PK's Rebalancing Mod

Noctifer, thats a pretty decent idea!

Okay. Im also looking at adding ‘Joke’ monsters. But its my current understanding that they dont spawn traditionally, so I may either settle for making them extremely rare regular ones or I may just look into the code and try to learn how do LUA. That would make my life a lot easier as I could start trying to code in custom attacks/effects.

On my list are:

-Godzukki (Water Lizard)
-Companion Cube (Bunker Beast)
-Senator Armstrong (Bio-Op style)
-Bronze Colossus (wrecking ball)
-Urist (cave dweller xenophobe)
-smurfs (little blue men)
-Caccodemon (probs not a joke)
-IT (again, not a joke)

We’ll see what I can do, but these were things that make me happies.

In the meantime Ive just copied out the faction lists of the fungus amoungus and the triffids. I dont think that the triffid should ‘evolve’ like Zombies, so they may get rarer forms. The fungus can eat parsite things, so I dont mid the idea that most of their force is a twisted mockery.

= = = = =

Ima be using this space for my own little notes. I figure this way its at least transparent. I want them to share a rough balance with each other before I address player tactics.

-Vine beasts arent pushovers, but dont do enough damage imo.
-Reconfirmed that biolettes are strong. If I use, which is tempting, I need to be careful with it.
-1 Triffid will beat 2 Hungry Zombies at once. With a sliver of health left. As far as basic troops go, they arent poor quality. Or at least not as bad as I originally thought.
-Brutes will put down a triffid with moderate damage, and even my chaser dog is strong enough to 1v1 them.
-Spitters will lose to Triffids.

Ive got a very rough Idea of what I want to do with the triffids considering my limitations :frowning:

But Im not completely unimpressed.
The TRDL is that I’ve ‘fleshed out’ the ‘creeper’ lineup with a worm like tendril and an mobile upgrade of the vines. This is to add some weaker critters around, and to see if I can make hubs play topside.
The Treent lineup comes in 2 relatively rare flavor. A triffid ‘native’ glowing blue tree and a smaller, later coming ‘treent’.
The dionaea are heavily armored and heavy biting. Although in my quick testing tonight he wouldn’t bite me, but bite the ants I spawned happily. Maybe ants really do taste better.

And I added some limited night vison for robots becuse yolo.

