Rifle Straps

The Idea
So, a rifle strap is a gun mod that can be applied to rifles, shotguns, machine guns and other similar weapons. When a rifle has a rifle strap on it, it’s volume is removed, as it isn’t in your inventory, but your torso gets encumbered by 1 or 2 points to simulate that the rifle is strapped over your back. You could strap two rifles on you, and each rifle gives you 1 or 2 torso encumberance. The rifle could be used as if it is in the inventory.

Crafting And Location
Rifle straps could be found in all the other places where gun mods and guns can be found.
The crafting recipe would require 1 fabrication, 1 firearms skill, and it would require 4 rags (for the strap itself) and 2 scrap metal (for the metal parts that get attached to the rifle), maybe some thread and a sewing kit.
(Maybe holsters could be used the same way?)


I thought we already discussed this… Someone else suggested slings for firearms. let me see if I can find that thread for you

Here you go


I believe that Sheaths, Holsters, and [b]Slings should allow you to carry a weapon that is not in your hands without it adding to your volume. [/b]This would make them valuable items. [b]This should turn the weapon in question into a worn item and it would have it's encumbering effects.[/b] I think this could be pretty readily balanced.

Oh. Well, I searched for rifle straps without finding anything so, yeah.

the more you know… The search system takes things quite literally.

I don’t see why metal would be necessary; you can make a perfectly functional weapon sling from a piece of rope.

Not all slings need a metal link to be attached to the rifle. You could make a half-decent, if crude sling simply by tying rope to the stock and muzzle of a rifle or shotgun.

Fair point… I know a few guys down at the range who use Paracord for their SKS slings.

What about making a gun… erm… a wearable thing?
Like, addition of a strap will add the ability for it to be wearable. And also some protection from it, yah.

[quote=“trusty_patches, post:9, topic:3735”]What about making a gun… erm… a wearable thing?
Like, addition of a strap will add the ability for it to be wearable. And also some protection from it, yah.[/quote]

Longarm type of firearm : +Weak Block :slight_smile:

“The zombies attack is deflected by your slung SKS”

“You deflect any tiny punch zombie hulk throws at you”

oh, wait, it’s from a different game