New CBM Disscussion

I’m kinda wondering if there should be a way to balance CBMs, like say, encumberance. Each CBM you install to a limb and it adds .5 or .25 encumberance or something, storage batteries might be free or even they cost points.

I do like the idea of CBMs and becoming godlike and stuff like the tremendously huge cars, but I’m sure there are some who would appreciate a more strategic method.

CBMs could be removed just about the same way they got put in… knives. Could take survival as a skill instead of medicine for success rate.

Assuming that the science-fiction technology that allow self-installation of cybernetic implants in non-sterile conditions are at least as medically competent in other aspects of their design as current, real-life prosthetic technology, there would be little to no difference in weight, volume, or encumberance between an artificial limb and a natural one.

I’d assume the other cybernetics would be equally balanced. No one would ever mass-market a cybernetic implant that makes you functionally worse off after you install it. (I’m looking at you CBM: Fusion Blaster!)

I’m pretty much sure it’s probably already in the game, but maybe a gas mask CBM.

Lung Filters, blocks out any poison, smoke, or other harmful gasses

@Tee - yes, there is a way to breathe pure air, even under water.

Scent Decoy. As above, but scent only.
Also in game, some kind of Obliterator.

[quote=“Tee, post:23, topic:1798”]I’m pretty much sure it’s probably already in the game, but maybe a gas mask CBM.

Lung Filters, blocks out any poison, smoke, or other harmful gasses[/quote]

there is an air filtration cbm but it doesnt really work very well

[quote=“grisamentum, post:25, topic:1798”][quote=“Tee, post:23, topic:1798”]I’m pretty much sure it’s probably already in the game, but maybe a gas mask CBM.

Lung Filters, blocks out any poison, smoke, or other harmful gasses[/quote]

there is an air filtration cbm but it doesnt really work very well[/quote]

Yeah, the air filter only kicks in if you’re wearing less than a Filter Mask, and only really brings you up to that standard. Mine exploration is Gas Mask, no exceptions.

perhaps making it rarer,harder to install and use more power to bring it to gas mask level could be made if devs agree on it.

CBM: Modulating Melee Attachment

This cybernetic enhancement replaces one of the users arms up to the forearm with a series of hidden weapons in a realistic prosthetic replacement. Activate to cycle through the available weapons.

Activating this module would cycle through a built-in sword, baton and some kind of short spear. Would be a really good swiss-army any situation enhancement. The weapons wouldn’t be the best around but they would certainly be better than your typical impromptu weapon you find laying around.

CBM: Punishment
Your blood is the holy water for zombies. Every hostile contact with your body flushes some blood out of your system, with heavier blows showering the undead with your bodily fluid which burns them like a deadly acid. Install [Y/N]?

I think 2 of those 3 would be quite sufficient, thanks. As is, gas masks are only really useful for Mines, possibly Fungus, and house-burning/Smokers…so Id imagine most people don’t carry them on their person.

CBM Jump Jets: ~5 power. A set of miniature jet engines are implanted in your heels and elbows. Activate for a very fast, straight, charge with a considerable melee damage boost if you collide while active. You, however, stop if you hit something. They might get thrown away, however.

CBM All Terrain Implant: Passive effect: Treats all non-liquid, empty, tiles as roads. Powered (1 per move): Allows the user to walk on liquids safely (including lava). Does not affect temperatures.
*Replaces the bottom of your feet with a semi-solid goo that makes walking and running a breeze. When activated, the
goo expands considerably allowing truly all terrain movement.

CBM Drone Bay: ~3 power. Replaces your left arm with an advanced mini-disassembler drone manufacture and launch system. For the low price of one scrap, you too can set up instant death traps!
*Activate to cover any nearby tile in disassembly drones. They do only a little damage to organics, but are devastating to

CBM Fusion Generator: Takes hydrogen fuel in and converts it to power.