    "type" : "MONSTER",
    "id" : "mon_creeper_vine",
	"name": "creeping vine",
    "edit-mode" : "modify",
      "into_group": "GROUP_CREEPER_VINE",
      "half_life": 3
    "type" : "MONSTER",
    "id" : "mon_creeper_vine_pk",
    "name": "creeping grass",
      "into_group": "GROUP_CREEPER_VINE_PK",
      "half_life": 21
    "special_attacks":[["GROW_VINE", 82800],["VINE", 2]],
    "description":"A long thorned, wormlike length of line the width of your wrist.  Appears to act of its own accord.",
    "type" : "MONSTER",
    "id" : "mon_creeper_root",
    "name": "slithering root",
	"special_attacks":[["GROW_VINE", 30], ["VINE", 5]],
    "description":"A twisting cluster of roots, with 3 large barbed vines curled limply around a wildy cluster of vines.  When disturbed, it releases several of these vines. ",
        "type" : "MONSTER",
        "id" : "mon_treent",
        "name": "blue aurora",
        "special_attacks":[["TRIFFID_HEARTBEAT", 120], ["PARA_STING", 20]],
        "attack_effs": [
            "//": "applying this multiple times makes intensity go up by 3 instead of 1",
            "id": "paralyzepoison",
            "duration": 33
            "id": "paralyzepoison",
            "duration": 33
            "id": "paralyzepoison",
            "duration": 33
        "description":"A massive slab of bark with faintly glowing flattened blue tendrils and large brown pods instead of leaves.  It looks 'sort' of like a tree in that the tendrils are thickest at the base of the monster and taper into thin, densly packed slivers at the top.  Its actually almost beautiful at night, where it can be seen from a distance towering over the tallest tree.",
        "type" : "MONSTER",
        "id" : "mon_treent_green",
        "name": "treunt",
        "special_attacks":[["GROWPLANTS", 60], ["SMASH", 90], ["PARA_STING", 20]],
        "attack_effs": [
            "id": "paralyzepoison",
            "duration": 33
        "description":"A monster resembling a tree.  With a little effort, the triffids seem to have produced a guardian that blends into the forest.  Its poisonous barbs are visible upon close examination, but otherwise its not a bad disguise.",
        "flags":["SEES", "HEARS", "SMELLS", "STUMBLES", "BASHES", "DESTROYS", "PUSH_MON", "NOHEAD"],
        "type" : "MONSTER",
        "id" : "mon_dionaea_sprout",
        "name": "dionaea sprout",
          "into": "mon_dionaea",
          "half_life": 21
        "special_attacks":[["VINE", 15],
            "type" : "bite",
            "cooldown" : 20,
			"no_infection_chance" : 90,
            "min_mul" : 0.50, "//" : "babby dionaea bitch"
		],        "attack_effs": [
            "id": "paralyzepoison",
            "duration": 33
        "description":"An animate plant about 2 meters tall, this juvenille plant still packs a wallop.",
        "flags":["SEES", "HEARS", "SMELLS", "STUMBLES", "BASHES", "DESTROYS", "PUSH_MON", "NOHEAD"],
		"anger_triggers":["HURT", "FRIEND_DIED", "PLAYER_WEAK", "PLAYER_CLOSE"]
        "type" : "MONSTER",
        "id" : "mon_dionaea",
        "name": "dionaea",
        "special_attacks":[["VINE", 15], ["RANGED_PULL", 20],
            "type" : "bite",
            "cooldown" : 12,
			"no_infection_chance" : 90,
            "min_mul" : 0.80, "//" : "dionaea bitch"
		"attack_effs": [
            "id": "paralyzepoison",
            "duration": 33
        "description":"A rotund armored 'head' with a massive maw dominates this monster's form.  Its head hangs low when its not in use, saving enegery for its slow slither along the ground.",
        "flags":["SEES", "HEARS", "SMELLS", "STUMBLES", "BASHES", "DESTROYS", "PUSH_MON", "NOHEAD"],
		"anger_triggers":["HURT", "FRIEND_DIED", "PLAYER_WEAK", "PLAYER_CLOSE"]

“type” : “MONSTER”,
“id” : “mon_eyebot”,
“edit-mode” : “modify”,
“type” : “MONSTER”,
“id” : “security bot”,
“edit-mode” : “modify”,
“type” : “MONSTER”,
“id” : “mon_copbot”,
“edit-mode” : “modify”,
“type” : “MONSTER”,
“id” : “mon_tripod”,
“edit-mode” : “modify”,
“type” : “MONSTER”,
“id” : “mon_chickenbot”,
“edit-mode” : “modify”,
“type” : “MONSTER”,
“id” : “tank drone”,
“edit-mode” : “modify”,
“type” : “MONSTER”,
“id” : “mon_turret_searchlight”,
“edit-mode” : “modify”,


As always I do appreciate thoughts.

hehe… TRDL’s… trdl, trdl…

Anyway: I’ll give these a try tomorrow, sounds very interesting. I’m not thrilled at the idea of tankbots that see in the dark, it makes sense in a technical fashion, but they are ridiculously deadly. Theres a certain range at which they switch from the main gun to a machine gun, perhaps the night vision could be limited to that range? A tank shell out of the dark isn’t likely to be survivable, but a machine gun burst would at least give the survivor a chance. Instant kills at range are no fun.

So . . . good news. ish?

Ive done a little work last night, and polished up the last of the mechanics. I ran into solid evidence that the best thing to do if I dont want a critter to evolve at a certain point, or otherwise preserve an ‘intermediary’ monster (say a ‘teenage’ plant) is to add a terminal upgrade. eventually the game will have so many ‘spawn points’ that itll get to the endstage evos no matter what. Which is slightly dissappoint; thats actually something I explicitly want to avoid, and should run tantamount to actually preserving some for of Greenie.

Anywho. I did some fixing up of some of the triffid critters, and tested the night vision on robutts. Robot night vision seems to preclude any form of ‘special attack’. Perhaps because you arent actually ‘lit up’ and bright enough to target. They instead wander over to you and even start to smash into your car. Or flamethrower you. That too.

