multiplier”: 5},
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_gasbag”, “freq” : 3, “cost_multiplier”: 20, “pack_size”: [3,5]},
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_swimmer”, “freq” : 1, “cost_multiplier” : 5 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_shrieker”, “freq” : 30, “cost_multiplier” : 5 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_shrieker”, “freq” : 5, “cost_multiplier” : 10, “pack_size”: [1,3]},
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_spitter”, “freq” : 30, “cost_multiplier” : 5 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_spitter”, “freq” : 3, “cost_multiplier” : 15, “pack_size”: [2,4]},
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_electric”, “freq” : 15, “cost_multiplier” : 6 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_electric”, “freq” : 1, “cost_multiplier” : 12, “pack_size”: [1,3]},
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_necro”, “freq” : 3, “cost_multiplier” : 25 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_survivor”, “freq” : 1, “cost_multiplier” : 35, “pack_size”: [1,2]},
{ “monster” : “mon_boomer”, “freq” : 25, “cost_multiplier” : 5 },
{ “monster” : “mon_boomer”, “freq” : 3, “cost_multiplier” : 15, “pack_size”: [2,4]},
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_brute”, “freq” : 15, “cost_multiplier” : 15 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_brute”, “freq” : 1, “cost_multiplier” : 30, “pack_size”: [1,3]},
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_hulk”, “freq” : 1, “cost_multiplier” : 50 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_hulk”, “freq” : 1, “cost_multiplier” : 80, “pack_size”: [1,2]},
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_master”, “freq” : 3, “cost_multiplier” : 30 },
{ “monster” : “mon_beekeeper”, “freq” : 1, “cost_multiplier” : 5 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_technician”, “freq” : 1, “cost_multiplier” : 12},
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_brute_shocker”, “freq” : 5, “cost_multiplier” : 40 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_brute_shocker”, “freq” : 1, “cost_multiplier” : 60, “pack_size”: [1,2]},
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_grappler”, “freq” : 10, “cost_multiplier” : 10 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_grappler”, “freq” : 5, “cost_multiplier” : 20, “pack_size”: [1,3]},
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_acidic”, “freq” : 25, “cost_multiplier” : 3 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_acidic”, “freq” : 5, “cost_multiplier” : 9, “pack_size”: [2,5]},
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_runner”, “freq” : 5, “cost_multiplier” : 3 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_runner”, “freq” : 20, “cost_multiplier” : 5, “pack_size”: [1,4] },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_runner”, “freq” : 3, “cost_multiplier” : 15, “pack_size”: [4,8] }

"replace_monster_group" : true,
"new_monster_group_id" : "GROUP_ZOMBIE_MID",
"replacement_time" : 14, "//" : "(replacement_time * difficulty)DAYS *(SEASON_LENGTH / 14)"


Update for Shady Zom

It’s not crap, it’s amazing!

I’d love to see that wrestler brute in-game.

My 3 rl week old survivor just died…These seem very interesting, I’m dropping these into my game now.