CBM Hydrogen Fuel Generator: ~7 power(for balance, lets say 1 hydrogen fuel makes 5 power). Generates a unit of hydrogen fuel from the environment. Slightly more efficient in clean water than in dry air.

CBM Emergency Detonator: 6 power. A set of shaped energy charges placed throughout the body. When activated, they will detonate inside of you. Damage to you is minimal, but your surrounding enemies are not so lucky. Can very easily cause fires.

CBM Emergency Power Unit: Provides a little bit of power by digesting your body. Digests the highest health limb first. Use this only as a last resort.

CBM Vehicle Interface: A set of multi-purpose cables in your wrist. When connected into a car, they will allow complete control using only your mind.
*Adds +2 to driving

CBM Overload: Rapidly discharges all your energy in one go through a web of wiring throughout your skin. Can interfere with brain signals and is very hazardous to robots. At higher internal energy levels, it can cause you to be surrounded by fire or, in extreme cases, turn everything around you into lava!

CBM Sensor Jammer: Passive: Constantly emits a frequency that cannot be heard by any living organism, but that causes the air around the user to constantly move in irregular waves. Mechanical foes will have a much harder time picking you up on their sensors.

CBM Shoulder Mounted Launcher: A shoulder mounted dumb-fire rocket launcher, used fire and forget rockets for ammo and costs 10 power to fire. Dumb fire rockets have a small explosion, but pack a punch. Useful for that added ‘umpfh’ without switching weapons.

This actually would be a neat gambling idea, could make sparks around you, with the highest level maybe being the outside. It would be guaranteed to drain you completely, and for every 10 or some amount, increases the range of sparks generated. Could be used to stack with a static charger, so you can prevent ensuing sparks from running into you in exchange for like +1 power.

On that note, why aren’t there static catchers or peltier junction CBMs? The static catcher would just prevent electric damage or something (maybe charges in thunderstorms too), and the peltier junction could generate energy from temperature difference (possibly reducing impact of temperature) or could even be a weapon which could set the area around you on fire or at least damage, in exchange for making you extremely cold.

CBM: Killswitch/Martyr System - A hollowed out portion of your torso has been packed with a small, yet considerably powerful explosive device set to explode if activated. Usually in the case of a no-win scenario. Or upon death. Its one of those CBMs that I would personally always have. Let’s face it, we know our characters are going to die eventually. One last FUCK YOU to whatever’s about to eat you brings some small satisfaction in knowing you’re taking your killer with you.

Being inoriginal and ripping off a neural implant from the space marines.

Catalepsean Node
Implanted into the back of the brain, this pea-sized organ influences the circadian rhythms of sleep and the body’s response to sleep deprivation. If deprived of sleep, the catalepsean node cuts in. The node allows a Marine to sleep and remain awake at the same time by switching off areas of his brain sequentially. This process cannot replace sleep entirely, but increases the Marines survivability by allowing perception of the environment while resting[1][2a][3]. This means that a Space Marine needs no more than 4 hours of sleep a day, and can potentially go for 2 weeks without any sleep at all.

CBM: Firefly Launcher

Two small half-cylinders mounted on your shoulders can at the cost of a chunk of steel and 5 power produce a small robotic drone that resembles a firefly that flies around a few paces ahead of the player providing enough light to see ahead while keeping the player in the shadows. Lasts for half an hour or until killed. I though this would be useful so that you don’t have to find a night vision CBM to avoid drawing attention to yourself with a flashlight.

CBM: Combat analysis

Sensors fitted in your eyes predict your enemies attack and send signals to your brain allowing you to dodge and select the best counter rapidly. (Requires 10 power/ 2 turns) Learns attack patterns of different enemies slowly. So if its your first time using it against zombies it wont really help, but after fighting 2 or 3 zombies you will be more effective at fighting zombies, but only zombies, not any special zombies or any other enemy. But if you use it a few times on a different enemy it learns their attack pattern too.