AFA the triffids.
Ive added some actual venom to select triffid monsters, added rarer, more upgraded triffids, weakened the creeper hubs and let them spawn outside, gave a shelf life to their vines and let them spawn outside, added a way to ensure the timely destruction of the creeper vines, and let them upgrade into several little forms that let me ensure that they wont all end up as vine beasts. Because wow, let me tell you about that.

The creeper hub will pump out more than 3k vines if you let it. It doesnt stop. Ever.
So I added effects to make them melt away and die after a period of time. In the lore, these little vines are combining into the other upgraded vine forms, simply ducking under the ground.
Because the game will continually try to upgrade critters I cannot stall it forever when its trying to by cycling the monsters through a loop. They eventually bleed out of the 5% chance of being a Vinebeast. Thus, half the vines in an area turned into vine beasts within a season.
Worse, I added an upgraded vine beast thats supposed to be unpleasant to deal with. My level 5 melee character killed it 1v1, but not without significant poison, both venom and from the slowing poison.

But thats all more or less fixed now.

Instead of trying to upgrade all the triffids like zombies, they use ‘terminal’ forms. A terminal form is one that cannot evolve, but is more or less like an intermediary form. This lets me keep them around or dispose of them. Ive also added a time pre-req on some of the triffids from spawning to begin with, and that hopefully keeps you safe for long enough.


robot night vision turns out to be somewhat overratted.
Triffids will spawn, and expand more rapidly due to the focus on ‘vines’. Several very powerful forms of triffid exist, but they dont quite put of the same damage as the zombies can. For instance a zombie tank wrecks groups of treunts, and pairs of blue auroras. many have high armor and lower agresion, but that doesnt make them invincible or you guys friends. Tell me how you feel about the vines/grass. Youll know it if you see it.

Triffids and robot, v0.63

Im open to change of these, but had no issue running 3k creeper vines onscreen at once, so a few hundred for your neglect seems managable.

I ran through 3 triffid groves, and this may help.


Reduces the time before the creeping grass decays.

my level 5 melee character had an easy day in there. Ill be looking at underground spawns to see if I can fix that. But a few pipe bombs to disperse the creeper grass and I was okay as long as I took my time with stamina.

Honestly. Was harder approaching the site than to kill it.

Is it possible to update this mod without starting a new game?

If you already have the mod in then yes. New creatures will spawn within their proper constraints. Any taken out should produce errors, but I havent taken any out.
You would also have to make sure only one version of the mod is in the mods folder.

If you are trying to add a mod to a world that was genned without it you would have to update the mod.json file in the save folder, which may or may not go well.

adding monster spawn changes after the fact doesn’t hurt anything. If you’re using static spawn the changes won’t show up until you generate new terrain, but dynamic spawn will start showing up fairly quickly. It’s fairly safe to add just about anything really, but making a backup save is never a bad idea.
As pisskop said, removing things will produce a debug message, but they generally go away after all the missing items have had their chance to complain. I removed artyom’s mod and expansion mode after the magazine changes broke them, and aside from a pile of broken items and debug messages, there were no long term ill effects.

So while here . . .

Creeper Hubs are apparently hardcoded to spread all creeper vines within the bubble, regardless of if they are adjacent to other vines or the creeper hub itself. This happens regardless of creeper vine spawning cooldown and only in the creeper can vines spread out to more than just the adjacent tiles. No other critter can create vines as the hubs do. Which means I cant upgrade them or include other types.

There are a few types I could add.

-Default creepers will spread their vines, and are blind, deaf, cant smell, and cant attack. Their death causes the death of all vines/grass
-The ones in now will do the above, at the same frequency due to the hardcoding, but will not murderize the vinegrass. Ive coded the vinegrass to kill itself.
-The one Ive got in my world right now is one that can see. It has a smash attack and a vine attack. It also has a tentacle attack. I had a slowing needle range attack but since that does zero damage its redundant when all the surrounding vines grab you. But it will defend itself with ineffective vines (that seem to ignore creature base damage), a tentacle attack, a smash attack, and some poison.
-I have an idea to make a ‘flowering hub’, that can spit sap at you, but I dont knwo if combining monsters is a good idea. Besides, what would I do wit biollantes then? (Ive already added an upgraded version for giggles, and willbe testing them inside the groove soon.)
-I have an idea for an acid spitting creeper. Acid is something I dont want to overuse since its reputation is that of an OP mechanic, but the design of the creeper encourages it.

