Retroactive charging for solar panels

I’d love to be able to retroactively charge my electric car, something like funnels do with water. I got my electric car shocked and completely drained by a shocker’s discharge. I just don’t have the patience to wait around it for days, waiting for sunny days to charge a bit and then wait some more.
Making thousands of batteries really isn’t a feasible solution and I can’t tow it to my base.
Could we devise a system similar to funnels for retroactive car charging?

I thought it already did this. If it doesn’t then this is definitely on the “if it’s done, it gets merged” list just waiting for someone to do it.

It’s true that I left the car there in revision 3996 and didn’t load that save in a newer revision until 2 days ago. I didn’t check the car tho. Maybe I should :slight_smile:

Can I just point out “Vulnerable to Shockers” is a downside of an electric vehicle?

Or would that make them “too weak”

Yeah, but it’s fairly shit when you are in swamps of Zeds and suddenly your car is dead because you can’t put a lightning rod on the damn thing.

New idea- Lightning rods. 1/3 chance to immediately fill a battery on the vehicle in a lightning storm. Also lowers the shocker’s effectiveness.

Not by much, but just a little help. Plus it’d be awesome to have a vehicle powered by lightning itself.

Pfft, the lighting would probs blow up your car.

1/20 chance of exploding a random battery too!

[quote=“FunsizeNinja123, post:6, topic:5211”]Pfft, the lighting would probs blow up your car.[/quote]Maybe you could add some kind of circuit shutoff so to greatly decrease the chance of doing damage to your car.

Or fuses.

[quote=“gtaguy, post:5, topic:5211”]Yeah, but it’s fairly shit when you are in swamps of Zeds and suddenly your car is dead because you can’t put a lightning rod on the damn thing.

New idea- Lightning rods. 1/3 chance to immediately fill a battery on the vehicle in a lightning storm. Also lowers the shocker’s effectiveness.

Not by much, but just a little help. Plus it’d be awesome to have a vehicle powered by lightning itself.[/quote]

You can’t charge a battery like that, lightning strikes are MASSIVE amounts of electric concentrated into one spot. You’d need a battery capable of accepting that flow of electricity all at once, as well as being able to put it all somewhere.

Think of it like dropping a whole olympic-sized pool of water on a shotglass at once. Sure, you’ll get some water in the cup, assuming it stays upright, or doesn’t flatout shatter from the force of the water.

I’d imagine you’d hook transformers and capacitors into the rod.

Nothing we have right now is built to handle that much current and that much power in a single burst, transformers and capacitors have limits. All lightning rods are designed to do in reality is channel electricity safely to the ground so that a lightning strike doesn’t hit expensive equipment, burn down a building, or otherwise be a problem.

Thats just it though,
This isn’t “right now”
This is near future.
We have the ability to allow a man to swim through fucking magma, take a deep breath of gaseous oxygen, and then take a nap after eating an entire fucking chair to get the energy he needs to do this again!

Im not saying that something like this would be light.
Im not saying it’d even be practical,
hell it’d probably still massive and difficult to make,
fucking hell it’d at least be interesting, if made appriatly heavy and multiple tile using.



I’m not exactly sure why you think hippies would be against it. Any alternative power source that relies on making use of a replenishable natural phenomenon like lightning over traditional fuels seems like it would be fine by them.

That said, this is still a pretty stupid idea and throwing the word ‘future’ around only gets you so far.

I’d just imagine it’d be grounded but you’d draw off a bit of power from that bitch as it passes through.

Also that was because I would be fueling my car on pure lightning power, not the dumbass sun.

You don’t need a lightning rod when the car is one partial Faraday cage, unless made of WOOD. You are safe from lightning inside a car due to the skin effect. I don’t know if the engine and batteries are insulated from the outer shell. If they are, they shouldn’t be discharged by a shock.

It’s funny how people take a topic here and run away with it, tho. :slight_smile:

We don’t even have lighting strikes in the game yet.
But they would make a great “nature hates you” event.

If you suggest that we can charge giant batteries from lighting strikes, than disastrous lighting strikes comes with the territory.

But then people would complain that random lighting storm is OP and makes the game too hard wahwahwah I’m on fire boohoo.

This already happened. Lightning strikes used to be a thing, and were literally taken out for that exact reason.

And they were annoying as hell, random explosions killing you above ground? Your building suddenly burning while you sleep?

Not very fun IMO.