Power armor and encumberance

So I’m pretty new.

I just found a light and heavy power armor.
However when I put it on, it says I’m at encumbrance 7 or 8 respectively.

Won’t that effectively reduce my chance to hit to zero?

Is there something I need to do to get the encumbrance down? Or do I just need to be crazy skilled to use it?

Having a powered and activated UPS reduces all encumberment, and if I’m not not mistaken it also regulates temperature. Also, having the CBM Power Armor Interface, and in the case of heavy and light power armor, Power Armor Interface Mk. II, will allow you to use internal batteries to power it in place of a UPS. So if you’re relying on the UPS, it’s best to only power it on when you need it.

Power armor is hard to mover around in while not powered (I guess because they are very strong servo motors). To power them up get a UPS (or like UberZacht said with bionics) and activate it on the suit. This will lower it down to zero encumbrance, making the suit very mobile and useful. Just be sure to check your batteries.

Huh. Didn’t know having a (powered) UPS on me reduced the encumberance to zero. TIL

Well, at least that light power armor and hauling frame will actually come in use now! :smiley:

Awesome, what is a UPS and where do I get one?

The UPS in the game is the “Universal Power Supply” envisonaged by DARPA’s Robust Portable Power Sources program, should probably steal that name as it’s less confusing :stuck_out_tongue: Basically it’s a big battery pack you can use to power your electronic devices.

You can find them in scientist and military themed areas, oncluding the corpse specials. Also at high electronics skill levels you can make them.

Other equipment run by UPS is nightvision goggles and the coilguns and charge rifle. Ideally we’d like to add some more stuff that uses it.

If I may pitch an idea, I’d like to see something along the lines of some form of stationary lighting that’s powered by a UPS. Granted, it doesn’t put out much juice, but all I ever use mine (IRL) is powering my electronics during power supply losses. Getting four or five of the bastards together should be able to maintain a fog light or a spot light for a few hours, at the least.

I’d say a more practical use for UPSes is to have a mod for devices or just let the UPS be used when a device has no charge. If the UPS was more efficient than direct battery use (like say 80% consumption), it’d be a lot more practical to have one.

If I may pitch an idea, I’d like to see something along the lines of some form of stationary lighting that’s powered by a UPS. Granted, it doesn’t put out much juice, but all I ever use mine (IRL) is powering my electronics during power supply losses. Getting four or five of the bastards together should be able to maintain a fog light or a spot light for a few hours, at the least.[/quote]

This is why the name is bad, it’s not an Uninterruptable Power Supply, which is what you’re thinking. It’s much smaller than that. Still not a bad idea though.

Ah. Well, I’d imagine it might take more than 5 or so then. Still, making a quasi-generator if you can get a small stockpile of the things wouldn’t be a bad idea.

[quote=“Kevin Granade, post:6, topic:2225”]The UPS in the game is the “Universal Power Supply” envisonaged by DARPA’s Robust Portable Power Sources program, should probably steal that name as it’s less confusing :stuck_out_tongue: Basically it’s a big battery pack you can use to power your electronic devices.

You can find them in scientist and military themed areas, oncluding the corpse specials. Also at high electronics skill levels you can make them.

Other equipment run by UPS is nightvision goggles and the coilguns and charge rifle. Ideally we’d like to add some more stuff that uses it.[/quote]

Theoretically the Railgun pulls from it too.