I made this today:
“id”: “pump_sawn”,
“type”: “GUN”,
“symbol”: “(”,
“color”: “brown”,
“name”: “sawn-off pump shotgun”,
“description”: “The barrels of shotguns are often sawed in half to make it more maneuverable and concealable. This has the added effect of reducing accuracy greatly.”,
“price”: 85000,
“material”: [“iron”, “wood”],
“flags”: [“RELOAD_ONE”, “NEVER_JAMS”],
“skill”: “shotgun”,
“ammo”: “shot”,
“weight”: 1814,
“volume”: 5,
“bashing”: 12,
“cutting”: 0,
“to_hit”: -1,
“ranged_damage”: 5,
“dispersion”: 150,
“sight_dispersion”: 90,
“aim_speed” : 4,
“recoil”: 200,
“durability”: 3,
“clip_size”: 5,
“reload”: 100,
“loudness” : 170,
“valid_mod_locations”: [[ “accessories”, 4 ],[ “barrel”, 1 ],[ “bore”, 1 ],[ “conversion”, 1 ],[ “grip”, 1 ],[ “mechanism”, 4 ],[ “rail”, 1 ],[ “sights”, 1 ]]
Basically a sawn off remington or mossburg shotty. As this is my first .json edit, would someone be willing to make this a mod for me? I have no idea what i’m doing with all that unfortunately.