New Proffesion Maybe - War Reinactor

Maybe this could be a profession that starts with a old gun maybe and some ammo. The description could be you were on your way to the annual war reenactment
then the cataclysm struck all of a sudden maybe.

But they’re reenactors, why would they have actual guns?

Because that’s what reenactors carry: real firearms. They just don’t load any projectiles in with the powder.

WWII reenactors carry proper firearms, too. They just use blank rounds.

So, it should start with blank ammo then, are those already in the game? Cause they should be.

Spiderman derail? Spiderman derail.

More likely just an empty flintlock gun with some powder. It’s not particularly difficult to secure the rest of the ingredients for black powder ammunition otherwise.

Well, we have the tricorne and the flintlock. Now the question is, are we talking Tory, Hessian, Redcoat, or a true patriot?

Does it really matter that much? We can just call them ‘reenactor’.

If we give them a simple outfit of some sort that can pass for old-fashioned and a tricorne the rest can be left up to the player’s imagination.

My reaction was, “wow that’s silly… I like it”.
Yea we have everything we need for it AFAIK.


So, reenactor.

Next step, how about a LARPer? Chainmail everything, broadsword, generous topping of melee/cutting weapons/dodging skills. Too niche?

[quote=“Sean Mirrsen, post:10, topic:7495”]So, reenactor.

Next step, how about a LARPer? Chainmail everything, broadsword, generous topping of melee/cutting weapons/dodging skills. Too niche?[/quote]

How about a medieval reenactor instead?

[quote=“Sean Mirrsen, post:10, topic:7495”]So, reenactor.

Next step, how about a LARPer? Chainmail everything, broadsword, generous topping of melee/cutting weapons/dodging skills. Too niche?[/quote]

Only if the sword is one of the shitty blunt ones. After all, I don’t think anyone would want to LARP with you if there’s a risk of death and dismemberment.

LARP no, battle reconstruction yes. Blunted weapons, but otherwise? Everything’s real (and preferably matching the battle being reconstructed). Yes, even the weapons - the blunting’s the only difference between it and actual combat weapon used to maim and kill. Injuries and concussions happen often, but the reconstructors don’t care.

Does CDDA even have chainmail? I think it doesnt. And should be added, because you only need wire, pipe (or a bunch of metal rings), and bolt cutters to make one. Plus pre-made, super rare thingies like “maille t-shirt” (sic) - which you can’t make yourself because adding an unique jewelry-precision welding kit for a single item would be overkill.
LARPer would have fake broadsword, scabbard, and fancy clothes, without armor - because armor is tiresome to wear all the time so they sent it separately (and it got lost in Cataclysm).

I feel like you should be able to craft ‘chain mail’ which can be used to make chain mail armor parts. A whole chain mail shirt should take days to make, even with modern technology.


I think Chiko had some chainmail in his modpack.

Check Rivet’s latest modpack.

So do many of the items present.
Making a new material, though, side-steps the issue of uniquity of chainmail - it increases the damage of bullets due to forming shrapnel from the rings, which can be represented as lower cut protection, and I believe it should have different other protections, as well (ring mesh sure isn’t protecting you from gases… but it apparently works GREATLY to contain the heat).
Also, adding “steel ring mesh” material would allow to have more representation of various real and fictional armors, such as Persian plated mail (ring mesh/steel plates), many various leather/chain and chain/leather mixes, enhanced firegloves (nomex or leather/ring mesh), et cetera.