Necromancy Mod Issues/Questions

My character finally found marloss berries, so I made a minion. However I have no idea what to do with them. Is there a way to put a backpack on them. They can’t seam to ride on my vehicle. Can they be deactivated?

Also, the revival Serum doesn’t automatically prompt to fill a container and therefore ends up in your inventory outside of a container. Is this a bug or is the revival serum not a liquid? Also, this looks dangerous to eat at -2147483648 nutrition. Is this supposed to have such an insane level amount?
(build 2970 sdl Windows 8.1)

IIRC the nutrition is intentional as the stuff warns you not to eat it yourself. Haven’t looked at it in a while though, and the zed minions are less useful than zlaves as nobody ported the code over.

I’ve looked everywhere but I have yet to find any guide on how that mod works. I like the idea of those zombie minions but they seem like the most basic of things ever. I can’t locate any information on more advanced minion creation.

There is no advanced minion creation in this mod. Only zeds and blobs. Not sure if the maintainer is still around.
It works like this: you make the items, use them and it spawns a blob or zed. If you pass a skill check it is friendly, otherwise hostile.