Think about it. A creeper spits out vines. The vines do almost no damage to somebody wearing even moderate armor, as long as they have 100% coverage. The vines do grab people though. The player/zombies would have to kill the vines to get to the hub. The hub could very easily use slowing darts and acid to suppliment the vines grabbing and impeding forward progress to really do some damage. The same applies to biollantes, which are so dangerous because they can attack so fast. But are blind, deaf, and dumb otherwise.

Damn, son, I need to get more 20x66mm flares ASAP.

Def. As a player who has habitually blacklisted survivor gear and flamey weapons I recommend you go visit the groves packed to the gills with stimulants, explosives, pain alleviations, and envio prot.

Topside, Ive increased the range of the triffids to half the fungus’, and Ive lower the minpop and raised the maxpop. The triffids are a little more expansive. My biggest concern here is that theyll be too densely populated.
The triffids should ‘spawn up’ into their forms, with the first season treent free. By the middle of the second season I was seeing creeper hubs, which is a little more than halfway up the scale. Spawns are determined by time elapsed, not evo path.
Evos do exist within the triffid population, but unlike zombies you should still be seeing ‘pupal’ forms well into the latter game. Its just that the evolutions are more significant and many evolve into themselves with minor tweaks.

Anywho. Tospide are the giant treemonsters, the fungal fighters, the tunneling roots, the chaos that is the reclaimation of nature. stamina was an issue, as was speed. Theres all manner of paralytics flying around, small tendrils are grabbing at you, Queens are changing the fauna, and getting to the grove is a challenge in itself.
Standing guard at the entrance could be a team of sap spitting biollantes. They prefer to target my survivors head, likely due to his lower envio armor there.

Inside, the game is a little different. The most common spawns are of course the biollantes and hubs. They will spew acid and sap at you while creeping grass keeps you pinned down. Its possible to use the acid to kill all the hub/bio/grass because non are acid immune. There are other spawns down there, the next most common likely to be vanilla triffids. Good luck, and godspeed.

My adivce, from my runs into it:

-Bring fire. Youve got to be careful not to torch the whole forest with you in it, but not too many triffids can resist fire for long, and many will flee from you if they get injured.

-Bring stimulants. cocaine, caffeine, etc. Keep your speed up because one of the major tactics of the triffids is to slow you down to their levels. The average triffid speed is 55-60, with some being slower and the fastest being 105. They have limited ranged attacks and need to close with you to be effective.

-Bring painkillers. Again, you have to keep you speed up, and sap and acid will cause a lot more pain than physical damage if you did your job and protected yourself. Try to spring for weaker painkillers that dont hurt your functioning as much.

-Bring explosives. 10 pipe bombs will make the trek inside the roots much, much easier. blast through walls, explode the grass; whatever you do with it, try to stay out of the blast radius.

-Enviornmental protection is a must. Many of the triffid only do modest poison and physical damage, supporting each other rather than pumping out damage. But the ones that do enviornmental damage to you are real showstoppers. Protect yourself before you wreck yourself.

-Be careful. Early game you might be able to get into the grove easier, due to the weaker monsters with less chaos. But you’ll quite easily find out that the attrition will take its toll when its too late to easily escape. Late game you might be able to kill most of them in a few hits, but their armor is tough and their poison is potent and their lives are for the hive.

  • Of course. I also debugged myself some power armor with a laser rifle and simply walked into Rome, so . . .

Other than that, I put in an upgrade for the jabberwock, but I wont be mad if nobody ever sees such a rare beast.

PKs Rebalancing Mod v0.64

-Reworked triffids
-miscellaneous changes to monsters
-onto fungus
-Then hopefully a few of the minor, more native factions (ants)

= = = = =

The acid nerf has somewhat undermined the creepr hub

Loving the mod, the aided difficulty helps so much with the game staying interesting when getting into the late-mid to late game where vanilla it gets quite boring.

I’ll dig in. Your work seems really interesting. My only concern is that my experience is too limited to fully appreciated the difficulty yet.

