PK's Rebalancing Mod

hey i thought of a good sub-option or addon, optional, that renames all zombie or fungal versions of animals into the normal animal names but with the first letter replaced with Z (for zombie) or F (for fungal) so u would have zooses, fooses, zougars, fougars, zantelopes, fantelopes (yes i know its not the first letter of those 2 animals but it sounds better than fntelopes) also, a zombie horse, is there a non-zombie horse in game?

Yea, its so rare though.

So you think a good name for a fungal horse is . . . a forse?

And should you be able to ride it? could you . . . use the forse?


So im happy with snails/twisted bodies.

far and away the most common finale, TBs and HSs were buddies, at best loosely allied so that when TBs attack you the HSs started aciding. Im faurly certain that lorewise they are the surviving miners.

Now, they fight. The snails use their acid and a stun attack, and have armor that grants them 60% protection.
The TBs have swarm mindset, have higher attack power, 50% physical armor protection, and regen.

the fight is a protracted one, and comes to who has nearby allies. Snails need to whittle down the tb, stunning him in acid and hitting him. TBs need allies andor to hit their dodge rolls.

The snails do better in closed areas like tunnels, since they are slow. the faster tbs do better in large areas. who you fight depends on luck. Neither is forced to be hostile to you, but both will be riled up from their fights.

while snails are more peaceful, they now use acid trails, which . . . prevents hasty exploration


Im happified this works. I don’t know the frequency of the vanilla one, but this one was set to 10000 weight. Pre-tty high.

For note, that yellow dude is the hissing brood. Who has been in since the inception of triffids. Since triffid’s addition to the mod.

pedit: I dont suppose people want to add their own?

Just 1 2 or 3 rules.

-No ‘unnatural’ stuff. At best rubble, or a few stray boulders
-Gotta have biolante guards
-The 4 downward slopes in the middle are mandatory, and they have to be in the middle at locations [11,11], [11, 12], [12, 11], [12, 12]. Because thats where they are in the original.
-24x24 tiles wide.

“type”: “mapgen”,
“om_terrain”: [
“method”: “json”,
“weight”: 100,
“object”: {
“fill_ter”: “t_dirt”,
“rows”: [
" ",
" 44 4 66 66 4 44 ",
" 44 4 66 66 4 44 ",
" 44 4 66 66 4 44 ",
" 44 4 66 66 4 44 ",
" 44 4 4 44 ",
" 44 4 766667 4 44 ",
" 777777 ",
" 55 77766777 55 ",
" 55 T77 SH 77S 55 ",
" 66 77 B B 77 66 ",
" 1 >> 1 ",
" 1 >> 1 ",
" 66 77 B B 77 66 ",
" 55 S77 HS 77T 55 ",
" 55 77766777 55 ",
" 777777 ",
" 44 4 766667 4 44 ",
" 44 4 4 44 ",
" 44 4 66 66 4 44 ",
" 44 4 66 66 4 44 ",
" 44 4 66 66 4 44 ",
" 44 4 66 66 4 44 ",
" "
“terrain”: {
" ": [“t_dirt”, “t_dirt”, “t_grass”, “t_grass”, “t_grass”, “t_grass”, “t_grass”, “t_grass”, “t_grass”],
“7”: “t_tree”,
“1”: [“t_tree_young”, “t_tree_young”, “t_tree_young”, “t_tree”],
“6”: [“t_tree”, “t_tree”, “t_tree”, “t_tree_apple”, “t_tree_apple”, “t_tree_pear”, “t_tree_pear”, “t_tree_cherry”, “t_tree_peach”, “t_tree_apricot”, “t_tree_plum”],
“5”: [“t_tree”, “t_tree”, “t_tree”, “t_tree_pine”, “t_tree_pine”, “t_tree_birch”, “t_tree_birch”, “t_tree_maple”],
“4”: [ “t_tree_young”, “t_tree_young”, “t_tree_willow”, “t_tree_hickory”, “t_underbrush”, “t_shrub”, “t_grass”],
“>”: “t_slope_down”
“furniture”: {
“^”: “f_rubble_rock”
“monster”: {
“B”: { “monster”: “mon_biollante” },
“T”: { “monster”: “mon_treent” },
“H”: { “monster”: “mon_minecraft” },
“S”: { “monster”: “mon_creeper_root” }

^^Thats like 50% of the work, formatting it and junk.

