Cataclysm Character + Vehicle Transfer Utility
(edit 2016-02-17)
I’ve released a Cataclysm (CDDA) Character + Vehicle Transfer Utility, written in Ruby, and compiled for Windows.
It primarily lets you copy vehicles to new worlds. It also lets you copy characters, and worlds themselves. Finally, it will let you save and load vehicles from json files. Please read the directions; there are a few steps that you still have to do before it will transfer a vehicle.
First: BACK UP ANY WORLD (through this utility) BEFORE MAKING CHANGES
To copy a character, there must first be an existing character in the world you wish to copy to. This gives us a safe location for your character to arrive at. The existing character is not overwritten.
To copy a vehicle, two things are required. First, give it a unique name (within the world) such as “SuperRV”. Next, in the destination world, find or create a vehicle and give it a unique name as well such as “MyTarget”. This second vehicle is overwritten and lost entirely when the source vehicle is copied over.
It is a text-based tool. There is no graphical interface. I have tested it extensively, but I suggest you still backup your worlds/game before messing around. I’d also replace vehicles in a big wide open space with no objects around. The positioning is NOT an exact science.
Download the Executable
Place in either your cataclysm directory, or in a directory above/next to it (for launcher compatibility).
Run “cataclysm_utility.exe”
Comments can be posted here or sent to the email found on the github site. Let me know and I will try to fix any problems that come up.
Linux users should be able to run the utility, if Ruby is installed, with “ruby cataclysm_utility.rb”
Any platform should be able to just run the program without the executable if Ruby is installed.