[RELEASE] Wehrmacht Pride [VERSION 0.2]

Gimme dat mg42 and let me mow down zeds in my wehrmacht kit.

How does this look so far? c:

{ "id": "mg34_id", "type": "GUN", "symbol": "(", "color": "dark_gray", "name": "Machinegewehr 34", "name_plural": "MG34", "description": "A light machine gun used by the Wehrmacht in World War Two. This one has a 75 round strip.", "price": 1800000, "material": "hardsteel", "flags": ["MODE_BURST"], "skill": "rifle", "ammo": "7.92_Mauser", "weight": 12010, "volume": 10, "bashing": 12, "cutting": 0, "to_hit": -1, "ranged_damage": 10, "range": 45, "dispersion": 30, "sight_dispersion": 75, "aim_speed" : 5, "recoil": 50, "durability": 8, "burst": 25, "clip_size": 75, "reload": 800, "barrel_length" : 5, "valid_mod_locations": [[ "accessories", 4 ],[ "barrel", 1 ],[ "bore", 1 ],[ "sights", 1 ],[ "mechanism", 4 ],[ "muzzle", 1 ]] },


Although its not to date, add the K-Gewehr, WWI Anti-Tank rifle. :confused:

Would you prefer if I just added a bunch of random weapons from both sides in WW2 AND WW1?