And oc, master upgrade list

“default” : “mon_zombie_spitter”,
"//" : “Masters pick from here when upgrading; no dogs, bionics, or profession-types”,
“monsters” : [
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_hunter”, “freq” : 30, “cost_multiplier” : 5 },
{ “monster” : “mon_skeleton”, “freq” : 30, “cost_multiplier” : 5 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_spitter”, “freq” : 30, “cost_multiplier” : 5 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_shady”, “freq” : 20, “cost_multiplier” : 5 },
{ “monster” : “mon_boomer_huge”, “freq” : 20, “cost_multiplier” : 6 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_tough”, “freq” : 20, “cost_multiplier” : 5 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_screecher”, “freq” : 20, “cost_multiplier” : 6 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_grappler”, “freq” : 20, “cost_multiplier” : 7 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_grabber”, “freq” : 20, “cost_multiplier” : 5 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_gasbag”, “freq” : 10, “cost_multiplier”: 5},
{ “monster” : “mon_boomer”, “freq” : 10, “cost_multiplier” : 5 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_shrieker”, “freq” : 10, “cost_multiplier” : 5 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_brute”, “freq” : 10, “cost_multiplier” : 15 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_corrosive”, “freq” : 10, “cost_multiplier” : 7 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_smoker”, “freq” : 10, “cost_multiplier” : 5 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_necro”, “freq” : 5, “cost_multiplier” : 25 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_predator”, “freq” : 5, “cost_multiplier” : 10 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_biter”, “freq” : 5, “cost_multiplier” : 10 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_master”, “freq” : 5, “cost_multiplier” : 30 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_hollow”, “freq” : 5, “cost_multiplier” : 10 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_hulk”, “freq” : 1, “cost_multiplier” : 50 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_brute_grappler”, “freq” : 1, “cost_multiplier” : 40 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_swimmer”, “freq” : 0, “cost_multiplier” : 5 }

*how long before ningja zom upgrade o.o

[quote=“pisskop, post:6, topic:11019”]And oc, master upgrade list
…Spoiler clipped…
*how long before ningja zom upgrade o.o[/quote]

  { "monster" : "mon_zombie_swimmer", "freq" : 0, "cost_multiplier" : 5 },

this line needs to have the ‘,’ removed or the game crashes on world load, with no explanation given. I’m enjoying your setting so far, and that grappler is a beast!


I did have an extra comma at the end. I ended up removing it when I rolled my world but didnt update this :X

Taking the piss out of the First Day, a guide to playing for keeps and living longer than 3 days with the power of Preventative Maintainance.

Some recent change has broken your monstergroups.json changes. I haven’t figured out what exactly is broken, but I’m working on it. Using your monstergroups causes the game to crash on world load and create character screen. I’ll get back to you if/when I figure it out.

shit. somehow or another that damn comma snuck back in. should work as is.

I just downloaded the newest expi and tried:

They tried to give each other big ole Powerhugs <3. I guess they fixed it?

pedit: :smiley:

Updated ‘Taking the Piss’. Specific Zombie tactics to come after sleep and New Years Obligatory drinking.

You can add “labeled links” on the wiki like this: [[link_location_here|what is displayed]].
No need to add a full wiki link there - in fact it’s a bad idea to add a full link, as it will break if wiki address ever changes.

Do you want to keep the article “yours” or are you OK with others correcting it?
I saw a minor error - aspirin can’t be stacked, it needs to be taken at regular intervals instead.

No please do. I dont mean to bullguard it Im just proud to pour so much into it. A lot of tips were taken from everyone.

Im designing a new path for many of the Monster evos. Thoughts on what would be fair but unforgiving? This involves the monster-upgrade spawns. And may include new types. Swimmer zombies are dumb. And have a lot of debit on them.

My thoughts:

-Fat zombies upgrade according to a distinct ‘fat zombie’ path, while factory-edition Zs use the Master’s upgrades.
-Due to my tampering with those, Im recieving a skewed proportion of special zoms as the regular zoms that do spawn are doing so in their top-tier forms.

-I want to create a ‘fortified’ version of Zmen. Faster than regular ones or else decaying or skeletal. regular Zs will decay over time into these as well as into some higher forms.
-I want to add a good percentage chance (40-75%) for Zmen to ‘upgrade’ into Zmen, esentially delaying their evolution as they spawn. I find the idea that all of them evolve silly, honestly.

-While here, I hope to add a variation of tank drones and chicken walkers and secubots. They have either luminescence or Night vison.

