(newbie) pick up an item in tutorial

ver : 0.F-3

Just to be certain and because the wiki hints that i must be on a tile to pick up an item, i want to ask if the only way to pick an item is by standing to a tile next to it , pressing ‘g’ and then the direction.

Also at one point the tutorial (when i drop of the lighter to pickup a flashlight ) it says that i am standing on an item and i can pickit up with g). But pressing ‘g’ it prompts me to give a direction ? And at that point i wonder if there is a direction that represent the point i am standing.

You probably had your caps lock on, so it was not g, but G

Heads up, are you aware you play outdated version of the game? You play 0.F, and the current stable is 0.H, two versions above

In 0.F 's tutorial i noticed that being on a tile an ‘g’ when prompted for direction i can hit 5 to stand for my current position.

I tried also 0.H. The tutorial is more informative and pickup work intuitively. I dont have to give a direction.