“rows”: [
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" >> ",
" >> ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" "

Pop that in there and you have a blank template to play with.

Anywho, yes, Im asking people if they want to make some.

Other than that Ive added some spiders, finally upgrading them. I have to do trapdoor spiders, and I have an idea for them, but I did web spiders and jumpy spiders.

Ive added my first mutated wildlifes, mega-bear and vampire bat.

[spoiler=Mega-bear] { "type" : "MONSTER", "id" : "mon_bear_mega", "name": "elephant bear", "species":"MAMMAL", "default_faction":"bear", "symbol":"B", "color":"brown_white", "size":"HUGE", "material":"flesh", "diff":22, "aggression":-10, "morale":80, "speed":140, "melee_skill":6, "melee_dice":2, "melee_dice_sides":10, "melee_cut":6, "melee_damage" : [{"damage_type" : "bash", "amount" : 16}], "dodge":2, "armor_bash":14, "armor_cut":6, "vision_day":35, "vision_night":10, "hp":260, "death_function":"NORMAL", "description":"An absolutely enormous bear-like creature, with paws larger than your head. A dedicated omnivore, it can sometimes decide to scavange or attack smaller animals; relying upon its thick hide to keep it safe.", "flags":["SEES", "HEARS", "SMELLS", "ANIMAL", "WARM", "FUR", "BLEED", "BASHES", "DESTROYS", "ATTACKMON", "BONES", "FAT"], "anger_triggers":["HURT", "PLAYER_CLOSE", "PLAYER_WEAK"], "placate_triggers":["MEAT"], "categories":["WILDLIFE"] } [/spoiler] ^^ inspired by the megasloth

“type” : “MONSTER”,
“id” : “mon_bat_vampire”,
“name”: “vampire bat”,
“melee_damage” : [{“damage_type” : “biological”, “amount” : 1}],
“special_attacks”:[[“SHRIEK_ALERT”, 30], [“SHRIEK_STUN”, 1],
“type” : “bite”,
“cooldown” : 3,
“no_infection_chance” : 5
“description”:“A mutated bat with a narrow, proboscis-like snout. After its pack stuns the prey, it uses its teeth to gouge a hole into its prey and its slender tounge to quickly lap up the resulting blood.”,
“fear_triggers”:[“PLAYER_CLOSE”, “SOUND”],

^^ no resemblance to actual vampire bats.

“type” : “MONSTER”,
“id” : “mon_spider_jumping_giant_acid”,
“name”: “medusa spider”,
“melee_damage” : [ {“damage_type” : “stab”, “amount” : 8}, {“damage_type” : “acid”, “amount” : 3} ],
“special_attacks”:[[“ACID_ACCURATE”, 30], [“ACID_BARF”, 30],
“type” : “leap”,
“cooldown” : 2,
“max_range” : 7
“special_when_hit”:[“ACIDSPLASH”, 5],
“description”:“A spider the size of a large dog with slender forelegs and massive hindlegs. From its maw corrosive saliva drips, and can be manipulated by its agile limbs.”,
“anger_triggers”:[“PLAYER_CLOSE”, “PLAYER_WEAK”],
“fear_triggers”: [“HURT”, “FIRE”]

^^ Maybe medusa isnt the proper name for a blind acid spitting spider.

Ive just taken steps to add a population to the spider pits.

Does anybody know if Trapdoor spiders spawn under any vanilla circumstance?

Well, either way, Ive added a whole home for them. Randomly spawning, a few basic templates, almost indistinguishable from a regular field.
Im a touch concerned about the sinkholes damaging vehicles, but they arent the most common things ever.

Theres currently 2 seperate locations for them to spawn, and a total of 5 surface and 2 subsurface layouts.
Theres a ‘group’ location, where they form small bands.
Theres a small, less burrowed, ‘loner’ location where small hunting parties are located.

There is loot in the b1 level 75% of the time, but theres no clear way to get there. Other than digging yourself or falling into a sinkhole.

Ive added eggsack monsters for web spiders and the trapdoor spiders. They spawn babies and a rare adult caretaker. They serve as ‘queens’ to the locations in that if they die the spider population there dies.
The queen isnt a guarenteed spawn, though. It may or may not spawn at any time.

Doublepost for the post gods.

^^ This is what happens under my setup when zombies “bottom out”, i.e. they burn so much that they turn into nothing. Various zombies of various strengths and themes have a different amount of ‘buffers’ or stages they burn into. In vanilla it was pretty much 1. They got scorched, then they healed.

In the mod, a regular zombie will burn into a scorched zombie. If reburning or continued intense burning happens they burn into a ‘gutted zombie’. If they burn even more they burn into a second ‘gutted zombie’ that doesn’t revive, meaning you cant pulp their corpse and they dont get back up.

Some zombies have 4 or 5 stages. Some only 2. Depends, but this system is better. OP blob are silly blobs.

Blobs on the March

Im obligated to test it now.

pedit: he wrecked my shit. He was based off the lategame fiend version, and its still early.

Im still in late early despite it being late enough where I usually have a reliable rig.

[quote=“pisskop, post:149, topic:11323”]Im obligated to test it now.

pedit: he wrecked my shit. He was based off the lategame fiend version, and its still early.

Im still in late early despite it being late enough where I usually have a reliable rig.[/quote]

Okay. I gave it some thinking and here it is.

Shocker fiend has no ranged attack. He does a lot of electric damage in melee and has a 20% zap shield. With 14 pierce and cut armor he cant quite hold out against a broadsword or katana, but he only has 8 armor for bashing. So bashes beat him.

They are slow and bulky. They are best shot from range or speared. Use melee at your own risk. They are rare spawns and the result of torching a shocker brute.

Im leaving them the way they are for now, if I nerf them its to make this current version an evolution of a weaker form.

On the plus they still have bionics.

Updated Version!

Its relatively unpolished with all of the specifics, such as the mutated wildlife and when they appear, but they do appear, and they are upgrades.
Im going to probably phase shock_bomblets into a new gun, and perhaps be editting down some of the other items. More animals will come, but this is a start.

In this update

  • Several recipes, included deconstruction recipes for the doomy stuff.

  • Updated spawn lists

  • Updated item drop lists. Old, already existing drop lists have had the new items added to them. The doom armor should be a relatively rare drop everywhere.

  • Scorched zombie reworking. Scorched zombies do not heal, but may continue along their own development tree. Specialist zombies may also turn into unqiue types of scorched zombies.

  • mutated wildlife has begun to creep into the game. Coyotes, bears, and bats so far.

  • Spider updates! About time too. Spiders are more dangerous, and trapdoor spiders have been given 2 homes to choose from.

  • Zombie armor nerfs! About time too. Some zombie do less damage, and most have somewhat reduced armor levels. I do want feedback about the player’s ability to play with hordes of my custom zombies, so I can further balance them.

  • Squigs for fungus, fungal boils, triffid buffing, reduced triffid pops, a new triffid grove overlay, and some doom castle B1 tweaking.

  • Added a rare item ‘pokeball’, that can trap any monster if you pass the admittedly difficult check to catch it. Things will kill you as you try to herd them into the ball, and the ball does conserve weight, meaning a 200 kilogram monster will make the ball weigh 200 kilos.

  • Moose will go extinct as a wildlife species. Bears drop off dramatically, and others will be following in future updates.

  • Trapdoor spider homes are in fields, and have sinkholes in them. I mention this because sinkholes damage wheels if you drive over them, and falling into a sinkhole is bad. Perception 10 or better should spot sinkholes if you are walking. They arent incredibly common (450 per map region, a pretty small number if you look at how many field tiles there are), and they might have loot in them.

  • Web and Trapdoor spiders have ‘Queens’ now. The queens spawn as rare enemies, meaning they won’t always show up, and more than 1 can show up. Killing a ‘Queen’, usually a large eggsack that spawns spiders, will result in the depopulation of spiders in the area. You could ignore the queen and use the spot as a meat harvesting location . . . and hopefully one day we can harvest silk.