Do I have to set the monster evolution time and spawm rate to a specific value to use the mod as it is intended?
If yes, which ones should I use?

-The spawn rate determines the thickness of monsters in the game, regardless of evolutions. You can set this in the options menu or when generating a world.

-The ‘evo time’ refers most likely to the half-life of a monster evolution, when half of a specific monster would try to upgrade. You would have to edit json files to change this. I do alter them for the mod.

-The season length has an impact on when mosnters will start evolving, longer seasons meaning slower evolutions. If you are concerned about difficulty you can set the season length to 28-42; 2 to 3 times the default. This will give you more time to collect food and more time to gain skills and items.

So Im sitting here with a blank look on my face when I think of a plan for the fungus. Unlike the zombies and the triffids, I didnt have a clear idea for what I could or even wanted to do with them. But additionally, like the triffid, Im limited in what I can do by the rigidly defined ‘m___’ definition system. The issue is that the effects that happen are predefined and very specific.
For instance, one of my earlier ideas was to have a heavily armored fungaloid that was like a mini-spreader, popping out aggressive tendrils. Not going to work, like that at least.

What I did instead is shoot out a couple of PMs, review each and wildlife critter, and think. I also took the time to tweak a few stats to make them just a little harder, or in the case of most canines, act more definitively. Dogs are waaay too passive, and wolfs too meek around fire.

  I want to get this done while I still have the motivation for it, after all.  I know my weaknesses, and one is a cycle of apathy.

So, here’s where Im at. I added a few finale triffids who I wont disclose. Theyll be in the next update. In all honesty, I cant say Im impressed with them, but they perform their function adequately. And I learned more about the game mechanics by messing with them.
I learned more about how monsters implement guns when I triffed to hack a railgun into a triffid. It worked, and would work, if I defined a custom gun for them, but :confused: honestly.

The fungus are going to have a large portion of their variety in the form of infected/enslaved/incorperated/enlightened critters. Ive got deer, cougars, my newly crafted tardigrade, and fungal survivors planned. And a few higher end monsters.

Many of the above are more aggressive, to help brdge the gap between passive fungaloids and more aggressive expansion, but I do want to keep the ‘pure’ fungus on the lighter side of war. They have the ability to alter mob behavior, so why not let the less immediately useful mobs fight their battles?

Here’s 2 I do have so far:

“type” : “MONSTER”,
“id” : “mon_fungaloid_pk”,
“name”: “fungal tender”,
“death_function”:[“FUNGUS”, “NORMAL”],
“special_attacks”:[[“TENTACLE”, 10], [“FUNGUS_INJECT”, 15]],
“description”:“A stout stalk of gray matter, this fingus pulls itself along with several tipped tendrils. Two of these tendrils are raised ominously when the fungaloid finds a suitable host for its crop of spores.”,
“anger_triggers”:[“SOUND”, “STALK”, “HURT”, “HURT”],
“type” : “MONSTER”,
“id” : “mon_fungaloid_tardigrade”,
“name”: “fungal tardigrade”,
“death_function”:[“NORMAL”, “FUNGUS”],
“special_attacks”:[[“SMASH”, 30], [“VINE”, 7], [“FUNGUS”, 15], [“TENTACLE”, 5], [“FUNGUS_INJECT”, 15]],
“description”:“A giant water bug that has succumbed to the fungal invasion. Its body has softened as a result of the infection, and its sensory tentacles have lengthened significantly where fungal buds have formed. Even as this gentle beast ignores you the fungal tentacles seek new flesh to pollinate.”,

About the only ‘pure’ fungus that will aggress and expand, and the fungal tardigrade. Hehe, I added it just so I could add a ‘fungal tank’. And as you can see, Ive deemed most the default triggers to be too weak. Like ‘meat’. When was the last time chunks of meat have stopped wolves from attacking you?

Oh My.

Ive gotten through funguses. The Mycus faction has seen several new additions, perhaps as many as the zombies even.

