New CBM Disscussion

so when was the last he we had a new CBM? Answer: a very long time ago yeah… and some CBM’s in development were never finished and I wonder where that Fingerpick CBM (Lockpick CBM) went to.

Anyway discuss ideas here for new CBM’s remember that it needs some balance to it as well.

I for one am Interested in that field of darkness CBM and Lighting Bolt CBM which imitates the shocker zombies ability.

The lightning one is a great idea! I would use. It would have to take a lot of energy, though, considering it’s nature and all.

Future bionics in the wiki…
Chain Lightning
Activated / Power cost: 48 (wow a bit high)
“Powerful capacitors unleash an electrical storm at your command, sending a chain of highly-damaging lightning through the air. It has the power to injure several opponents before grounding itself.”

Artificial Night
Activated / Power cost: 5 / Charge time: 1
"Photon absorbtion panels will attract and obliterate photons within a 100’radius (how large is this? probably make it bigger with higher power cost), casting an area around you into pitch darkness."

the wiki has them too bad they weren’t developed. (needs hard coding :l)

retractable pointy stick CBM

see here:

Should hurt every time you use it.


also maybe we could split up integrated toolset a bit. right now its far and away one of the best CBMs. like put the welder on a different CBM, like either its own (CBM welder arm) or put it on the laser finger CBM.

looking into making the artificial night CBM atm (would be fun raiding 24/7 night time)

Some ideas may not make sense:

Chainsaw hand.

Hyper-jump (movement enhancement).

Turbo-boost (run speed enhancement).

Implanted Firearm.

Implanted Grenade Launcher.

Water Resevoir.

Implanted Wet Bar. Like Water Resevoir, but for booze.

Hydro-electric Power Source. Uses filtered (clean water) to recharge power batteries.

Emotional Inhibitor. Ignores morale effects while powered. With some sort of negative side-effect perhaps?

Holographic Decoy. Effect on monsters similar to noise emitter, but visual only.

Scent Decoy. As above, but scent only.

Monofilament Whip. Very high cutting damage, very fragile.

Liquid Nitrogen Pump: filters nitrogen out of the air and liquifies it, while spraying down upon whatever poor sap you happen to hit. Freezing them solid.


also maybe we could split up integrated toolset a bit. right now its far and away one of the best CBMs. like put the welder on a different CBM, like either its own (CBM welder arm) or put it on the laser finger CBM.[/quote]

Yeah, and create even more tool-creep. Hey, if I wanted nerf I’d go buy a foam-rubber thingamabob. Leave Integrated Toolset alone. >-(


also maybe we could split up integrated toolset a bit. right now its far and away one of the best CBMs. like put the welder on a different CBM, like either its own (CBM welder arm) or put it on the laser finger CBM.[/quote]

Yeah, and create even more tool-creep. Hey, if I wanted nerf I’d go buy a foam-rubber thingamabob. Leave Integrated Toolset alone. >-([/quote]

what do you mean by tool-creep?

also above someone mentioned implanted firearms and implanted grenade launchers…

what about CBM: Weapons Pod that lets you install any weapon for hands-free use? like uhhh…

except you could put in whatever gun you wanted?

oh, oh! what about Internal Still, which could make potatos into vodka, corn into whiskey, bread into beer, fruit into wine, honey into mead (wait, do we have all these alcohols in the game??), an make tequila out of uhhhh plant marrow?

anyway, it’s a CBM that makes alcohol.

Then we use our ethanol burners to get plastered and make power! I think I like this idea.

Make ethanol burner and internal furnace stationery items, not inside bionics.
And make charging from cars and stationery generators.

this one is plausible as fire extinguishers can freeze and kill liquid enemies if you spray them a few times with it.

Car Jack - A jump lead cable connected to your internal batteries. Allows you to drain power from car engines at the cost of breaking the engine. Gain more or less energy based on the damage of the engine & type of engine. So undamaged engines give more energy than damaged engines. and 1 cylinder engines give less energy overall than other types of engine. Engines must be installed in a car to draw power for balancing.

Full body Flashbang - Causes small panels on your skin to use your energy to create a high powered flash of light that stuns enemies nearby.

Gene analyser - When powered analyses your genes and if you are about to mutate tells you which mutation you will gain and might allow you to cancel the mutation entirely at a higher power cost. Gives you the option to power it after drinking a mutagen/ eating a foetus etc

Clairvoyance System - While powered give you the abilities of a Clairvoyance artefact.

Full body flashbang = Solar flare

CBM: Scouting Drone?

Chain lightning,Flash-bang and other neat new CBM’s have been added to the nightly version by ejseto