My issues with the current experimental and the game in general

Before I say this, I should preface it by saying that I know it is an experimental version, and that it is being improved. That being said, I do have some issues with it and the game in general at the moment.

Firstly, I can only hope that acid dissolving things is added back into the game soon, and I’m having difficulty understanding why it was removed. Secondly, spawn rates seem to be messed up. I’m finding much less food than I used to find at lower rates of item spawn. This could be intentional, in which case I think we would all like it if more customisation could be added, in the shape of a food item spawn rate/mod. I, for one, don’t like scraping through cupboards nearly as much as sitting on a stack of food. Zombie spawn also seems a bit kooky, though I guess the code could have been changed for it.

Thirdly, I would like it if there was an option to remove robots and zombies fighting. Turrets are pathetic now, as you just have to wait for them to run out of ammo fighting zombies. It is quite annoying having a high-level enemy effectively nerfed like this.

I agree that acid not desolving things like it used to is sad but it should be added back properly with it destroying the right things instead of everything.

Why should turrets not fire on zombies?

But I love that feature, solely for the ability to dance circles around them to mock their impotence, and give them silly nicknames while they boop at me in frustration. o3o

I will admit that I have mixed feelings about the removal of acid damaging items. The reason was because it was as much of an annoyance it was a boon, plus it was considered to be a bit odd. Apparently having acid be that potent, especially for acidic zombies, was considered implausible.

That said, I can see one important point in favor of removing item damage. Acidic zombies can wade through acid effortlessly when alive (ish), so it’s inconsistent for them to lose this immunity on death. Which is unfortunate, because that was the only positive to acid being able to melt stuff.

[quote=“Valpo, post:2, topic:10875”]I agree that acid not desolving things like it used to is sad but it should be added back properly with it destroying the right things instead of everything.

Why should turrets not fire on zombies?[/quote]
Turrets are a very difficult enemy, and it is absurd that they become almost a non-threat if you leave them long enough to run out of ammo.

But I love that feature, solely for the ability to dance circles around them to mock their impotence, and give them silly nicknames while they boop at me in frustration. o3o

I will admit that I have mixed feelings about the removal of acid damaging items. The reason was because it was as much of an annoyance it was a boon, plus it was considered to be a bit odd. Apparently having acid be that potent, especially for acidic zombies, was considered implausible.

That said, I can see one important point in favor of removing item damage. Acidic zombies can wade through acid effortlessly when alive (ish), so it’s inconsistent for them to lose this immunity on death. Which is unfortunate, because that was the only positive to acid being able to melt stuff.[/quote]
I can see that the old acid was perhaps a bit too potent; personally I liked that, but the modern acid is ridiculously weak.

Possibly, yeah.

Two things I wish were features, to add my own pet peeves here…first, being able to toggle the greying-out filter for tiles. Second, I kinda miss being prompted “you’re tired, stop doing stuff?” when hitting tired and not dead tired.

There’s no level of acid strength where it makes sense for it to dissolve large volumes of items on the ground, but isn’t invariably fatal on contact with a survivor. If someone has some actual facts about how acids work when in contact with large volumes of various substances, including flesh, that contradict my understanding of this, we can talk, but refering to the previous state of the game or other games isn’t going to get you anywhere.
The previous mechanic where it was sort of dangerous to the survivor but massively damaging to items was a game-ism, and it’s most likely not coming back. The popularity point of view seems to be a wash as well, because there seem to be at least as many people strongly in support of removing item-melting as there are who want it back.

If you have complaints about spawn rates, whether of items or of monsters, we need numbers. “Too high” and “too low” are both so vague that they will be immediately ignored as feedback.

Turrets are just going to be helpless in cities, and only work at full effectiveness if they’re isolated from hostile targets. Just think of them as window dressing if they spawn in a city.

Its not absurd. Its quite logical that a static none maintained defense cannon would run out of ammo when fighting hordes of targets for infinity. Your reasoning boils down to : One of the enemies i did love fighting is gimped because they now operate in a sensical manner.
If thats the case i opose the notion.