= = = = =

“name” : “GROUP_ZOMBIE_EVO”,
“default” : “mon_zombie_spitter”,
"//" : “Evolution List. Weaker than the master upgrade list.”,
“monsters” : [
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie”, “freq” : 100, “cost_multiplier” : 1 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_spitter”, “freq” : 30, “cost_multiplier” : 5 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_corrosive”, “freq” : 5, “cost_multiplier” : 7 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_runner”, “freq” : 50, “cost_multiplier” : 3 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_hunter”, “freq” : 20, “cost_multiplier” : 5 },
{ “monster” : “decayed zombie”, “freq” : 50, “cost_multiplier” : 3 },
{ “monster” : “mon_skeleton”, “freq” : 20, “cost_multiplier” : 5 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_biter”, “freq” : 5, “cost_multiplier” : 10 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_shady”, “freq” : 40, “cost_multiplier” : 5 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_hollow”, “freq” : 5, “cost_multiplier” : 10 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_swimmer”, “freq” : 0, “cost_multiplier” : 5 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_tough”, “freq” : 30, “cost_multiplier” : 5 },
{ “monster” : “mon_boomer”, “freq” : 15, “cost_multiplier” : 5 },
{ “monster” : “mon_boomer_huge”, “freq” : 5, “cost_multiplier” : 6 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_shrieker”, “freq” : 20, “cost_multiplier” : 5 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_screecher”, “freq” : 5, “cost_multiplier” : 6 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_smoker”, “freq” : 20, “cost_multiplier” : 5 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_gasbag”, “freq” : 20, “cost_multiplier”: 5},
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_grabber”, “freq” : 40, “cost_multiplier” : 5 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_grappler”, “freq” : 15, “cost_multiplier” : 7 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_brute”, “freq” : 15, “cost_multiplier” : 15 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_brute_grappler”, “freq” : 5, “cost_multiplier” : 40 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_necro”, “freq” : 10, “cost_multiplier” : 25 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_master”, “freq” : 10, “cost_multiplier” : 30 },
{ “monster” : “mon_zombie_hulk”, “freq” : 1, “cost_multiplier” : 80 }

^^ A rough version of what I want. Ive changed Zmen to Turn into these. I wonder if Zombies that ‘evolve’ into Themselves will evolve again. I cant imagine why they wouldnt . . .

Well, the lua to replace specificportions of a monster still escape me for now, but Ill keep looking at how to call specific monsters (as opposed to species) and then Im sure I could alter their evo paths and all that from there.

In the meantime a solution does present itself: I could blacklist all the ones I dont want and replace them with the ones I do. The only issue I think may be wrt masters upgrading. Im only interested in adding a few new/improved monsters (like wrestler brute and IR vison tank drone) and altering spawn lists.

My main problem with evo is that it effects all of them and that this ruins the established spawn ratios of pre-evo and that there is no decay of these critters whose descriptions include ‘decaying’, ‘putrelent’, etc. I would like for masters to no be obsolete after 100 days gameplay.

^^ Pedit: Well no. Masters are coded to be capable of upgrading all doodads around them, not just Greenies.

^^ ppedit: It also seems that masters no longer ‘change’ a zombie. They upgrade them according to their available types. Greenies can now upgrade into whatever they used to mutate into. Makes some sense, really destroys my hopes of keeping masters and passive background evolution seperate.

Wee mod is done! \o/ It is listed under ‘balance’ mods on the third tab of mod selection.

It should slow down evolution some and allow for more generic zombies to spawn. I learned more about the coding for the monsters, but essentially I got by by adding new monsters for each type I wanted to change. Decayed zombies will turn into skeletons after a time, for instance; Zombies have a chance to turn into 1 of 2 types of vanilla zombies: A stronger version and a weaker one. Both evolve, though the weaker ones evolve faster and into harsher monsters.

Still, hopefully this will emphasize on-the-scene masters and will encourage more surviving and less immersion breaking sillybuggers.111

Its a spawn group. All the critters in what passes for our rivers spawn with it. All the zombie sharks, all the hoohah, all the fish. Its in monstergroup.

Dang, I was hoping noone would notice that message. I had match case on in notepad++ and forgot to ignore case in my agrep search…I’m a dumbass.