They are meanies. I underestimated them.

"melee_damage" : [ {"damage_type" : "electric", "amount" : 3}, {"damage_type" : "stab", "amount" : 5} ],

Low health, high armor, a shock attack and a melee attack that uses shock and paralyzing damage.

I used a tazer on it, but wow, I should have pulled a gun sooner.

Part of the problem is that I have just dropped all my armor off because it got so hot so quick.

[quote=“pisskop, post:152, topic:11323”]Kwama!

They are meanies. I underestimated them.

"melee_damage" : [ {"damage_type" : "electric", "amount" : 3}, {"damage_type" : "stab", "amount" : 5} ],

Low health, high armor, a shock attack and a melee attack that uses shock and paralyzing damage.

I used a tazer on it, but wow, I should have pulled a gun sooner.

Part of the problem is that I have just dropped all my armor off because it got so hot so quick.[/quote]

hey, with the updated version ,can you have it set up too be compatible with Noctifers mod, like you did before? or i could do it, if i knew how, maybe you can like, tell me how to do so for most upcoming versions, if that isnt too much too ask?

You want just the two? Sure.

compatibility patch for the two mods Pks Rebalancing Mod and Cataclysm++.

Pop this mod into the mod folder in [game]\data
Then make sure that this mod loads last. I named it PRM++ 180516. Thats PRM (pks rebalancing mod) ++ (cataclysm++) and the date it was made.

Just a quick update to keep it working with new experimentals after about 4882 released today


-Some small changes
-Kwama is nerfed down. Less armor. I survived, but then again I wasnt expecting it to be so harsh for me. They arent meant to be tanks, just ‘encourage’ you to move it along.
-megabears can be seen sooner. Im really, really torn about the mutant wildlife and when they shoudl show up. Id say years, but most people wont ever see them then. A few seasons is acceptable if the mutation isnt a complete reworking of the body.
-We added Child zombies to the core game, and therefore the version I was maintaining was obsoleted. So thats what broke. Silly me for making the PR.

Megabears are just capable of killing a zombie hulk. But only just. They have the umph, but that smash attack is very powerful because it causes standard attack damage plus damage from hitting walls and obstacles and then it stuns you. Powerful in a slugfest of giants.

[quote=“pisskop, post:154, topic:11323”]You want just the two? Sure.

compatibility patch for the two mods Pks Rebalancing Mod and Cataclysm++.

Pop this mod into the mod folder in [game]\data
Then make sure that this mod loads last. I named it PRM++ 180516. Thats PRM (pks rebalancing mod) ++ (cataclysm++) and the date it was made.[/quote]

thanks! thanks very much for this,is there any other mods that would conflict and need a patch? also, you load this last, after cataclysm++ load and after PKs rebalance load, right?

this mod is last to load, so it can govern the spawn lists.

any mod that changes a spawn list i also change will conflict.
Other conflicts can happen, but this is the most common one

So I learned today that solar panels are destructable, apparently, if soldier ants surround the car while you sleep because a young ant queen spent all night pumping them out like a harleton.

Those things in the corner of the vehicle, those yellow things, are solar bits. They apparently have the support to distinguish and destroy experior mounts like that. who know?

This, for the record, is my second experience with ant queens and sleeping and getting surrounded by her offspring. The first was when I first added them. I slept by a river, and back then they could swim.

The headlights are all damaged too, about half of the destroyed and half yellow or red.

This isnt a new thing to the game, but Id figure Id point this out.

At the least, for people with Zlevels turned on, flying critters will go up and down zlevels.

and so can you, in some suprising ways. I used to hop the prison bars before they put rooves in.

These trapdoor lairs are awesome!

I was just driving across a field when suddenly BOOM both my front wheels get destroyed. I go out to investigate and see a spider. Well, nothing i couldn’t handle with plated leather, leather trench and iron greaves, right? WRONG. Suddenly a bunch of other spiders emerge and oh god they can grab, and i literally got shredded to pieces.
When i read about it in patchnotes i thought “meh more annoying sinkholes”, but the way it works in the game is completely genius, thumbs up for keeping the game challenging!