This is a survivor. 1/4 to see the sun.
Its ‘easier’ in a sense, but it leaves more room for the player to fail by their own actions. Loot seems less guarded, but Ive had a horde tear down the walls to surprise me.
This is a survivor. 1/4 to see the sun.
Its ‘easier’ in a sense, but it leaves more room for the player to fail by their own actions. Loot seems less guarded, but Ive had a horde tear down the walls to surprise me.
I have troubles with the latest experimental it refuses to load a saved game even if I update your mod.
what errors diaplay?
some monsters not recognized, like mon_bjay, the mole and another . You have removed it from misc.json?
You also removed 410_revolver from gun.json and I had one.
I have deleted manually the 410 from my save. Upon saving, the game skips invalid monsters, so it seems that’s ok now … Except map specials are back to 102.
About removing monsters and items, perhaps you should phase them out without removing their definition for say 2 weeks, i.e remove them from the spawn tables but keep their references for players with ongoing games.
Thanks for your mod in any case
are you modifying the mod?
hey pk, so, I started eating some aquarium fertilizer and it does what it’s supposed to do, removes radiation… but since I’ve eaten a bunch of it, my display is constantly reporting “your metabolism becomes unstable…”, followed quickly by “your metabolism becomes more stable…” over and over for days… with no messages in the character sheet about any issues going on with my health? so, I’m not sure if I’ve borked myself by eating this junk, or if this will eventually go away?
Hypervitamintosis is from eating too much of one mineral.
The fertilizer has iron at the moment. Just like eating too much vitamins makes you float into hypervitamintosis.
It goes away over time. But unlike rads we cant stop it.
i zhould mention that takjng 3 doses of fertilizer grants the max benefit and it lasts for 4 hours
ill nerf the iron content and buff the side effects for next release
No I did not modify your mod in any way. I download from latest GIT, and there is no such monsters or items in the latest version I have, so it makes sense to me. Are you saying you still have the Blue Jay in your latest version, because I don’t.
one error in code can cascade into many asbthe game refuses to reset its parse
im not getting an error with the version i hard ckeaned yeaterday. ive gotten feedback for the most recent changes.
It is anyway solved as I said, I removed references in my inventory to the .410 and the game cleaned itself the removed monsters. On to conq … survive the world!
well if youre feeling up to it you can send me the files if it happens again. that way i can see exactly what happened
PK, how could I manually fix the overmap errors? Currently it indicates 78 > 72? Is there a way I could do this? I have both your mod and Cata++ installed in my world.
Hello PK! First of all thank you for your mod, its amazing. I use last version of the mod, do not use other mods, downloaded it yesterday from latest download link button and have a problem with unusual big itemspawn - with your mod its like I have 1.00 itemspawn. But actually in game settings I used itemspawn 0.15, doublechecked it. So my question is: does your mod afflict somehow on itemspawn or its just my mistake? If Its afflict, how I can return my hardcore rare itemspawn?
i do not alter any nonjson assests.
if default settings are not being saved/honored then thats a bug to report to the devs
There are no ‘errors’ per se. The game is reporting that it does not have enough slots reserved for mandatory things. GO TALK TO CODEMINE ON THE GIT AND COMPLAIN WITH ME ABOUT THIS HALFASSED IMPLEMENTATION. It is not a fault of my mod [or any other] and its presence serves to soley fuck over mod makers and palyers who use mods.
^^ tell him its hurting the game.
But, generic rant aside, how you can remove that error without sumbitting a PR.
“type”: “overmap_special”,
“id”: “Crater”,
“overmaps”: [
{ “point”:[0,0,0], “overmap”: “crater”}
“locations”: [ “land”, “swamp” ],
“city_distance”: [0, -1],
“occurrences”: [0, 12],
“flags”: [ “BLOB”, “CLASSIC” ]
^^^ that is an example of an overmap_special.json entry.
I have 2 files that support these. pk_overmap.json and pk_overmap_freqloc.json
Go into these files and whatever other mods you use and take the:
"occurrences": [0, 12],
flag and change the first number to 0. Or any number you want. The first number is how many have to spawn on each overmap. the second is how many can spawn.
thanks man… appreciate it. Is the reasoning behind this limitation, speed? or mem size?
I made a list of all the monsters my mod adds for somebody saying they want to make sprites for 'em …
“mon_ant_scrib” - forager ant
"mon_ant_terminal" - giant ant
"mon_ant_soldier_terminal" - soldier ant
"mon_ant_soldier_pk_weak" - jack ant
"mon_ant_soldier_pk" - jack ant
"mon_ant_queen_firebug" - queen ant
"mon_ant_queen_young" - young queen ant
"mon_ant_male" - male ant
“mon_imp” - imp
"mon_imp_black" - imp (black)
“mon_pinky” - demon
"mon_lostsoul" - lost soul
"mon_revenant" - revenant
"mon_hell_knight" - hell knight
"mon_hell_baron" - hell baron
"mon_mancubus" - mancubus
"mon_cacodemon" - cacodemon
"mon_mechaspider" - arachnotron
"mon_cyberdemon" - cyberdemon
"mon_doom_churl" - churl (human warrior)
“mon_doom_slave” - slave (human slave)
“mon_doom_cur” - zombie slave (ala what the pc makes)
“mon_lostsoul_mount” - lost soul
"mon_doom_sacrifice" - mutilated zombie (ala blood sacrifice)
“mon_soulcube” - soulcube (doom 3)
“mon_doom_archvile” - vile
"mon_doom_archvile_2" - vile
"mon_doom_archvile_3" - vile
"mon_doom_archvile_4" - vile
"mon_doom_archvile_5" - vile
"mon_doom_archdemon" - archdemon (doom 2)
“mon_doom_archvile_queen” - archvile (boss archvile)
“mon_imp_revive” - scarred imp
"mon_pinky_revive" - scarred demon
"mon_hell_knight_revive" - battered hell knight
"mon_cacodemon_revive" - abhorrent cacodemon
"mon_doom_churl_revive" - enslaved churl
“mon_fungus_boil” - fungal boil
"mon_fougar" - fungal cougar
"mon_feer" - deer (exploding deer)
“mon_foose” - foose (fungal moose)
“mon_folf” - wolf (fungal wolf)
“mon_fant” - fant (fungal ant v2)
“mon_fungaloid_pk” - fungal tender
"mon_fardigrade" - infected tardigrade (fungal waterbug)
“mon_furvivor” - fungal survivor (heavily infected survivor)
“mon_furvivor_glock” - infected survivor
"mon_furvivor_shotgun" - infected survivor
"mon_furvivor_deagle" - infected survivor
"mon_furvivor_smg" - infected survivor
"mon_furvivor_pk" - infected survivor (melee)
“mon_marloss_man” - marloss man
"mon_finebeast" - fungal vinebeast
"mon_fionaea" - fungal dionaea
"mon_finecraft" - fungal brood (fungal minecraft creeper)
“mon_zombie_electric_fungal” - fungal shocker
"mon_fungus_pig" - squig (warhammer)
“mon_maggot” - giant maggot
"mon_caterpillar" - giant caterpillar
"mon_pupae" - pupal sac (think pokemon-metapod)
“mon_pupae_pk” - pupal sac (think pokemon-metapod)
“mon_butterfly” - giant butterfly
"mon_moth" - giant moth
"mon_tardigrade" - tardigrade (waterbug)
“mon_spider_wolf_giant_pk” - huge wolf spider
"mon_spider_web_queen" - large egg sac (boss enemy)
“mon_trapdoor_egg” - egg sac
"mon_trapdoor_queen" - large egg sac (boss)
“mon_spider_trapdoor_giant_s” - giant immature trapdoor spider
"mon_spider_trapdoor_giant_guardian" - alpha giant trapdoor spider
"mon_spider_trapdoor_giant_pk" - giant trapdoor spider (v2 of base)
“mon_spider_web_alpha” - giant web spider (brutal poison)
“mon_spider_web_omega” - giant web spider (longlasting poison)
“mon_spider_web_mu” - giant web spider (fungus killer)
“mon_spider_jumping_giant_acid” - medusa spider
"mon_bee_scout" - giant bee (faster, weaker)
“mon_bee_soldier” - giant bee (slower stronger)
“mon_bee_queen” - giant queen bee (boss)
“mon_bee_king” - giant royal bee
"mon_bee_larvae" - bee larvae
"mon_wasp_queen" - queen wasp (boss)
“mon_wasp_larvae” - larval wasp
“mon_hallu_mannequin” - mannequin (hallucination)
“mon_bear_pk” - bear (strong)
“mon_bear_weak” - bear
"mon_cougar_pk" - cougar (strong)
“mon_cougar_weak” - cougar
"mon_dog_large" - large dog
"mon_moose_pk" - moose (strong)
“mon_moose_weak” - moose
"mon_skunk" - skunk
"mon_goat" - goat
"mon_gator" - sewer gator
"mon_robin" - robin
"mon_bjay" - blue jay
"mon_pidgeon" - pidgeon
"mon_bear_mega" - elephant bear
"mon_bear_mega_mating" - elephant bear (in heat/musk)
“mon_bear_mega_kid” - juvenille elephant bear
"mon_bear_mega_baby" - elephant bear cub
"mon_coyote_small" - dwarf coyote
"mon_pig_saber" - sabertooth pig
"mon_mole_large" - large mole
“mon_sludge_crawler_queen” - sludge crawler (boss)
“mon_jabberwock_pk” - jabberwock (v2)
“mon_bat_vampire” - vampire bat
"mon_coyote_wolf_zerg" - scythed coyote
