Needful things (simple additions to improve the game)

New “building”: orchards, generally found on the outskirts of town, not too dissimilar to labs. Naturally, the primary feature is a lot of fruit trees in neat formation. Absolutely the kind of place you want to mark on your map to drive out there every year.

Schizophrenia effects should be more varied. “You see the fungal wall approaching, stop crafting?” isn’t exactly all that worrying, let’s be honest. If it included more auditory hallucinations (“From the south you hear glass breaking.”) that would be a little more unnerving, especially at night. It would also be worrying if it randomly told you you have disassembled something, especially if you “fail”. “You fail to recover from .” Sometimes it would be obvious it’s the game messing with you, but sometimes you’re hammering the keys and you’re not sure. It would be cool if some were actually triggered by key presses, like “You eat your .”, nonsense most of the time but if you have internal furnace it’s a bit scary? Basically any message you’re likely to see on a regular basis in the game should pop up at moments that should cause maximum panic. Right now it’s a little predictable.

I really like this idea. I never take schizo, but if these changes were made I’d seriously reconsider it.

Should be, thus why its a simple suggestion.

I was thinking, shotgun hulls could be craftable. Paper cartridges are a craftable thing IRL, paper shotgun shells are a thing people craft. Shotguns are low-pressure firearms, they have thin barrels, weak actions. So it’s why shotgn shells are made from thin plastic. The brass/aluminum/steel head on a shotgun shell is literally only there to provide a sturdy lip for the extractor to grab.

I think shotgun shells are literally the only kind of modern-type ammo a survivor could hand fabricate artisan style. So post-cataclysm shotgun shell hulls would be 4-8 papers, superglue, tin can OR aluminum can OR scrap metal OR plastic chunks

Would require swage and die, cutting tool, hammering tool and maybe a stupid amount of time because hand-crafting shotgun shell hulls would be tedious and labor-intensive. Would not require precise machining like typical pistol and rifle cartridges, so it should be doable.

If the player has a “baseball” and a “baseball bat”, there should be the option to Load the Baseball into the Bat and fire the baseball at an enemy.

Maybe throwing with a bat wielded increasing strength and accuracy of the throw, instead.

Farmer profession could use some additional seeds, say cotton for example.

Also - maybe add the, oh so precious and rare pasta extruder to one of the cooking professions.

Maybe throwing with a bat wielded increasing strength and accuracy of the throw, instead.[/quote]

Wouldn t that make it instead much harder to aim and hit ? + strength – accuracy

It would also make the throw take longer.

I want a bombardier kinda slingshot, so you can launch molotovs and grenades farther using your strength and archery skill instead of throwing.

I want to be able to use the Toilet.

Maybe throwing with a bat wielded increasing strength and accuracy of the throw, instead.[/quote]

Wouldn t that make it instead much harder to aim and hit ? + strength – accuracy

It would also make the throw take longer.[/quote]

It probably should make it much harder to aim, take longer, and hit harder.

But its a lot of effort for something that’s mostly a joke, I think, thus my idea just to make it a fire once weapon.

Clothing that can fit mutated anatomy should be able to be worn with power armor. I don’t see why power armor would realistically prevent me from wearing a cloak.

No system in place to prevent layering the cloak under power armor.

the ability to tailor normal clothes that can fit Huge mutants. i mean, if you are a maxed out tailor willing to devote the materials, you should be able too.

No system in place to prevent layering the cloak under power armor.[/quote]
Actually, there is. Try putting on a clothing item while wearing a suit of power armor. Chances are, it will say that you can’t wear that because your wearing power armor. (Not the games exact words, but basically means the same thing.)

That prevents wearing other clothes altogether, not layering them.

Someone fix the throwing system, please. It really breaks inmersion how every survivor seems to have been one of those dudes that throw the ball in that weird baseball game of yours. (?

It could be something like this:

Probability of hitting: (size of object being thrown - encumbrance) + (size of enemy - enemy’s dodge skill)

[quote=“StopSignal, post:1558, topic:5570”]Someone fix the throwing system, please. It really breaks inmersion how every survivor seems to have been one of those dudes that throw the ball in that weird baseball game of yours. (?

It could be something like this:

Probability of hitting: (size of object being thrown - encumbrance) + (size of enemy - enemy’s dodge skill)[/quote]
The only exaggerated thing is how fast you get the skill. I can’t hit the broad side of the barn when throwing, but if I expend effort and spend a solid week throwing I’ll be hitting where I aimed much, much more. Skill matters.