Most of the new fungus are in the form of ‘converted’ mobs. There’s in fact only 1 new ‘Pure Fungus’, and its expansionist. In fact, I gave fungaloids the ability to get upset with you if shenanigans. They dont like all the commotion and fighting, and might join in if they have reason to. The converted will exhibit various stages of infection, from full on ant and zombie infections to minor infections that serve to more alter the behavior of the host than to encase it. The spread of the mycus is as insidious as it is infectious - Stray fungal infections can be found far, far from the actual source, and many infected creatures can be seen acting in erradic manners and traveling at nonsensical times.

The largest change has been the addition and subsequent fungalization of the tardigrade - a giant microscopic anthropod. with little legs and feeling tentacles, it makes a good host for to be laden down with Fungal growths. It may not be hostile to you, but the fungus on its back is interested in spreading.

Other fungalized creatures now include the foose, the fougar, more ants and wolves, and the feer. Whats the feer? oh. the feer is a deer. It is fast. And there are fungalized triffids. Not all of the triffids had fungal fighting toxins within them, and even those with it occassionally become fungalized.

In addition to having fungal forms, many wildlife mammals also recieved special attacks of a minor nature and some buffings. For instance, wolves will bite you and moose will occassionally smash you around.

Finally, Ive added Fungalized survivors. They are mostly gone beyond reason, but still cling to their comforts - in this world thats their guns, their ammo, their armor, and their melee weapons. These survivors will all look the same, but employ different weapons (ranging from melee to glocks to shotguns to smgs to -in one horrid case- a machine gun). They arent all immediately hostile to you, nor can they outrun you, but they will defend themselves from threats, real and imaginary. But, they wont be needing their drop leg pouches nor their rifle, will they?

Oh yes. This should help make the game harder. But then again I dont think you’ll be blindisided. All the death should be seen pretty well.

My advice for the new guys?

  • Each gun wielding furvivor (fungal survivor) will make a different noise. Some will shriek, some rattle, some babble, but all should be making noises when they turn hostile. Their guns will have different text to help you identify them, and they arent shy about using their rather limited ammo. They will probably shoot something else before you if you stay away from them.
    And yes, they use real guns with real stats. They have the guns included in their drop lists. And the mags.

-The fungus is still probably the weakest faction in terms of direct combat. That doesnt make them pushovers though. Fire is the main weakness of all factions, and acid hurts fungus the most.

-You may have to choose between a policy of ‘live and let live’ and ‘exterminate the Mycus’. How the spread works is that spores that land off of fungal bedding will try to create fungal bedding. Spores that land on fungal bedding will try to turn into a fungaloid. An adult fungus will spread many, many spores. Thus try fungal beasts will spread the fungus where it was present before.

-Many of of the fungal wildlife is hostile to many things. They arent instantly hostile to you. See what they do before getting involved. Most critters can attempt to directly inject you with fungal goodness, and it only takes on spore in your lungs to infect you.

-Tardigrades, uninfected ones, are somewhat tanky. They are peaceful, but they will fight you eventually. And they are suprisingly strong. Maybe you could get it to help you kill the wildlife or errant zombies?

-Much like the triffids, the fungus dont do much evolving. Some happens, but meh.

-A couple of tunneling critters have been added. Keep an eye on the ground.

Next, I hope to sit down with some ants. With any luck Ill be able to pull out a few ‘soft fantasy’ ants. Perhaps they arent native to the region. But, then again, I live in NE and hav eyet to see a bobcat or moose. And Ive never seen a winter wihout snow either. I wish I knew how to add ‘snow effects’ to tiles.

Pks Rebalancing Mod, v0.66. Tested on 0.C-4417. May you never meet Marloss Man.

Amazing work pisskop, truly! The mycus and triffids have needed some love for a long time now, I wouldn’t be opposed to seeing the majority of your work integrated into the core game. And ants? Awesome!

I’ll download this mod just so I can run into myself.

The mosin nagant has fought against itself and won every time!

First of all, Iam loving the idea of some added difficulty mod.

I have run into a problem though.

Using the latest experimental and your .66 mod I had to abandon 2 consequtive games because the cities I was in became OVERFLOWED with blobs by the end of the first week.

That is, there is a blob on every 2nd tile as far as you can see.

Apart from 2,5 enemy and 0,5 item spawn, iam playing on the default settings.

I suppose the situation would be slightly better on 1 spawn rate, but I fear that blobs would become unmanagable regardless…