“mon_cyborg_guard” - guard cyborg
"mon_cyborg_cop" - robotic cop
"mon_manhack_missile" - revenant rocket
"mon_manhack_fire" - firebomb hack
"mon_turret_shockcannon" - shockcannon
"mon_robot_drone" - helidrone
“mon_creeper_hub” - creeper hub (palette swap-> broken sprite)
“mon_biollante_pk” - glowing biollante
"mon_creeper_vine_terminal" - creeping grass (dying)
“mon_creeper_vine_pk” - creeping vine
"mon_creeper_vine_terminal_pk" - creeping vine (dying)
“mon_creeper_root” - slithering root (burrows)
“mon_vinebeast_terminal” - vinebeast (v2)
“mon_vinebeast_pk” - tangala (v2 -pokemonish)
“mon_triffid_pk” - triffid (v2)
“mon_treent” - blue aurora
"mon_treent_green" - treunt
"mon_dionaea_sprout" - dionaea sprout
"mon_dionaea" - dionaea (little shop of horrors)
“mon_minecraft” - hissing brood (minecraft creeper)
“mon_minecraft_charged” - charged hissing brood (minecraft creeper)
“mon_zolf_shady” - dark howler
"mon_horse_zombie" - zombie horse
"mon_zombie_dog_pk" - zombie chaser (dog v2)
“mon_dog_skeleton_pk” - hell hound (skele dog v2 smoker)
“mon_dog_zombie_cop_pk” - zombie hunting dog (rubber z9)
“mon_zombie_scorched_pk” - scorched zombie (2nd stage burn)
“mon_zombie_scorched_shocker” - scorched zombie
"mon_zombie_fiend_pk" - fiend (2nd stage burn)
“mon_zombie_fiend_shocker” - fiend (shocker brute burned)
“mon_zombie_crawler_scorched” - gutted zombie (3rd stage burn)
“mon_skeleton_scorched” - gutted zombie (not meant to be alive, but a prop for the corpse item, too burnt to live)
“mon_zombie_scorched_necro” - zombie abomination
"mon_zombie_scorched_master" - zombie abomination
"mon_zombie_child_scorched_2" - burned child zombie (burn stage 2)
“mon_horse_zombie_scorched” - hooved horror (burnt large-mammal zed)
“mon_zolf_scorched” - torrid beast (stage 1 ‘medium’ animal burnt)
“mon_zanimal_scorched” - putrid pile (stage 2 medani burnt)
“mon_zanimal_skeleton” - putrified pile (stage 3 medani burnt)
“mon_zanimal_skeleton_dead” - putrified pile (stage 4 - not meant to be alive but serves to prompt the proper nonreviving corpse item)
“mon_zombie_bear_mega” - zombie megabear
“mon_zombie_runner_pk” - feral runner
"mon_zombie_cripple" - maimed zombie
"mon_zombie_blind" - blind zombie
"mon_zombie_blind_pk" - unseeing zombie (threat to Early Game PCs)
“mon_zombie_2” - zombie
"mon_zombie_3" - zombie
"mon_zombie_pk" - hungry zombie
"mon_zombie_child_2" - zombie child
"mon_zombie_child_3" - zombie child
"mon_zombie_hollow_pk" - zombie nadir
"mon_zombie_fat_2" - fat zombie
"mon_zombie_fat_3" - fat zombie
"mon_beekeeper_pk" - scabby zombie (v2 scarred zombie)
“mon_zombie_child_pk” - zombie scrapper (v2 child zombie)
“mon_zombie_child_reaver” - zombie reaver (v3 child zombie)
“mon_zombie_tough_2” - tough zombie
"mon_zombie_tough_3" - tough zombie
"mon_zombie_electric_pk" - sparker zombie (v2 shocker)
“mon_zombie_shady_pk” - shadowed zombie (v2 shady)
“mon_zombie_shady_ghost” - ethereal zombie (v3 shady, ‘ghostly’)
“mon_zombie_master_pk” - zombie master (v2)
“mon_zombie_necro_pk” - zombie necromancer (v2)
“mon_zombie_lord” - zombie lord (necro/master combined)
“mon_zombie_swimmer_pk” - swimmer zombie
"mon_zombie_scales" - encrusted zombie (armored swimmer)
“mon_zombie_rot_pk” - rotting zombie
"mon_skeleton_pk" - zombie mangler (skele v2)
“mon_skeleton_husk” - zombie husk (skele v3)
“mon_zombie_crawler_pk_weak” - shambling zombie (crawling sludge zombie)
“mon_zombie_crawler_pk” - shambler (late-game threat crawling sludge zombie)
“mon_zombie_hulk_pk” - zombie tank (hulk v2)
“mon_boomer_huge_pk” - huge boomer (glow in dark boomer)
“mon_zombie_gasbag_pk” - putrid zombie (majiin boo sillyputty monster)
“mon_zombie_radbag” - smoldering zombie (very radioactive zombie)
“mon_zombie_smoker_pk” - zombie incus (smoker v2)
I love this mod! Just checking if this is working as intended. I’m about one year in with the recommended world gen settings. Something keeps spawning new basic zombies, and the zombie lords keep upgrading them to ever increasing levels. Look:
zombie lord = necromancrt plus master in one
maybe hordes make new basic ones voa wandrring. no monster ‘spawns’ zombies