Needful things (simple additions to improve the game)

Midaychi, if you have Z-levels on, there’s already ramps that do what you wish for.

Another thing to change from integral to a mod: headphones/earbuds. Right now the mp3 player is the only thing you can listen to quietly, but if you could remove its earbuds and add them to the ebook reader or the radio to listen to them quietly it’d be pretty useful in just cutting down amount of extra shit to carry. Or maybe make earbuds a clothing item that mutes whatever you’re listening to?

Or you could yank the earbuds out and, if it has a speaker, gain a bigger morale bonus from having your own background music? o3o

One thing i’d still love to see is the ability to drag/roll barrels and kegs… Too many times I found a legendary wooden keg filled with glorious whisky, and wasn’t able to salvage it without giving him a triple hernia from the weight. Or add a comparable ‘dolly’ crate that have the exact volume parameters as the largest crate, so you can wheel em around like a shopping cart.

Can the range of spears be increased so I can hit a few more squares with circular distances turned on?

Basically I want to be able to use a spear to hit the squares that a knight would be able to capture in chess, but not be able to reach two diagonals away. Could the range of the spear be adjusted to like 2.5 to allow this?

Sewers/subway start. When the cataclysm hit, you thought it was a good idea to hide down in the subways/sewers, or you’re just a bum squatting in the area. At first you thought it was a good idea to hide down there, but then you realize your only real exit is up top where the hordes are, not to mention the fact that there’s some things lurking down here that don’t look too friendly.

I like that idea.

Also, a FEMA camp start possibly?

Plastic bag of Coughdrops

perhaphs also if you read flavor text they could be Swedish coughdrops and they provide a higher moral bonus. :stuck_out_tongue:

sitting here eating a coughdrop

[quote=“AseaHeru, post:2667, topic:5570”]I like that idea.

Also, a FEMA camp start possibly?[/quote]

No reason why not.
FEMA camp could be a starting location for some of the various military (e.g military recruit/national guard) or scientist-type professions-- although I think the only one that really qualifies would be… Bionic boffin maybe? Do we have any hazmat technician profession or anything? Definitely not the student.
Also maybe some of the patient/mutated patient type profs.

I’d say police/firefighters as well, but they should really get to spawn in their own buildings. Police already can but I can’t remember if the firefighter does.

These sort-of exist already. The dolly can be built with vehicle construction (take a shopping trolley, rip out its basket and put a cargo carrier there for 1000 volume). Dragging huge items can be achieved with the advanced inventory management “/”. Although it’s a bit inefficient, if you move items from tile to tile your character is never actually holding them and doesn’t take any strain under the weight.

I would like to be able to turn American Flags into an Uncle Sam suit. (Better yet, an armoured “Steve Rogers” suit.)

Slightly less simple, clone the FANCY system and create GAUDY so that we can have variations of style.

We should be able to heat up food with a frying pan or pot by applying it while in range of a fire, like we can with a hotplate.

That’s a BRILLIANT idea!

Scent-marking should be a thing, like, if you live somewhere, it should smell like you, and some animals should avoid it, maybe some animals should have a chance to avoid or pursue, depending on whether that group is cautious or hungry. And generators should probably produce a massive stink.

Of course, all of this could already be in and I wouldn’t notice…

Welding Mask item. Provides same protection as goggles to your entire face and still allows you to weld, but is severely encumbering to the mouth.

Could’ve sworn somebody mentioned that they were going to work on that. ;w;

I’m sure this has been said before, but we really need a way to more or less safely tow one vehicle behind another.

Could’ve sworn somebody mentioned that they were going to work on that. ;w;[/quote]

I discovered it’d necessitate modifying the source, and I can’t compile here.

Simple or not, but needful improvement. Now it seems like in the future there will be more alternative fuel cars: hybrid or even steam and wood gasifier, compressed air maybe. Gasoline only will be rare.

And also I was wondering why theres no broken windows, no blood strains everywhere zombies are? Did they all turn to zombies so peacefully?
In addition there could be places still untouched, with no zeds. And it should alert the player even more! Because there`s probably something more scary than zeds!

Important! So it is possible to make retroactive processes for NPC? Then we must have this for fires! When you ignite a building, go somewhere for week and return - it continues its burning from the point you left it. And overloads computer. How about simplifying burning so that you leave it for some time, come back, and everything that could burn is burned? Or extinguished if rains nearby.

Ah, I see. What parts were the sticking point for that? o.o