Retroactive charging for solar panels

You guys forgot about lighting-powered cars already?

No need to worry about random lighting strikes killing players or starting fires.
It’s lame, was already deleted, and will never bother you in the indefinite future.

Question: Is there a chance that the future New England has a technology to capture
lighting in a bottle battery?

If not, then f$%k this thread.

Else, let’s talk about that then.

I’d like to point out an important fact about lightning, it’s very, very rare. Having lived in a place that’s very similar to the cataclysm area (lightly forested, fairly short buildings) for almost 21 years now I have had exactly 1 lightning strike that landed anywhere near me, and even that was nowhere near close enough to be within the range of a “reality bubble” centered on me.

Even if lightning is added, the chance of it actually striking close enough to you to have an effect would be virtually zero, and would definitely not be common enough to power a car.

For the record, it’s was oversight in my part that I mentioned the character only, but an important part, where most of the lightning strikes will hit would be terrain (relatively here, since lightning should be rare to begin with) unless the player go out of their way to attract it (standing in a field, under a tall tree, on the rooftop); random death by lightning should be very rare.

And I haven’t even mentioned the mortality rate of being struck (between 10% and 30% from a quick search). So no, sudden death is unlikely, more likely messed up if you decided to wear full body steel armor outside in a stormy night.

Just drop it. All you’re focused on is random lightning strikes hitting the player. That’s what your original post was focused on, and anything after that is trying to come up with more and more elaborate justifications for that. It was a bad idea then, it’s a bad idea now, and everyone seems to agree on that point.

No, you think it a bad idea. But the most important thing is everyone may think it a bad idea but at least they are willingly to explain how I can make it better.

[quote=“Cherry, post:41, topic:5211”]No need to worry about random lighting strikes killing players or starting fires.
It’s lame, was already deleted, and will never bother you in the indefinite future.[/quote]

I’m finding it very hard to read anything other than ‘drop the idea’ in everyone else’s comments, but you seem willfully determined to ignore that point.

So how do you make - bright flash of light that illuminates area for a turn or two - better?

Lightning storms are rare and I never notice them while playing.
As soon as it rains, I run and read some books for morale (in case it turns to acid rain).
If it was a lightning storm, there is generally no danger other than rain effects and slight vision penalty and I continue on with the day.

Lightning strikes are sporadic and unpredictable.
Many people don’t find dodging or defending from lightning fun. (In many video games)

I’m sure the comments on lightning powered items was generally in jest.

I’d fall for any paragraph of technology playing the future card, so try your best!

Edit: L I G H T N I N G