[quote=“Kevin Granade, post:6, topic:10875”]There’s no level of acid strength where it makes sense for it to dissolve large volumes of items on the ground, but isn’t invariably fatal on contact with a survivor. If someone has some actual facts about how acids work when in contact with large volumes of various substances, including flesh, that contradict my understanding of this, we can talk, but refering to the previous state of the game or other games isn’t going to get you anywhere.
The previous mechanic where it was sort of dangerous to the survivor but massively damaging to items was a game-ism, and it’s most likely not coming back. The popularity point of view seems to be a wash as well, because there seem to be at least as many people strongly in support of removing item-melting as there are who want it back.[/quote]

And like I said, even if we ignored the issue of how realistic the acid is, the only reason I liked acid damage was nonsensical anyway. ;w;

[quote=“Illogical_Blox, post:4, topic:10875”][quote=“Valpo, post:2, topic:10875”]I agree that acid not desolving things like it used to is sad but it should be added back properly with it destroying the right things instead of everything.

Why should turrets not fire on zombies?[/quote]
Turrets are a very difficult enemy, and it is absurd that they become almost a non-threat if you leave them long enough to run out of ammo.[/quote]

That is usually only the case when the turret spawns at a roadblock, which you would expect most of those turrets to have run out of ammo already. I would give them a lot more ammo though, probably up to about 500 rounds. This would make turrets effective enough to kill zombies at roadblocks and still likely to have ammo left over, though it is possible that it could attract an entire small town’s worth of zombies and kill them all.

So the question is, should they be consistent? After day 1 the first wave of zombies should get back up and get killed again, which will repeat until the player shows up, some kind of regen-limiting mechanic kicks in, or the turret runs out of ammo. This is even neglecting the fact that the gunfire should be attracting every zombie in the town, so there should just be a mass of zombies accumulating until the turrets run out. Really I think any roadblocks in towns should spawn in an overrun state with everything smashed, that’s the only way I can think of that things would actually be consistent.

Well i kinda like seeing them get overun instead of arriving with the deed done. Its fine as is Kevin.
You can lure z into roadblocks to kill the zs or the turrets whatever. Lots of fun. Turrets are mostly dangerous in enclosed spaces like labs anyways.

Yeah it’s a tough call. It’s enjoyable with the roadblock as either an obstacle to be avoided or a tool to incorporate in a strategy. Maybe it could be a time-based thing though maybe?

If we could make the world progress as time goes by without you beeing there… well that would be absolutely fatastic. It should aply to everything then though:

Like houses beeing raided/destroied, the shroom and triffids spreading , survivor camps progressing ect.

Actually now that I think of it this was a feature I’d planned for my hordes overhaul, the turret and the zombies could interact on the overmap scale, and we could have a catch-up mechanic if they only get loaded some time into the cataclysm.

do you mean some kind of “prep time” before hordes start to spawn? because that would be grand now that I think of it. Something like “you’ve got five days to prepare!” and then pants or not, you’ve got zombies walking around outside.

Has nobody else noticed how you can have your entire legs melted off without even bruising your shoes?

do you mean some kind of “prep time” before hordes start to spawn? because that would be grand now that I think of it. Something like “you’ve got five days to prepare!” and then pants or not, you’ve got zombies walking around outside.[/quote]

What you describe is how the old dynamic spawn mode worked, minus the Zs from hammerspace thing.

AFAIK the last plan for this was to have turrets actually recognize military zeds as “friendlies” (they’re still wearing their badges, after all), meaning the turrets at roadblocks should still have a significant portion of their ammo left. (While the ones actually in cities are probably gonna use up all their ammo and beep at you instead :P).

AFAIK the last plan for this was to have turrets actually recognize military zeds as “friendlies” (they’re still wearing their badges, after all), meaning the turrets at roadblocks should still have a significant portion of their ammo left. (While the ones actually in cities are probably gonna use up all their ammo and beep at you instead :P).[/quote]

With hordes enabled that just won’t happen, them having their ammo left. The moment they start shooting, all and any zombies nearby are going to drop by for a bit of zombie on turret action.

Fair enough. It’s not like the zombies would recognize them as friendlies, after all. :stuck_out_tongue: