The penalty from overdoing one food group would be the increasing morale penalties from the groups your neglecting. There’s no need for an additional “Too much bread” morale penalty, its already implied by your cravings from the other things. Otherwise, your adding additional punishment to players who are genuinely in a situation where all they’ve gotten is canned pumpkin and beans.
As for diseases, I’ve never found them as clear or easily understood as the morale menu. Morale is press a key, get a list of whats going on, to what strength it is happening, and a summary at the bottom. Quick and concise. Diseases are tucked away in a sub-tab of the @ menu, which isn’t immediately intuitive (I spent half a year playing before I even realized I could tab around it, I didn’t realize it was an interactive menu), and when you do make your way to the disease, it tells you the name, and the effect. Some are obvious “I have a bite on my arm? Must have gotten it in a fight” but aren’t immediately obvious about their future dangers (“The bite wound hurts. Well, I should take a painkiller” - Novice me, not knowing infection mechanics) or how to properly care for them. I guess that’s a personal gripe though. Disease style effects could be good if used sparingly.
Really, what I don’t want to do is end up over doing the punishments for the system. We’ve already got dangers of overeating, adding additional penalties to something we generally don’t do won’t make much of a difference. We’d already be punishing their ability to craft and learn and work with the morale penalty. Diseases are a general stat malus, or other active effect. If we are going to tell a player “You need to go exploring and fight to find the stuff your craving, because all you’ve eaten is bread” do we also want to say “But do it with a few less stat points, or a speed penalty”? Doesn’t seem good to me. Late game characters just won’t care if they go from strength 13 to 12 because they’ve got the skills to compensate, early game characters will be punished even worse because they don’t.
Whoop, while I was writing that, a bunch of things popped up.
[quote=“User, post:48, topic:12197”]
Honestly, a few months back, there was a mention of having morale bonuses/penalties related to food variety.
yes, this is what chezzo and me have been talking about but he says this shouldn’t be the case, citing fast food and cake studies.
you are talking about
this post and those after it.
i linked to it and you would know that if you had enough respect for others to read a thread before posting in it.[/quote]
For some reason I remembered it having been said by Coolthulhu. Sorry, I checked outta the argument between you and Chezzo once the insults started flying. But none of you mentioned morale penalties. Maybe I wasn’t clear enough, I’m talking about removing the vitamin system entirely, and replacing it with a cravings system. Like, not actually caring about vitamins, but caring about those general cravings people get. Not a “I’m craving meat because I need protein” thing. A “I’m craving meat because I like steak and its been a while” type system.
I’m not a fan of it. It punishes players for eating too much of the same food, but it punishes them by meaning they need to eat more of it to not be starving. The “nutrition” stat food has now basically acts as fullness, or a calorie counter. Minecraft gets away with it because its not pretending to be realistic in the slightest, but Cata is somewhat trying. Feels too far off the mark, and introduces a few weird cases of “game logic” that isn’t immediately intuitive to a player.